My fellow chronic pain sufferers : If you’ve... - Pain Concern

Pain Concern

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My fellow chronic pain sufferers

Itsallinthehips profile image

If you’ve had chronic pain for years (doesn’t matter where it is) what has been the one main thing that has actually helped you even if it was a little

Could be a painkiller

Could be someone listening

Could be a special pillow

Could be a mattress

Could be watching you favourite comfort program

The little things in life that you can’t live without since becoming a chronic pain sufferer x

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Itsallinthehips profile image
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123 Replies

Hi, definitely somebody listening but can I ask why you asked 😀

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

It’s more of a what can’t you live without type thing.

For me even though I’m 28 , because I’m bedbound due to my hip I CANNOT live without my special pillow blanket and tv I’ve watched so much I know the words but for some reason these things give me comfort like I’m a child lol.

I’m currently doing a long stretch in hospital and have got all these things with me to help the stay.

I wondered if other people were the same x

in reply toItsallinthehips

Well since I got my new mattress a few weeks ago I do seem to spend more time propped up on my bed it's amazing I'm telling yer!! But the other thing that I couldn't live without is most is definitely pain killers my back is messed up and it's not going to get any better 😢

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

Yeah I can’t live without those but that goes without saying for me lol

Did you get a tempa mattress? I bought one a few months ago and best thing I ever did as I have to spend most my time on my side lol

in reply toItsallinthehips

Snap!! Lol it's heaven I would recommend for anyone that suffers pain and discomfort can't tell you how many mattresses I've gone through in last few years 😊xx

Jtal19305 profile image
Jtal19305 in reply toItsallinthehips

I find the tempupedic mattress too mushy. I like the hybrid mattress that have the foam and springs like the Dreamcloud.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toJtal19305

Those hurt my hip to much i hate springs in it I’m a soft mattress type of girl lol

Krazykaz0410 profile image
Krazykaz0410 in reply to

I used to think and say "its not going to get better" then i changed it to "i am well" said that everytime i felt pain and now, even though i still have bad days I am up and about. Positive mind, positive thoughts. Honestly it does work. I am proof of that.

All the best.

Ok u may be here awhile with my answers (great question by the way :)

First.. my two dogs

Third..George Carlin and Katt Williams comedy DVDS

Fourth.. specific throw blankets that help my pain hugely.

Fifth..medical marijuana

Sixth..chiropractic and acupuncture

Seventh.. really horrible reality tv ex..Real Housewives of...../excellent distraction

Eighth.. everyone here at HU

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

Omg I love real housewives as a distraction I’ve gone through all except Atlanta (I just can’t stand them) and then again lol. The annoying thing about being in hospital is the tv is so expensive to buy and the WiFi you get you can’t stream on lol

I agree with all except the acupuncture and chiropractor they made me worse 😔

I’m interested in the throws , do you have special ones or just ones you love?

I really want to invest in a lavender pillow to help me sleep at night as that drives me insane lol

in reply toItsallinthehips

Actually I just bought my bff n her partner my favorite throw,so she can have it n feel cuddled.ive learned you can't buy for one,other person steals there's because they like them so much.I'll get the info n send ya a chat.! Very inexpensive..even my dogs have one's .

Mexican Dynasties,reality show really helped me with distraction.More outrageous b.s. better for me n my brain.

Pillow..My Pillow even good for ya limbs.

Sorry ur in a sucky hospital but everyone here is thinking about ya.

U can always send me a chat if ya need to decompress on someone.I've supported a lot of my states hospitals over the years with my fantastic presence,lol,so I get how bad hospital stays r.

Take care

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

Messaged you thank you x

RobbieT profile image
RobbieT in reply to

Hippolove1 - one thing (person!) that helps me through the pain & fog. Always brings a smile to my thin old lady lips!! Bless this forum & bless hippolove1.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toRobbieT

I agree she’s a saint! Everyone in this forum is! And has been a life saver while being stuck here in hospital lol

in reply toRobbieT

Thanks RobbieT...:)

sullivn profile image
sullivn in reply to

hi I agree with you the only things that help me is my dog when I cuddle her I feel a lot better I am also on morophine liquid and morphine patches

kat898 profile image

Hot water bottle, my bed! Rubbish TV can be a godsend!!

Krawlins profile image

This isn’t what you meant but the only thing that literally took my pain away is the local anaesthetic in my back before the more invasive injections, last time I realised that for a few hours I couldn’t feel any pain in the usual places, twas like a miracle.

Other than that I can’t live without a heat pad, I’ve had about four now as they just stop working or get so wrinkled! I bought a more expensive one last time and I’m sure it will last longer.

