Low back pain moving?: I have had pain in the... - Pain Concern

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Low back pain moving?

Micafe profile image
20 Replies

I have had pain in the middle of my lower back for several years. It's really bad in the morning when I get out of bed and when I stand up after sitting down for a couple of hours or more. Well, something has changed the last few days. One time I was working on my computer and when I stood up I felt as if I was being stabbed in the left side of my low back. The pain was so bad, it made me scream. My rheumatologist had told me I had a 'minor' problem in my vertebrae. If that is the case why does the pain keep moving from the middle to the side and then, after several hours back to the middle? Btw, the pain on the side is much worse. Getting an appointment with the doctor has been difficult because of the Covid19. Everything is so convoluted nowadays. Has this happened to anyone?

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Micafe profile image
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20 Replies
cyberbarn profile image

Who have you seen about this? It sounds like you should at least talk to your GP surgery, and although at the moment the physios aren't seeing patients, they can talk to people on the telephone.

The thing is, this could be many different things and it would be best to find out what before you figure out what to do about it.

RobbieT profile image

When I told my GP about the pain in my side (it moves to middle lower back - like your description), he said its radiating from my chronoc lower back pain. I have bulging disc & sciatica. I can't remember if it was an xray and/or ultrasound that determined this.

Micafe profile image
Micafe in reply to RobbieT

Thank you so much for your reply.

Jane_the_Pain profile image

I have a 3/4 fracture in my L5 vertabrae and it does the same thing. My doc says it's nerve damage caused by all the sharp bits of bone messing about with my nerves. Your pain could be similar, on a smaller scale, as the nerves that run thru your back/spine travel all over the place. I guess its a bit like an underground map .

Ha ha ha

Also my husband suffers from back pain that is much worse in the mornings as well.

We found out that whenever there's a 'poop' moving thru his bowels it can cause pain, the same goes for wind too and we know how windy men can get.

Barberdiane profile image

I’ve got a bulging disc and spinal stenosis and yes the pain moves about from middle to side to side & also goes up to upper back, I’d say ask for mri scan, don’t know your age but I’ve had pain every single day for 6 months since putting my back out lifting a desk, had mri and I’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis, I’m 57 so young to get it but your pain sounds like your describing mine.

Micafe profile image
Micafe in reply to Barberdiane

Thank you so much for your reply..

Manorlady profile image

The pain and movement might be your sciattic nerve , l have that but on a much bigger scale have had it for 16 months gets worse all the time .I had a call from the hospital this morning saying the surgeon is going to give me a call in the morning , l was shocked to get the call , have mixed feeling scared, relief they are starting ops again, terrifed in case treatment does not work .

Micafe profile image
Micafe in reply to Manorlady

My best luck to you. I think it's a good thing the surgeon is going to call you. It means he's interested in your case.. :-)

Manorlady profile image
Manorlady in reply to Micafe

Hi he called and asked me what of 3 options l would like to happen 1 Physio 2 Spinal injection 3 operation to fuse vertebrae, l was not expecting these options as l was told when l saw Consultant first they would do injection . I had to think l asked him for his advise he said it is up to me as l only know what pain etc ,l told him l had been waiting 17 months it was a disgrace to have this unbearable situation for so long . I listened to what he said injection would take 8 weeks to take full effect then l would have to go back for others it was not a fix just pain relief so l went for operation l can't have this pain for months l need it sorted now , he said ok l will have to see the consultant again so l am waiting for an appiontment to come through l will be in hospital 4 to 5 days and will walk out no lifting just rest for 6 weeks after .That sounds better . I have been so bad overnight again it is going in to my right leg the pain now all begins are risen l just have to get this sorted had enough of morphine and vomiting

Micafe profile image
Micafe in reply to Manorlady

Yay!!!... Good for you!. That's what I would have done!. I have had so many surgeries. If I tell you, you won't believe me! (I'm not kidding). I have always said I'd rather have surgeries than long treatments. It has always worked for me. It would be a blessing if all my current problems could be surgically removed.🙄

I wish you all the luck in the world!!! 👩

Manorlady profile image
Manorlady in reply to Micafe

Will keep in touch xx

Numbum profile image
Numbum in reply to Manorlady

Hi Manorlady

Can I ask what your diagnosis is? How debilitating is the pain? Have you had an MRI scan - How have you been treating your problem?

