Pregabalin: Hi folks, it's me again. You'll be... - Pain Concern

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Hi folks, it's me again. You'll be tired of me going on soon! It's my third day on Pregabalin, 150mg twice a day. I have a terrible headache, it's been getting worse all day along with a loud buzzing noise in my ears. I have been reading up about this and it seems that people who experience these side effects can end up with a degree of permanent hearing loss. Has anyone else had these problems? I'm seriously thinking about going back on Gabapentin tomorrow.

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48 Replies
FRreedman profile image

I couldn't get on with either of them, so I have Nortriptyline and Duloxetine to supplement my pain relief.

in reply to FRreedman

Thanks. I'll have a look at them too.

Candy2595 profile image
Candy2595 in reply to FRreedman

Hey quick question... Does duloxetine get better with time?? I’ve been on it a few months and I’m struggling, also on diazepam, morphine and baclofen ... but wanted to try something new... the pain I’m in is unreal... I just can’t figure out if it’s transitioning/teething problems?? I know it’s got a good success rate in America and didn’t want epilepsy drugs, so giving this a go, only on 20mg twice a day, so going to build it up x

FRreedman profile image
FRreedman in reply to Candy2595

I believe the effect builds up, but I am on 60 mg daily, and like you, take the other pain relief like morphine etc. My pain is bearable now, but I didn't want to be "out of it", so I prefer it this way.

Candy2595 profile image
Candy2595 in reply to FRreedman

Thanks for the reply, I’m exactly the same as you!! 😊 I don’t want to be out of it either, because of work, driving and looking after people, I need to know I’m safe and others around me. I’ll stick it out then, see what happens, been through hell for a few months so far x

Del123 profile image

Hi there,

I have been on Pregabalin for about 6 months now also instead of Gabapentin and at the begining I also had a buzzing in my head between the ears however, after about 2 weeks it went as quick as it came. You must persevere as I promise it does go away. The only other side affect it's left me with is tiredness, I tend to fall asleep in the middle of a conversation😩.

However, I must say that in my opinion, they are better than Gabapentin. I hope you will be feeling better in a few days.

Warmest regards


in reply to Del123

Thanks Derek. I had a really bad headache too and the stories I read online about hearing loss worried me. I get on well with Gabapentin - I just wanted to try Pregabalin. Have a good day and keep warm! x

Zn278 profile image
Zn278 in reply to


I have also been recently put on pregabalin 50 mg twice a day

due to my age my dr is not abe to presribe me any stronger pain killers

I get really bad muscle pain I have tried tramadol but that was not so affective

even with this pregabalin I am finding the pain hard manage

in reply to Zn278

I'm sorry to hear you're struggling. That's why it's good to chat on this forum as everyone understands.

Zn278 profile image
Zn278 in reply to


I'm only 24 my dr won't presribe me anything stronger

do u take anything alongside the pregabalin

in reply to Zn278

Yes, they've given me Naproxen as well and I've got a box of Tramadol that I've not tried yet.

Zn278 profile image
Zn278 in reply to


is it true that if under a certain age dr can't presribe certain pain killers

in reply to Zn278

I've never heard of that. If you're a child or very old maybe but otherwise, if you're in pain you need painkillers. End of.

heatherevans28 profile image
heatherevans28 in reply to Zn278

No, that's not true. When you are young they want to keep risks of strong pain killers to a minimum, but they should really do that with everyone. I'm 26 and have been on dihydrocodeine etc since I was 19. I would talk to your consultant about your pain management if your GP wont prescribe. There may be another reason for it x

6092177588 profile image
6092177588 in reply to

I have much pain daily. I thought I read it can effect lung. I got dizzy so I am looking into cbd and medical marijuana. Last year after flying home from Philadelphia I couldn't hear in right ear. I had ears cleaned and a test done. I have lost in both ears and hearing aids that I don't use. It gets bad every few months. I think it's part on MS and nerve damage but not sure.

Spacecat1 profile image

Hi I have been on these about 3 weeks at first I was light headed my head was all over the place but eventually everything settled. If you still having problems I would go back to your doctor. Take care hope you feel better soon

in reply to Spacecat1

Thanks Spacecat - what a great name! I still have a stock of Gabapentin so I'm back on them this morning. I can't handle the permanent headache. I've just managed to come off co-codamol as they gave me headaches too so I don't want any more! Thanks again.

Spacecat1 profile image
Spacecat1 in reply to

Might be worth a trip to the doctors.

Look after your self xx

in reply to Spacecat1

She's ringing me on Thursday to see how I'm getting on so she's keeping an eye on me. Thanks Spacecat!

Spacecat1 profile image
Spacecat1 in reply to

That's good not many Gp's will ring you. Out go after 15 years of caring for the family and getting us through losing our son aged 18years. Has decided to retire there are only 2 other GPS at the surgery I feel comfortable about going to so now have to write to the practice manager pleading our case for continuing with GPS ee know it might be me but I feel bit uncomfortable about being with s new doctor who we dont know.hubby leaving to me. Let us know how you get on sorry to for going on. Feeling sorry for myself today hubby keeping out of the way

in reply to Spacecat1

We're lucky that there are four partners in our surgery plus four other full time doctors. I know what you mean about your hubby - I used to be a nurse so mine really leaves it up to me as he thinks I know best. He is very good though but he knows when to leave me alone! Hope you feel happier soon. x

Spacecat1 profile image
Spacecat1 in reply to

Start to feel little brighter sunshine helps

BadHare profile image

Read the side effects & speak to your GP.

Pregabalin had an extremely detrimental affect on my health after only two days use. I wouldn’t recommend this drug to anybody.

in reply to BadHare

Morning BadHare, thanks for your reply. Fortunately I still have plenty of Gabapentin left so I've gone back on them. No more Pregabalin for me thanks!

