MRI results: Hello I've had 3 MRI scans 201... - Pain Concern

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MRI results

Kels1974 profile image
16 Replies

Hello I've had 3 MRI scans

2015 2017 and 2 weeks ago.I don't really understand the results.ive been in pain over 5 years now and it affects my quality of life.Ive been referred to orthopedics.

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Kels1974 profile image
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16 Replies
johnadams profile image

i think you need to see a surgeon asap

Kels1974 profile image
Kels1974 in reply to johnadams

I think so too.I have a feeling they will need to operate.

waylay profile image

New slipped disc. Sorry hon.

Barbola profile image
Barbola in reply to waylay

Same here, bad sciatica and episodes so bad that going to emergency room. Morphine shot no help. Then given oxy and tramadol, resting few days and back to physical therapy 3x a week, stretching, every morning and evening at home. Getting steroid epidural injections, helps somewhat. Im in Usa, state NY. Here on Long Island we have an abundance of excellent specialists they all advise surgery is the last option.....can do everything but not take longer walks which i miss. So i swim, stretch my butt off and hope for no pain. Leg cramps at night tho but im 82 so something has to give. MRI shows stenosis, arthritis, bonespurs, nerve compression, herniated disc S1 and several other slipped discs.....keep moving to keep blood supply to discs......had my first sciatica attack at age 50 but could hike 5 miles and hope to be able to hike at least 1 mile again! Take no meds only when pain flares up badly, then a Tramadol. Muscle relaxers make me too sleepy.

One warning tho: i took a lot of NSAIs and the last one, Meloxicam, put me into kidney failure. Recovered but my kidneys are somewhat damaged. No more NSAIs for me anymore, altho they helped at the time. Now its Tramadol and oxy which my orthopedist prescribed 30 day supply each visit. Only take them as needed, not often. Hope never to need surgery so I stretch, do balance and light strenght training, TENs, Massage, and Medicare covers all costs. (USA).

Good luck to all sciatica sufferers, the pain is undescribeable when it hits. Only narcotics help and finding a doctor with compassion and the guts to prescribe same is important. Dont be fobbed off with NSAIDS which damage your kidneys!

SecretlyDisabled7 profile image
SecretlyDisabled7 in reply to Barbola


If your are 82 and have been walking five miles with so many things wrong, I envy you. But not your pain. I have compression fractures in vertebrae (3), disintegrating, slipped, etc. discs, fused areas that do not allow room for nerve, stenosis and scoliosis. I can't do the physical therapy or the swimming I want because I work and then lie down, work more, lie down more. Then the day is over and I am so fatigued I can't do much but read books or write. I have been in pain over thirty years, but earlier I exercised and was extremely active. I don't know when it became so much worse, but I have an autoimmune disease. I do not know what will happen with your spine and I am so sorry you have to go through this at 82. I hope surgery isn't in the picture. I am 72 and keep thinking that I am an old woman, but reading what you have written, I realize I am not old, only sick. And dream and hope that at 82 I will have found some of those good years. Bless your heart for keeping so active and doing so much. I appreciate that greatly.

Barbola profile image
Barbola in reply to SecretlyDisabled7

Thank you for your kind words! Yeah, last year walked without pain, after sciatica nerv healed somewhat, but then: kaboom. Shoveled snow, just gently. That put me in the tailspin again.....emergency room, pain, resting and now getting epidural shots. Have no pain to speak of even tho the nerv is very pinched in lumbar spine.... according to MRI. Only when walking more than 5 minutes. I am not an athletic person but like physical therapy, stretches and strength training. Swimming. Was told by pain Dr. And Orthopedist to keep moving, not much sitting and doing my daily morning and evening stretches. Started gently and now it becomes part of daily routine. Saving the oxy and tramadol and muscle relaxer for the worst days.....rather have my beer, wine, scotch and its either my daily drink or meds!

Hang in there, honey, getting old is not for sissies! It actually sucks. Wish i was 72 again! ❤️

Have dealt with spine problems for over 30 years when the first attack hit. If you still work i admire you greatly! One of my secrets is: gotta look good to the even when feeling lousy the makeup goes on, lipstick, mascara, etc.

You are as young as you look!

Bacause if im as old as i feel, God help us all!

