I am getting really fed up with always finding pain somewhere else on my body. At night I can’t sleep with excruciating pain from my upper thigh hip area down to my knee. I’m waiting to be seen by a physio to access as to wether I need a hip replacement. It’s one thing after another. Any thoughts from anyone appreciated.
More Painnnnn!: I am getting really fed up with... - Pain Concern
More Painnnnn!
Hi there, Thank you for your post! It is good progress that you have an upcoming appointment to discuss this with your physio. As you mentioned the pain in various regions of your body, it is important to update both your physio and GP on these, so that they can advise the best way forward for working towards treating this.
In the meantime, there are some mindfulness techniques that you can adopt when you feel that the pain has become excruciating. If you feel yourself focusing on the pain, it may be useful to focus your mind on a simple but repetitive task that can move your focus of attention away from the pain. In your everyday life, if you are experiencing pain that is affecting you, it can be a good idea to cut back on activities, taking it easier but not to stop altogether. Do also go to friends or family perhaps to ask for help when needed, which may take some pressure off yourself.
If you would like any further information, or have any other queries do let us know
Thank you for your kind response.
I am on pain medication but also attended a six week Pain Management Course. It had lots of useful tips including mindfulness and varying activities, e.g change posture and activity every hour, but that was alongside relevant pain management / medication.
Sleep is a time for the body to heal. I certainly sounds like your pain needs further investigation and possibly a change of medication. I take some medication for sleep and it helps a lot, but finding the root cause of your pain is your number one priority - well it would be for me!
Phsyio can help so do try there recommendations. I found some exercies which the physio recommended useful and others exacerbated the pain. It was helpful for the physio to build a picture of what was going on. I am now waiting an MRI hopefully in March.
Non medicine approach..pillows elevated under ur legs,heating pad,hot shower prior to bedtime,look into a vitamin deficiency making pain worse.
Try an Epsom salt bath before bed. The magnesium sulphate crystals help muscles relax.
Magnesium bis-glycinate calms muscle spasms to.
Thanks for your kind reply. Appreciated!
Do you take magnesium?
Chelated or bisglycinate are the most bioavailable. Take at bedtime on an empty stomach with water.
Avoid inflammatory foods, ensure your diet is free from all processed “food”, & that you get enough micronutrients to ensure your body works best for you.
I had an operation on my Spine about 8 weeks ago... I have no proper feeling in my right leg and foot and pain in my back so I went ahead with the Op.... The staff were great as I suffer with anxiety and depression also agoraphobic.... The first 2-3 weeks were pretty good... Then slowly the pain was back and its now starting in my left leg I went back to the surgeon and he thinks now that there is some Fibrosis (scar tissuing) so I am to have another MRI.... So I know what you are saying to pain I also live with it daily.... Cannot remember the last time I had a proper sleep.... I have been put on lots of Meds... All seem to do nothing... I have been told that I may need another Op... But I will be thinking hard whether or not I will.... Hope you find something to help I know I probably haven't helped much but I do know what you are going through... Good Luck
I look at as a positive
I get so fed up with being in pain with my lower back that when a worse pain pops up somewhere else it's quite refreshing.
I've been in chronic pain since 1984 so have had a very close relationship with pain. The best way to get through it is to try to look on the bright side.
Also I keep some painkillers as floaters, instead of taking them all the time and having to overdose to have a break I reduced what I was taking.