Pregabalin: Does anyone know how to split... - Pain Concern

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foxglove profile image
42 Replies

Does anyone know how to split Pregabalin capsule (100mg)?

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foxglove profile image
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42 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

You don't split them.

Who has told you to do this?


foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Bananas5

I know not advised - I just wanted to take Half dose without the bother of TRYING to get dr. appt. Does pull apart and can be separated (but difficult) and of course not easy to know if dose equally divided. Still will take a chance

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to foxglove

It really isn't a good idea.

Why do you only want to take half anyway? If you are reducing it is done in multiples of 100mg.


in reply to Bananas5

If you have taken them as full ones before and benefited why would you want to try and half them if they are working my answer is to do what it says on the box.

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to

I was taking 50 mg twice daily but not really noticing any effect and stupidly thought I would do better on higher dose. See my reply to Bananas5!!! Really I think I would be better off just stopping altogether.

in reply to foxglove

Hi foxglove, 50mg is a low dose im on 300 twice a day top dose and it only takes the edge of but it's better than nothing I tried gabberpentin but that wasn't effective as I have said numerous times you have to try medication what's best for you.

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to

Thanks for reply, dr. told me 50mg was low dose that's why I opted for 100mg twice daily but that definitely o.t.t .for me!. Agree that one needs to find med. that suits. I admire you for being able to take 600mg I think I would be like one of the walking dead on that dose. If you don't mind what are you on such a high dose for? and I'm glad it at least takes edge of . Hope you find something that really works.

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to

p.s. have just checked your profile and think it's a form of arthritis you have, I have (I think) RA which I can cope with, the pregabalin was prescribed for peripheral neuropathy which it does nothing for...was better before I started on it...definitely not the med. for me. Ah well back to the drawing board

TheBear55 profile image
TheBear55 in reply to

Agreed. I'm on 300mg twice a day for neuropathic pain caused by spinal injury. Coming off pregabalin is something that should only be done under medical supervision. It's not advisable to do so by just stopping usage. This can be extremely dangerous. I am in total agreement with Longsider.

Pinky2233 profile image

Splitting was personally the best thing for me for gabapentin. Don’t know about pregab.

I order from the pharmacy the capsules with black lettering ( any capsule you can certainly try). Those open easiest for me.

I put the bigger or over the capsule side down( try over a sink) pinch the capsule and tap the top. Then gently turn and pinch till you lift out the top. The medicine makes a standing cone without the capsule around it. Then I tap it down to the Bottom capsule so I get exactly 50 mg instead of 100.

This was the only way I could avoid the horrible dizziness going up and down

Let me know if it works for you. Good luck and be very specific with the measuring!

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Pinky2233

They come as a specific medication. Why did you need to split them?


foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Bananas5

I was trying 100mg twice daily but found it too "overpowering" if you can understand , I had been taking 50 mg twice daily but thought I could do with an increase, dr. offered 75mg or 100mg twice daily but in a feeling dangerous mood I opted for the higher dose!- silly me

Yogibe profile image
Yogibe in reply to foxglove

Hi foxglove I am on 900mg and also on 500mg of OxyContin

I think u should go back and talk to your pain specialist and ask him the best way to go about it

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Yogibe

How you doing Peter? David came off his Oxycontin...took him 2 years!


foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Pinky2233

Sounds a complicated manoeuvre but I'll try. Think the same rules apply to both Gaba. and Pre.

Pinky2233 profile image

It was easy for me just open and tap down to get exact measurements then Recap. Worked me me very easily

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Pinky2233

Sounds good! Maybe I'm thick...? how do you open capsule without scrunching it?

Pinky2233 profile image

Maybe get some Tylenol capsules and practice opening squeeze and twisting while holding it vertically over a bowl, tapping down and recapping

Just try til you feel the tap down is a perfect measure to the top of the capsule then tap down

It’s easy to see the medicine at the top of the capsule

This way you don’t waste medicine

Just a thought

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Pinky2233

Thanks for latest tip. I have been holding pre. horizontally. Perhaps a mistake?

Pinky2233 profile image

The goal is to loosen the seal. Are you pinching just the bottom and wiggling back and forth the top?

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Pinky2233

How did you guess? Don't think I'll ever get the knack!

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to foxglove

BINGO! I've managed to split 3 capsules, what a tiring Sunday it's been. Will give you peace now - thanks for your patience.

Hi foxglove, yes I have to take that dosage as I have neuro pain all over body due to cervical myelopathy long story had op but I was to far gone bladder and bowel dysfunction im going back to Walton center this Thursday to see surgeon as c3 c6c7 are showing changes , I have to take medication or I wouldn't be able to operate but that's life and I won't dwell on it and if I can help anyone with advice I will😁.

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to

I fully understand the need to take med. in order to function esp. if pain is severe. Chronic pain is the pits1 You have all my sympathy and I'm grateful for your advice and help. I admire your attitude.

in reply to foxglove

We have no choice but to try medication to try and give us some relief if it works , I worry more about my bladder and bowel I don't want to go back to those dark days when I had a bag on for nearly a year I have to manage them best I can at moment .

