I suffer from costochondritis and have had flare ups off and on for 4 years and I am just looking for some advice on what I can do when I have bad flare ups because I can't take anti inflammatory medications because I am allergic and how can I tell if it's costochondritis and not something else because I get nausea jaw neck and upper arm pain when I have a flare up and I have also spoke to my doctor about this but they said there is not much advice they can give me and when I get a flare up it's a sharp pain on the right side of my chest this flare up has last for over a week and I get the sharp pain in my chest when I go walking
I need advice about costochondritis - Pain Concern
I need advice about costochondritis
Hi there, I don’t have a huge amount of advice as I feel once you have been diagnosed with costochondritis it seems that that is it - apart from suggesting pain relief it feels you are on your own - very disheartening. However from a post on here I watched a video on you tube by Steve August and although I feel he was basically recommended a backpod I found it a very interesting video. I do feel if you are worried though that it may not be costochondritis this time that you need to go back to Dr - maybe an ECG would put mind at rest. I hope you start to feel better soon.
Thanks for the advice and I contacted my doctor and they have gave me an appointment to have an ECG done
It would probably be useful to have your inflammatory markers done too. ESR and CRP. I have Lupus and have regular costochondritis but when it speaks to your neck and jaw it sounds a little like pericarditis which at times can be picked up on an ECG but not always
You can't take anti-inflammatories. I presume you mean NSAIDS, but I wonder if a short sharp course of steroids would help. They are anti-inflammatories but not in the same family as NSAIDs.
Hi happy tulip,
Can I ask you where you get your costochondritis pain? I also have lupus and I have been getting rib pains for the last couple years. When I Google costochondritis pain it says chest and sternum. I get my rib pain in the front ribs under breasts. On the ribs on my sides both sides and ribs on my back as well as scapulas. Can it be costochondritis anywhere on the ribs?
Yes, you've just described exactly where I get the pain. I call it pain "on my wash board." Typical costochondritis is as Google says, around the sternum when the sternum connects to the ribs. It is tender on palpation. However, it is my belief that because we have a inflammatory condition in the form of SLE we kind of get costochondritis but in all areas. Remember it's a condition of the muscular skeletal structures so inflammation can occur anywhere and it sort of happens to the excess with costochondritis.
I'm got it right now after my covid jab and it's really unpleasant.
I hope you find a way to manage yours so you can be more comfortable.
Hi Lorelle09, you have just described costochondritis and how it impacts me. I was diagnosed in 2018 and get terrible flare ups. I am in one now, my pain is the ribs at the front under breasts and on both sides and goes into my back. I had physio for 7 months and my physiotherapist said this was in line with costochondritis symptoms. I spoke to my GP last week who confirmed this happens. It is musculoskeletal and can impact on the ribs, chest and surrounding areas. But mine mirrors yours. Lots of rest.
This will partially depend on why you cannot have anti inflammatories. If it's due to an adverse reaction then can you have the gel forms? Or none at all? Even without the anti inflammatories the advice I was given may be of some help.
When I had costochronditis my rheumy nurse talked me through the treatment plan and told me that if I didn't follow it then it would keep happening. She has patients where it happens every few months or never fully heals because they don't (or can't) follow the plan. I followed it (with lots of frustration & setbacks) but it hasn't reoccurred since. Sorry if this is quite long but I'll try to explain it as briefly as possible.
I was advised to rest it completely, no movement of the shoulder (strap / sling if needed, but this is very important), applying ice for 20 minutes and then anti inflammatory gel immediately after, at least four times a day for the first week or so. This was to take down the initial inflammation but is very frustrating to do (we were in the middle of a huge house renovation!).
Then gradually increase movement, by stretching forwards a few inches to pick things up. Forward is the easiest way to move the shoulder which is why you start there. Only use minimal range to start with, so picking up a pen on the desk or a fork off a table a few inches in front of you and then build up after a couple of days to something a bit further away. If it hurts badly, take it back a stage.
Slowly build up the range of motion, but don't do any cross movements until last (for example, putting a seat belt on/off). While you build up movement heat can be helpful as and when you feel the need to get things mobile again. After a few weeks you should be back to normal. Apparently if you don't ease the joint back in slow enough, then you risk it happening again as the socket gets easy inflamed when you suddenly initiate too much movement again as the pain naturally decreases.
Hope this helps and makes sense x
Hi Guys
Just like Starpop22 , I too have Chostochondritis but it affects my rib cages the front and the back when I take a breathe in especially deep breathes.
This happens every so often and can last weeks. It is extremely excruciating to the point where I cry because there is simply nothing I can do. Each deep breathe is exhausting and my lungs or front ribs feel heavy with an exhaustion kind of pain. As though I've laughed so hard or I just ran a marathon. This is crazy. I have had FND for 4 years and 1/2 but have noticed this has been getting worse and in the way of life the last few years I have FND so do not do a lot because I cannot (Chronic Fatigue is one of my symptoms and its peak at the moment which is real rough with exams going on).
I too can't take anti inflammatories like ibuprofen by mouth but not sure how much gels will help the awkward areas I speak of. I was sure there were other anti inflammatories but my Dr just brushes me aside and did not offer anything to help reduce inflammation. It certainly is because i sometimes get a burning feeling I cannot explain in the ribcages accompanied with swelling and tender to the touch .
I need help please anyone, my GP is useless and has basically said it is what it is and not bothered except I am suffering quite often from this and real badly. Anyone who has had this knows what i mean. FND is quite debilitating for me so this additional problem is making things very difficult.
Many thanks for anyone who reads this and is able to offer some advice.
Love & Light
Gentle Flower
Hi there i to have also costochondritis but i wanted to know if you have costochondritis and what would happen if you sleep on your right side if you have costochondritis on the right side of the breast