Legan_gray profile image
Legan_gray in reply to BadHare

Hi BadHare. My rehab doc prescribed me this 75mg every night, I finished 6 pills. Upon reading the side effects and I felt a pain on my body, I got scared that may be I'm damaging my kidney so I stopped taking it immediately. The problem is, after not taking it, I couldn't sleep at all and I feel like there's some insects crawling in my skin so I'm taking it again. I don't want to be overdependent to this.

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply to Legan_gray

Six pregabalin tablets over 3 days left me feeling as though I had man flu, sunstroke, migraine, & was both vomitingly drunk & hungover at the same time. My bed & the room were spinning & I had to crawl to the bathroom as my balance was so bad. I was so ill I became suicidal. It's poisonous stuff but the drug companies are happy to keep pushing this & then more drugs for the side effects.

I've found many of my FM, nerve damage, parasthesis, tinnitus, etc, ameliorated by taking thyroid hormones, increasing my vitamin D3 & injecting hydroxocobalamin weekly, ensuring I eat or take take optimal micronutrients & avoid processed "food". Doctors hand out toxic addictive drugs willy nilly before reviewing symptoms & checking for hormone or nutrient deficiencies.

To help you sleep, try taking bisglycinate or chelated magnesium with water on an empty stomach at bedtime, & review your diet to ensure you're getting the nutrients you need.

JeffMett profile image

Hi, I'm on 300mg twice a day. I have buzzing in the ears but I've got Tinnitus which is a seperate condition but I don't know if it makes it worse.

in reply to JeffMett

I know - it's hard to tell what's what sometimes!

Gadget60 profile image

300mg Pregabalin seems a high dose. I was on 900mg Gabapentin 3 times a day and switched to 50mg Pregabalin twice a day. I was also on 1000mg Co-codamol (30/500) four times a day and switched to 10mg Reltebon twice a day. My pain levels are now manageable. Mine is for severe lower back pain and sciatica

in reply to Gadget60

I was on 1600mg of Gabapentin daily and they switched me to 300mg of Pregabalin daily. I'm back on Gabapentin 1200mg daily as from today.

Emma2017 profile image

Hi there again. I was really spaced out for the first few weeks, had a bit of a headache on and off and had a loud buzzing in my ears. Like you I has switched from gabapentin. These effects wore off. However I still experience the buzzing in my ears a bit. Been on it for 2 years now and went from 600mg to 450mg a day (occasionally an extra 100mg at night). I persevered as it helped much better with the nerve pain but if you are not sure see your dr.

in reply to Emma2017

Hi Emma, I get on well with Gabapentin - I just wondered if I would get on better with Pregabalin but I felt so bad all day yesterday that I'd had enough. I'll see what the doc says. x

Becareful with naproxen it is a bowel killer , I used it and ended up with ulcerative colitis and there is no cure for that , I now can't have inflammatory drugs .

in reply to

Thanks Longsider. I remember back in the 90s being prescribed Naproxen and it made me really bad with my tummy. That was in the days before they dished out Omeprazole. I hope that is protecting my tummy now.

Hi was on lansoprozle aswell but it made no difference and now I have to be very careful with what I eat aswell . Im trying to come off pregabilin when I have had my operation, as it's giving me problems with my memory and concentration but then I have to put up with all the nerve pain I have , you just can't win .

in reply to

It's a constant battle Longsider. It's good we have our friends on here to talk to.

Chris1977 profile image

I refused to take it when the drs tried to prescribe it

Pregabalin is a great drug but your starting dose is far to high (would recommend 50 or 75 mg as a starting dose). You need to build it up really slowly.

I had bad side affects the first week but then they disappeared and it has been the only drug that totally takes my nerve pain away.

Don’t give up but if side affects do go and ask your Gp about a lower starting dose

I hope it works for you

in reply to

Thanks for your reply. As I was already on it's sister drug Gabapentin, my doc said you are able to start Pregabalin at a equivalent dose. I've gone back to Gabapentin now and all is well.

Pearce1940oscar profile image
Pearce1940oscar in reply to

How much do you take now

in reply to Pearce1940oscar

Hi, of Gabapentin I take 300mg four times daily. Really works for me, no side effects.

Pearce1940oscar profile image
Pearce1940oscar in reply to

How much pregabalin do you take a day as a lot of people seem to take a very high dose every day

in reply to Pearce1940oscar

I have been on a lot of different doses over the years. Been on the maximum of 600 a day but lowered my dose last year to 225mg day and night. I tried to lower the dose further but then my nerve pain comes back.

How are you getting on with it?

Chicy profile image

Best pain relief for me too....iv tk everything through the yrs but i think pre gablin are one of the best yet 😊

in reply to Chicy

It's great when we find something that agrees with us!

Paintablet74 profile image

Hi, I am new chap. I take 350mg of Pregabalin per day for nerve, neck and back pain.. Its been a great drug for me, it is taken with a multitude of other pills however. I have real BAD side effects if I run out of Pregabalin or lower my dose. The main one being I feel so low, unable to function and lay in a semi motionless state, not able to talk or do anything. This is a concern, not sure how to rectify this, I am in a catch 22...….. I wish anyone well who suffers and take meds to live their daily life. I have been for 15 yrs.

in reply to Paintablet74

Hi, thanks for your reply. Me too. I'm 59 and have been suffering with a bad back since I was 28. I've had three operations and am now on a cocktail of drugs. We have to make the best of it though don't we.

Paintablet74 profile image

Yeah man that's true. Had to quit my job working a sawmill. No longer can ride my motorcycle for long, and I have sleep apnea….Bummer

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