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to

Good luck and wishes

Why not ask your Gp for a extra box of 25 or 50mg for when you like to take a different dose??? I have an extra box of 25mg for when I need to up my doses for a few days. Much easier and more reliable than trying to split the capsule

(Just don’t take more than the max dose of 600mg a day)

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to

I have a reserve of 50mg capsules (a stash) but I was frustrated that I couldn't work out how to split! Think I've sussed it now! Your option of course is sensible.


Loulou12345 profile image

Please speak to a professional, it is a very difficult drug of come off. Having been on 800 mg a day. When I tried to control my own dose I was very sick. Mentally and physically. The UK have made this a controlled drug for very good reasons. It took me nearly 9 months to be clear of taking it Now I am completely off it I am now and I am still trying to put my life back in order

If you split a powder capsule how will you know which active ingredients you are getting? They do provide this in 25 mg 50mg , 100mg and 200mg capsules. I e taken them all.

Please find a professional before you tinker with this drug. I hope you feel well soon. X

Kingsley09 profile image

I wanted to change dosage of pregabalin and so I rang my Drs surgery and asked for a telephone appointment to discuss my medication I was taking and a dr rang me back and prescribe the dosage I wanted they will usually do that and there is no need to go into the surgery to see them at least that is here in England it saves time for them to hope this helps you can get pregabalin in 25 mg 50mg 75mg so maybe lowering it maybe of help I’ve had to play about with mine to find the best I can cope with with of course my Drs help

I’ve just got back from seeing my GP, in England. I am on pregablin and am stopping it to go on Gabentin. The Dr said I must decrease dosage by 25mg for 3 days and repeat until on 25 for 3 days then stop. It’s dangerous to suddenly stop and need to taper it off gradually. Normal dosage for me 125mg. Mine are capsules taken 12 hourly. They are SLOW RELEASE so dangerous to split them as then you get whole dose in one go instead of slow release. That’s why they mustn’t be chewed.

Yours might be different but I think you need to speak to a Doctor and ask for 25mg tablets so can taper dose. Wishing you well

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to

Thanks for good wishes and concern. I have stopped pregabalin twice in the past as i thought it pretty useless,..keep trying it as I want to find something that works didn't know folks had probs. stopping all at once till i read posts on HU,I can assure I had no probs. at all. Think a lot can be caused by imagination!

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to

p.s. Think your dr. is more timid than mine. My dr. very much a stop it and see what happens sort as I think a lot are re.pregabalin

Bananas5 profile image

I can assure you the effects of stopping pregabalin suddenly is not in anyone's imagination.

It even says in the not stop taking this medicine.

It should always be started low, increased slowly...and the reverse is equally important.

Too many GPs are totally unaware of the dangerous withdrawal of this drug.


foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Bananas5

Do you believe all it says in leaflets?

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to foxglove


And having studied, and been involved with chronic pain for 40 years, have no reason not to believe.

When it comes to Gabapentin and should take the advice very seriously


foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Bananas5

Odd thing is I never really had ANY pain till I met the mighty pregab. (maybe from to time to time what I would call a degree of discomfort) I had ophthalmic shingles some years ago and when consultant asked what I was taking for pain, I said no pain just the discomfort thingy. He said in his long career he had never heard eye shingles so described . I was not being brave really no pain that I noticed! Maybe that is why I think it's better just stopped rather than messing about. I do appreciate your concern and will be careful

CarolineC57 profile image

I've sent you a message, Foxglove. When I was trying to wean off pregab (my chronic pain turned out to be due to something else, not fibro) I followed the advice given by US rehab clinics (they help people wean off pregab over there). I've explained all this in my message to you, about how to "split" a capsule.

Loulou12345 profile image

As mentioned pregablin can have long effects even after you have stopped. Trust me it’s not in my imagination or thousands also in this situation and it’s very unhelpful posting such a comment.

Unless you have a degree in chemistry I fail to see how this is not putting you in danger and suggesting to others it works just ask your doctor for the right sizes dose and find a doctor who fully aware of the side effects of a drug developed for Parkinson’s and epilepsy and has shown it works for nerve pain and more recently RSL.

When I had a slipped at c7 disc trapping a nerve I was offered the gabba drugs and opted for pregablin because it can help. Biggest mistake of my life.

As frustrating as it can be we have to follow the right path or we are self medicating.

Trust me I still live in a world of pain and rsl and I just have to keep going and taking a pill will not solve everything. I am currently trying to get used to having adapted aids in my home in my early 40,S and have been battling lower and upper slopped discs and nerve impingement since I was 20. I have been prescribed most treatments and all I know is everyone is different and there is no one cure for all just various on how we cope.

Apologies for the late response I have a lot going on at present.

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Loulou12345

No need to apologise Loulou12345 you have a lot to cope with I do hope you've got something that helps with pain what ever it is . Good wishes, I know everyone is different and we must allow for that .I know I feel so amazing if I just have a normal relatively pain free day . Hope you have some of these too sending hugs. xx

Vectron profile image

I have been on 50mg AM and 50mg PM for 4 days for Anxiety it’s made it worse! Is it easier to stop as it’s only 4 days?

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