You seem a very kind and special lady! ❤️

Ph77-65twz profile image
Ph77-65twz in reply to Barbola

Hi there have sciatica bad too and could be facing surgery not nice is it

Don_in_midlands profile image


At the bottom of your spine, just where it joins the pelvis, you have a slipped disc, which is pressing on your nerves. This means that the nerves are being squeezed and so this is causing the pain.

The most likely outcome will be that you require surgery to relieve the disc pressing onto the nerves that serve your legs, buttocks, etc.

Best of luck x

Del123 profile image

Don't worry too much, it's only keyhole surgery and you will only be in hospital a few days but you must have it done now rather than later as it can cause more damage on the nerve.

Believe me, I know what I'm talking about so make an urgent appt to see your specialist if you haven't already! Good luck & if there is anything else you wish to know about, I'll try and help.🤦🏼‍♂️

katieoxo60 profile image

Hi Kels1974, That sounds good results of MRI through in two weeks. Orthopeadics are the Drs who deal with muscoskeleter pain and its releif, plus injury diagnosis to bones,tendons, cartilage, & muscles. After all this time you are to be seen and assessed by the correct department not just labelled as a pain sufferer Fingers crossed there may be help for you. Good Luck. I have my MRI for knee pain on Sunday hope the results are as quick as yours as I know I am to be referred to orthopeadics for possible minor repair surgery if it is what we think it is. I have Arthritis however so it could just be that worsening with age or a flare of gout. Best wishes for possible new help with your back pain.

Krawlins profile image

I would guess you're getting sciatica symptoms, I had slipped disc at L5 S1 same as you, mine was emergency surgery as I couldn't even move was stuck in foetal position and couldn't get out of bed to wee, couldn't eat, I suffered it for a week, visited GP, sent to AnE who unbelievably sent me home, I ended up going back in by ambulance and had to insist they keep me in! Had MRI after a catheter fitted and few days on morphine and it showed slipped disc, surgeon cancelled his clinic to do it straight away! I was brilliant after it all pain gone and could walk again. They don't always operate, depends how severe your symptoms. Good luck xx

Doghouse6463 profile image

Hi looks like you have a couple of problems your disc is compressing your thecal sac that's a tube if you like that surrounds your spinal cord . Maybe it's being compressed enough to impinge on the nerves causing pain . You also have some facet joint degeneration your thecal sac also surrounds the exiting nerve roots if you have facet problems you probably have boney growth on the facet this also will give pain on the exiting nerves giving pain and loss of sensation plus a few other problems. Hopefully they can give you a microdiscectomy which is a trim not a walk in the park but compared to some spinal surgery one of the easier ones . A very tall friend of mine had this he was crippled in pain before surgery afterwards he was fine . Always ask lots of questions when you see anyone and ask for a printout explaining what is wrong or what they are going to do . I wish I had taken my own advice and researched when they told me what they intended doing . Good luck remember chin up if you can as it effects your close family too if your like a bear with a sore head . I only say this as I have been through it all and I know I may have sometimes been a pain in the arse to be around due to pain I try hard not to let it completely destroy family life . It's hard sometimes when you feel crap and you do and will miss out on things anyway all the best chin up keep smiling don't let it beat you .

Kels1974 profile image

Thankyou everyone for your help,it's strange but I'm actually looking forward to whatever the spinal consultant decides.Im just hoping whatever it is and it helps as at the moment I'm in pain 24/7

Iluvgardening profile image

Yes looks like you need to see the Orthopedic surgeon as soon as possible, I had a fusion at L5S1 in August 2015. The compressed nerve is where your pain is coming from. Hope you see them soon and they are able to relieve your pain.

Kels1974 profile image

I just completed another course of physiotherapy which didn't help and the pain is now much worse.I woke up during the night around 2 months ago hearing a loud crack and pain in my back? I knew I had a bulging disc bit now it's bulging both sides and have sciatica down both legs,whereas before it was one leg only.I am on an awful amount of pain.The only time I could get comfortable was on my side in bed,but now everything hurts to stand,to sit and to lie down.I have an appointment with a spinal consultant on wednesday,I hope they can do something for me.I can't go on like this.

Kels1974 profile image

Hi I saw the spinal consultant today and I'm going to have a partial discectomy operation within 6-8 weeks 😀

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