Anything that distracts me also helps as I notice the pain more when I’m alone.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toKrawlins

No that is what I meant 😊

St least you get a few hours with out pain but I’m sorry to hear your in thats not far

katieoxo60 profile image

My microwave, it heats my heat pads for releiving pain quickly, it cooks food without preparation( out of the freezer into the microwave) and saves lifting all those hot ,heavy saucepans. :) :)

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply tokatieoxo60

My hip burns already not in the outside but inside, do you think heat pads would help me? C

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply toItsallinthehips

I have a square one I bought from Amazon which heats quite quickly in the micro, it goes on the chair at my back for pain but would think you could sit on it to releive your hip or put it between the chair back and your lower back might work. Anything is worth a try. Other people would buy an hotwater bottle as they are cheaper, but I can't fill one because of hand tremor and arthritis, but another option of course if your able to pour hot water into the bottle.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply tokatieoxo60

I can’t lift a kettle lol I also can’t sit up at all coz my hip is to painful 😔 I might look into one it won’t hurt thank you x

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply toItsallinthehips

You could try one under your bottom in bed is another way , guess someone would be heating it for you, or maybe a carer could do the hotwater bottle as that lasts for longer than the heated pad. There are also some you can put on top of your clothes that last 24hrs they can be bought at chemists and you just peal the back off and place it where it hurts they come in packs of two & five but you might need to use two on a large area like your hip. The packet tells you how to use them, do not put them directly onto your skin or you will get burnt. Anyway hope they work for you if you try.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply tokatieoxo60

I tired those they set my hip on fire lol

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply toItsallinthehips

I am presuming you mean the ones from the chemist made things worse. If heat does not work for you have you tried ice packs or herbal rubs as they can't hurt , ice packs are only a short releif as they freeze the pain but as you warm it comes back I am afraid. I use several methods to control mine but right now not working too well due to something new in my knee. but i am sure you understand, are you down for a hip op at all ? Must go speak again soon.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply tokatieoxo60

Ice is awful for it to it gives me a horrible sensation and makes me spasm like crazy.

No no hip op it wouldn’t help in anyway. Basically Ben told I have to live like this now forever but find ways of making my life slightly better lol

Thank you x

Emma2017 profile image

Hi, good question. I love my mattress, not a tempur one like you have as that completely did my back in but a sealy millionaire extra firm. I love my partner who is always there for me, my kids, my dog. And quite pathetically my IPad has been so brilliant together with the tv. Like Katie I also like my heat pads as they do seem to help and my tens machine (pain relieve meds are a necessary evil)

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toEmma2017

Yeah I’ll win meds are a necessary for most of us unfortunately yet they don’t really seem to work lol. I can’t try a tens machine as it’s I’ve been told it would set my spasms off worse😔

Yeah I just invested in a new iPad which I’m glad I did as 5 days later is when I had to come into hospital and haven’t left since lol

How old are you children? My son is 5 and is so understanding it’s amazing but he’s never been away from me this long so this is hard for him but he’s coming to see me tomorrow I just don’t want to scare him with all my tubes lol

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply toItsallinthehips

My kids are quite a bit older, my son is 23 and my daughter is 20 but they have been so understanding and are helping a lot with the garden, the cleaning and meals etc. That must be so hard for you to not have seen your little boy for so long. Don’t worry about the tubes, if you make out it’s no big deal then he will probably just find them interesting. How long do you have to stay in hospital. I found my three ops and endless injections and denervations trying but do really feel for you. Is there anything they can do for your condition to improve things?

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toEmma2017

I did show him on FaceTime and he just said gross mum lol 😂 yeah it’s been hard I came in because I had bad sickness and diarrhoea thinking I would be here for a day or to but because it made me loose more weight than they were worried about anyway they said I’ve gotta stay for 2 more weeks at the very least lol.

Yeah they are being amazing and doing all the tests they can and getting all my different consultants together so I’m in the best place it’s just hard not being around my son it’s the longest I’ve ever been away from him and he’s had a few incidents at school of being upset which breaks my heart so much 😔

That’s amazing they are helping you out you obviously did a very good job raising them 😊

I hope you are not in to much pain x

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply toItsallinthehips

Pain goes up and down, after my last X-ray guided injections a few weeks ago things are looking up a bit for my leg but the back is still bad. Hopefully this time the leg will not get worse again, fingers crossed.

Yeah my kids are pretty good really, of course they have their moods but hey who does not.

That’s really yuk you have to stay in hospital for so long. Enjoy your boys visit tomorrow and message me any time.

