How long does constipation last. I have been under Dr for 4 weeks now and a I can't eat.bon complan now and rumbling tummy lots of overflow.have been referred for camera now to see what going on. But I feel terrible and so miserable.
Bad constipation: How long does constipation... - Pain Concern
Bad constipation

Hiya dottilind,as someone who has Crohn's,I know where you're coming from.A few suggestions,drink more water,more fluids,try to move a bit more to get your body and your guts moving again.You can go down the soup,beans and pulses route.I know the problem is new to you but I do take a daily sachet of laxido with my glass of water to keep my motions regular.Check with your medic tho to see if they agree with the laxido sachets.But if you incorporate the soups and pulses,that should get your body moving.Hope it helps.
Hi thank you for that info. I am under the Dr and she has me on 8 sachets of Laxido a day plus senna at night. I am trying to get cuppa soups etc down am on zomorph for pain relief and that is what's is causing this do I am being weaned off these now. Many thanks again.
Hi,8 sachets of laxido sounds a lot,never taken more than 2 daily myself.I don't know anything about zomorph but maybe once you next see your medic,you can maybe change your pain meds to something different.I was diagnosed with gabapentin for pain but I just take regular paracetamol now as and when.Hopefully you and doc can come up with a good solution but these things usually sort themselves out with a small bout of diarrhea.The worse of 2 evils I know.Gd luck ok.
That sounds so painful. I have a neurogenic bowel so suffer a lot from constipation. If I'm really bad I buy a bag of liquorice and eat the lot, because that seems to get things moving.
I had a lot of stomach pain , difficulty eating & constipation, was eventually diagnosed with Celiac after losing 30 lbs
I hope you find out soon what’s going on with your body, it’s very stressful to wait & worry
Do you by any chance have hypermobile joints? Some people with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome or Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder also have a lot of problems with constipation. It might be worth checking that as the treatment might be a little different.
I have suffered from constipation since I had chemotherapy years ago.
The gastroenterologist told me that the only thing he recommends to his patients is Milk of Magnesia.
According to what he told me, the other medications for this problem can be dangerous.
I take it 3 times a week always following the instructions on the bottle. It has worked very well for me.
I have suffered with constipation all my life. I am now 70. I try to eat a very high fibre diet, and this usually works. Keeping mobile helps, plenty of excersise, and when things get worse fybogel helps. This is a high fibre drink, bought in most places. The more you worry it doesn't help.Hope you get it sorted as I know it is uncomfortable.
Hello. I am so depressed feeling like this. I feel so I'll. I am losing a lot of overflow but I feel sick and bloated all the time.been like this now for over 4 weeks. How long does this feeling last. Giddy when I walk so can't go out anywhere. Just wish I could get rid of this terrible feeling.
Had constipation since a child and now 55 taking two laxido a day.
A nurse once told me eating kiwi fruit and drinking water at the same time helps as, seems to be a natural laxative and, does work for me