hi there, actually i want to know how you spend your day with a chronic pain, how did you all stop the anxiety from this think (that i cant do my best because of pain) or similar thinks ?
people with chronic pain: hi there, actually i... - Pain Concern
people with chronic pain

Hi, I try to keep doing whatever to block it out as a)I get something done and b) I pretend or ignore it as much as I can. Doing little does not help even if I only do stuff for 20 minutes I feel as if I have achieved something.
This is probably not the most popular answer but if my pain is bad (9/10) I have no hesitation in taking my opiate pain meds. I can’t think straight when pain levels get this high., so I have no choice. Tried everything but nothing seems to work.
Hi there, try and focus away from the pain it is hard I know but there is little hobbies you can do reading , knitting, potter about in garden etc, make sure that you have take your medication on time and try and not get into stressful situations .

yes exactly, thanks for advice
Hermes123, As a very long term suffer of pain, since 1969. yes when the men landed on the moon I injured my back, there were no operation so I had to wait until 1981. I believe it was that waiting period left me to suffer right up to this day. Things are different these days depending on the circumstances, are you young and normally fit, then you have a good chance if one does not have to wait to long.
As for coping with pain its a case of mind over matter, take on as much as physically possible, projects, work your way though the pain as best you can, yes you will get set backs from time to time! But your suffer much more pain if you do nothing.
Research good balms and creams that can help you, it might mean you will help your self that way, these products very rarely effect your medication, if you are not certain ask your Doctor if it's OK to use. Hermes. Good Luck.
Hi, thanks for the reply, as you said i will suffer more pain if i do nothing, i try to remember that
Sound advice. I attended a pain therapy management course run by a physiotherapist and a psychologist. At no time did they say 'stop taking the medication'. One of the problems with long term pain is that our nervous systems become sensitised and can cause a heightened reaction. Part of managing is to keep the level manageable, don't wait until it is unbearable, it just resets the nervous system to 'high alert'!
There were lots of tips such as varying activities, including relaxation tips, gentle exercise, and pursuits which engage our attention away from the pain. It is important to counteract any negatives streams of thought such as 'I am no use' as those add to our inability to cope, rather look at what you still can do and concentrate on that.Reaffirm your worth as a person. Finding a way of coping means varied strategies and seeing what helps you. Having said that 'working through the pain' is only helpful if you are sure that it is not doing more damage so it is important to know what is causing your particular pain.