Take care xx

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toEmma2017

Those injections nearly killed me they are awful things 😔

Thank you Hun I’m message you tomorrow sending hugs x

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply toItsallinthehips

Well I suppose I better try to get some sleep. Leg is going crazy atm but no sleep is not good either. Good night xx

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toEmma2017

I could of written that myself

Hope you get even a little sleep night hun x

Joyful profile image
Joyful in reply toItsallinthehips

I tried a Tens machine ...once! Unbelievably long lasting spasms attack! 😖

Distraction & meds (sometimes) work for me to a point. Well, at least they can tend to ‘take the edge off’ so I can mostly pretend to be almost human & put ‘the mask’ on!😒x

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toJoyful

Thank you for that I’m definitely not trying one now lol I’m sorry that happened to you!

Yeah it’s all about just being able to feel human just for a second, the mask is getting harder and harder to put on. Xx

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toEmma2017

Yes pain meds*

Iluvgardening profile image

My heat sock and the pillow I sleep with between my knees😊

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toIluvgardening

Yeah I can’t live without the pillows surrounding me lol or between my legs. I don’t remember ever sleeping without it now lol

Jtal19305 profile image

Other than the pain meds (some are better than others), I would say good temperate weather where it is not too hot, not too cold, and not too damp. Lower humidity days with sunshine in the upper 60s (F) to mid 70's help me with the pain. Stretching and walking help too but sometimes it is difficult to get the energy to do this. I also enjoy my favorite TV shows like GOT and Shameless but sad when they are finished. And a good night's sleep (8-10 hours preferably) without interruptions can do wonders. The body has great ability to heal itself, and I believe now that through good lifestyle and food choices, the body can recover better than any doctor, surgeon and the interventions they promote to the masses. If we just leave our bodies be, and let them recover on their own, I think most of us chronic pain sufferers would never have become chronic pain sufferers. Simple remedies like heat, ice, rest, epsom salt baths, hot tubs and stretching can take care of many aliments. Of course, it is important to avoid jobs and activities that strain our backs and realize some of us are not meant to do back demanding work, at least not for many years. And, it is important not to over stress the body physically and emotionally - let go, and relax. The nervous system is so senstive and if it gets out of tune (as in my case), it can cause chronic pain (usually the burning, bubbling, piercing pain).

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toJtal19305

I wish the answer was that simple for me and many others but I hope those work for you.

Yeah I’m extremely sad GOT is about to finish I have been disappointed in this season though I’ve got to say

Jtal19305 profile image

I just got any email from someone indicated the same thing regarding GOT. Why the disappointment? I am curious. thanks!

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toJtal19305

I feel it’s been rushed to finish , and because they don’t have the books to base it off, all the years of story telling all the different stories haven’t come together properly and a lot has been left out.

How the nightking died was a joke and that whole episode was was longer than it neeeed to be

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toItsallinthehips

Arya killing the Night King & Bran setting it up has been the only saving grace to series 8, so far, though Mellissandre lighting the Dothraki swords was quite spectacular.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

No I completely disagree lol it shouldn’t of been her that killed him , and cerci shouldn’t of died the way she did it’s been far to rushed . Be interesting to see how it ends in the books because it won’t be the same way thank god

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toItsallinthehips

It would have been more just for Bran to have killed him since it was him the Night King was after. Bran having the foresight to give Arya the catspaw dagger, then setting up the scene with Theon as a distraction, & The Hound & Mellisandre's input to get Arya in the right place at the right time was a far cleverer plot twist than drippy Jon Snow clumbering in & failing to fight his way through all the White Walkers. Watch all the previous episodes involving Arya, & it's easy to see where the plot is leading from the first episode.

I'm wondering if the masonry has actually killed Cersei, given the prophesies... ;)

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

Yeah but it still shouldn’t of happened like that and 100% won’t happen like that in the books because of the way he’s set everything up.

I don’t think she’s dead but she will be

Jtal19305 profile image
Jtal19305 in reply toBadHare

Some people out there think Jamie may not be dead and survived the falling bricks. It is only a theory based on his and other cast members instagram feeds not biding good-bye to the actor who plays Jamie after the 5th episode where he and Jamie died in eachothers arms. As interesting as that seems, I think his arc is complete because he left Brianne for Cersai who he was addicted to, and his addiction led to his death (btw, most addicitions lead to the addicts death or demise). So this really wraps it up nicely for the writers. However, it could be a false flag, and Cersai is the one who is actually still alive. This I find more interesting as her character arc still has room (eg., her pregnancy and final words of I do not want to die, and I want my baby - something to this effect), and she could redeem herself somewhat but I think this is unlikely due to the lack of time available in the one final episide where so much has yet to get wrapped up.