I am curious as wondered why you have chosen option 3.

Manorlady profile image
Manorlady in reply to Numbum

Hi Numnum l have treated this by taking morphine 4x times a day plus pain killers .l have come off pain killers l was vomiting very bad .it is 10 days now since calls from consultant l have heard NOTHING ! I have had and MRI last Dec waited 5 months for it ,it showed degenitive discs so they have to been fixed and a spinal injection will not do that .l am very depressed at the moment . It is 17 months l have been waiting unable to walk or straighten upright .l am paying over £100 a month for Voltarol 2.32 4 to 5 tubes a month to help the pain .it doesn't make you sick as its not internally you rub it in , The Naproxen have damaged my kidneys.

I am just not able to live l have sent a complaint to NHS on advice of my GP . I have been sent home after 2 x 999 calls screaming in agony 4 months ago as the hospital main does not have a spinal unit my GP heard me screaming when he called to see how l was he told me l must go to A&E an have intravenous pain killer through a caphitar l told him they would send me home again he said l will give you a letter they will not , he made me promise l would go after a terrible journey getting there l was put in a cubicle put a canular in 13hrs later had no drugs nothing to eat or drink got worse felt very sick got a cab to take me home took some morphine . Next day called GP he was so angry thats when the complaint went in .The joke is the hospital that is doing spinal work is PRIVATE FITZWILLIAM. I HAVE READ REVIEWS AND THEY SAY NHS PATIENTS ARE TREATED VERY BAD SAYING THEY NEVER WANT TO GO THERE AGAIN ! So that is the story terrible .

Numbum profile image
Numbum in reply to Manorlady

Is it back pain or sciatic pain you are suffering with?

Manorlady profile image
Manorlady in reply to Numbum

L4 L5 are spinal motion segments S1 is scaral vertabre they all work through Sciattic nerve . l see on news that Simon Cowell had fallen off Electric bike 2 days ago had a 6hr operation to fix 5 brakes in back

Truffs profile image
Truffs in reply to Manorlady

Is your pain in your back, legs or both? Do understand why you took the operation option as you want your spine problem fixed but I’m surprised that the Consultant didn’t refer you for physiotherapy. While you are waiting for the operation the physio could be helping you to strengthen core muscles and prevent this from happening again. Are you having a fusion or discectomy? Are you taking anti inflammatories? A women had her operation cancelled when I was in hospital because she hadn’t stopped her anti inflammatories... Plus they said stop topical ones too! Would never want that to happen to anyone else, she was hysterical.

If you want to get hold of your Consultant ring the NHS Hospital he’s based at, ask to speak to his secretary, you should be able to find your patient number on an out patients appointment card.

Always remember if it wasn’t because of people like yourself plus lots of others Consultants wouldn’t have a job. The secretary should be able to tell you when you’re being operated on or direct you to someone else who has the information.

Good luck hope the operation’s very soon & finally provides relief from your pain 😊

Manorlady profile image
Manorlady in reply to Truffs

Hello, l went to hospital yesterday for my Spinal operation .l told the Surgeon about the grossly swollen left buttock and pain is excruciating he examined me and said it was SPASAM well l didn't know what that meant he didn't explain .l had 2 injections in my back they put dye through and used xray to guide injections they gave me 3 lots of anasthetic as l was in so much pain lwas screaming theatre down . When l got home l google spasam in buttock and this was problem all along .lt states on Google that they never look in to Spasam and this should be as it it worse than L4 L5 injury .So l have had a good night as l got some sleep but buttock is still very swollen and pain when sitting is awfull they say the Steriods will take up to 3 weeks to work will have a call in 6 weeks from Surgeon to see if l need operation .

Truffs profile image
Truffs in reply to Manorlady

Not sure exactly what your Surgeon was referring to by Spasm but it usually means muscle spasm. The muscles go very hard and tense if you speak to your GP a couple days of muscle relaxants would solve that problem in your buttock however not the spine problem.

Spine injection’s can be extremely painful depending on area etc Keep everything crossed it works for you so you get some relief.

As you choose operation why did he do the injections 1st? Was that to see which area was causing the pain? So will you still definitely be having an operation?

Remember if you don’t understand a term the Surgeon say ask him to explain it, that’s their job! 😊

Manorlady profile image

Veins sorry are risen

Micafe profile image
Micafe in reply to Manorlady


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