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toJtal19305

Cersei is a psychopath, so she'll say anything...

Jtal19305 profile image
Jtal19305 in reply toItsallinthehips

I think the producers and writers of the show including George Martin are showing that battles and war do not go as planned, and the usual winners and losers are not always the case. Also, the deaths of certain importmant characters can be completely unspectacular or unfitting (e.g., Cersai and Jamie). With that said, the writing is not a detailed and interesting as the earlier seasons and seems cliche in many scense (eg., Arya saying "Thank you" to the Hound). But i think this is the logical end of the show unless people want a fairy tale Disney kind of ending.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toJtal19305

I think they went very predictable not the other way around and rushed to much to quick and spend to much money on cgi for the dragons. The night kings death was awful , and from then it’s been obvious what is going to happen and that’s not what George Martin is about so unless they pull some serious twist to it in the last episode I’m very disappointed.

The only thing I love is that we’ve seen danni go from a little timid thing to the mad queen and I love that!

Jtal19305 profile image
Jtal19305 in reply toItsallinthehips

Okay, how would you change the death of the Night King, or his arc? I am curious.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toJtal19305

I would of made the battle a lot bigger I would of changed lots of things but can’t be bothered to write it all out lol

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toItsallinthehips

t took them an extra year to finish this series, so corny scriptwriting rather than bad budgetting. It would have been more drab with fewer dragon scenes, & we certainly needed more wolves. I don't think it's been predictable, & I've watched & read a number of series/episode prediction theories that haven't happened.

The Night Kings death, rather who killed him, was excellent. It's the only time I've ever clapped at a television series or film, & the only part of an episode I've rewatched straight away other than my previous favourite sequence which was Arya's training with Brienne. It's been good to watch a series with strong female characters for a change.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

I can’t stand Aryas character at all or Sansa , I prefer Cersei lol

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toJtal19305

The whole series' have been very un-American in that respect, which is one of the reasons it's been so good overall, though I've been a tad underwhelmed by this series in comparison. Acknowledgement that The Hound has become a good person compared to the start of the books/series has been ongoing, as has the growing relationship between him & Arya. I'm unsure if Cersei & Jamie are dead yet, though you could be right about it being unspectacular when a big standoff was expected. I can't stand entitled Daenerys & miserable Jon Snow in this series, or devious Sansa in any of them, but it could be none of these end up winning as just about anything could happen next. I might have to stay up till 5am to watch the last episode.

I would like to see more wolves & dragons though. Where's Nymeria, & when are we getting to read the other books?!?

Jtal19305 profile image
Jtal19305 in reply toBadHare

Where are you located to watch it at 5am? Funny, I realized the other day that the final GOT episode is on my birthday! yippie!

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toJtal19305

UK, I think that's close to the time it would end as it starts at 3.30am. So far, I've watched it later in the day, but might not be able to wait that long to see if this series bucks up.

Good start to your birthday as long as you like the ending. If not, you can weep into your birthday cake!

Jtal19305 profile image
Jtal19305 in reply toBadHare

UK, is that what they call it. I have been calling the country that has London as the capital, England, and sometimes Great Britain. I keep forgetting about Ireland and Scotland, which correct me if I am wrong, make up the UK. Only been to England once back in 1987, and I really enjoyed the place, although I could never get kethup for my french fries (chips). As far as GOT and the ending, I have invested so much time into this show over the years and really enoyed it, if the ending is a dissappoinment, I will try not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toJtal19305

England is one country that has London’s as the capital then you have wales Scotland and Ireland they are all separate countries (just connected to us) and altogether we make up the United Kingdom. My brother has completely thrown the baby out the bath (we say toys out the pram here) he’s even taken time off work because he got so upset 😂

Jtal19305 profile image
Jtal19305 in reply toItsallinthehips

thanks for the geo lesson, I did not know you are all from the UK. Not sure how I found healthunlocked but it seems to be a UK based site. I guess pain doesn't discriminate or know borders!

Jtal19305 profile image
Jtal19305 in reply toJtal19305

I am from Florida and Pennyslvannia (now) but I prefer Florida!!

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toJtal19305

Northern Ireland (where they filmed many of GOT Northern scenes) is in The UK, along with England, Scotland & Wales. Great Britain is the latter three. The Republic of Ireland (Eire) is a separate country, though England "stole" The Northern counties which is an ongoing issue worthy of a GoT plot feud. They're all in The British Isles. London is the capital of England, the other countries have their own capital cities (Edinburgh, Cardiff, & Belfast) & now governments as there's been some politicall devolution. Confused yet? ;)

We do have Heinz tomato ketchup everywhere, so I'm surprised that was an issue. I always preferred Heinz brown sauce on my chips as I love tamarind.

If you ever get the chance to visit, Northern Ireland is a very beautiful part of the world as you could probably see from many GOT coastal scenes, & a favourite place for me to go on holiday. I sometimes had to rewind scenes as I was looking at the lovely geology.

GoT has been the best telly series I've watched, though Arya & The Hound aside as I thought he'd turn out to be a good'un, I'm dissappointed with this series. Some of the main actors seem to be bored witless (JS all the way through as his acting is the same in everything he's in) & involved for the money. Perhaps it's dragged on too long. or I've expected too much. It would have been very hard to keep all the fans happy after so many plot twists.

Here's hoping you have a nice birthday, & you have a GOT ending you're happy with.

Jtal19305 profile image
Jtal19305 in reply toBadHare

Thanks for the lesson on the UK! I have always wanted to visit Ireland and that whole area. I can't imagine how amazing it is especially after watching GOT with all those amazing places that look like they have never changed since the beginning of time. Hopefully one day I can travel there, if I can tame my pain long enough. Sucks being in chronic pain because it can limit a person, and I have always lover to travel. Now I am careful because of this constant burning in my feet and lower legs which I have had now going on 4 years! Hopefully the final episode redeems this last season.


BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toJtal19305

Apologies, I used to be a Geogwaffle teacher!

Make sure you go to Ireland in a heatwave as the damp climate isn't good for achey joints, though it's excellent for milk. I took my kefir grains there for 2 weeks either side of New Year, & it tasted like summer milk kefir as they were so happy.

Have you tried B12 for your paresthesis? I took sublingual methlcobalamin which reduced the burning a lot, then it cleared up once I started injecting hydroxocobalamin once a week.

I can't remember ever wanting a weekend to be over, & for it be Tuesday night already. Crazy!

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

Why do you want it to be Tuesday already lol

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toItsallinthehips

So I can watch Arya do something else exciting & save everyone again. :)

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

Why don’t you get it Monday like everyone else lol

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toItsallinthehips

I can if I get up at 3.30am, but would prefer to watch it later.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

I have now tv and can watch it whenever I want during the day and if you have sky you can record it and again watch it when you want that day or stay up until 2

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

As you like that type of tv , are you excited for the lord of the rings series??

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toItsallinthehips

I’m not a big telly watcher, just certain series. I’ll probably stick with reading Lord of the Rings, though I enjoyed the films.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

The series shows how Aragon become who is he etc. Love the lord of rings and the hobbit films they are amazing

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

Kings landing was filmed in Croatia

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

He’s not finished writing them yet he’s been writing short stories lol

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toItsallinthehips

They were probably written some time ago, but the pressure to publish & contracts with HBO have affected their release.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

No he’s not finished writing them yet he’s got two more to come out

BadHare profile image

750g of magnesium chloride hexahydrate crystals & an hour's soak in a hot bath. ZZZzzzz...

Acupuncture, Tuina, Guasha, moxa, &/or cupping from a qualified acupuncturist, not a physio. Occasionally painful in combination, but extremely effective.

Chiropractor session (gets worse before it helps).

Pethidine injections when I hadn't slept for weeks & the pain was so severe I couldn't speak or dress myself. :'(

Yoga stretching, or using an infra red lamp. Yoga stretching underneath an infra red lamp even better. :)

Regular Qi Gong practice.

Orthopaedic insoles, & an orthopaedic pillow for better spinal alignment.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

Poor you will they not give you sleeping tablets even to take every now and then? I’m glad you have those medical things that help you a little bit x

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toItsallinthehips

Best to avoid drugs like that unless harmless/beneficial practices don't work. Things like sleeping pills aren't a good resort for chronic pain as they create dependence rather than ameliorate the cause or symptoms. Far better to explore other options without negative side effects, though the pethidine was necessary at the time as the paramedic that came out for me thought I'd had a stroke rather than unmanaged sciatica.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

Well have you tried other stuff then?

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toItsallinthehips

See my list, most of which is not drug related, & that I can do myself.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBadHare

That’s good , hopefully it doesn’t get that bad for you again

BadHare profile image
BadHare in reply toItsallinthehips

Preventative practice certainly helps! :)

Pillows - piled up under my legs when I'm lying on my back, to raise my legs higher than my heart. It drains the lymph from my legs, taking away the pain and swelling for a little while - until I stand up.....!! 😫

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

Same I’m wedged in with pillows everywhere I love it and I love cuddling them lol

in reply toItsallinthehips

Not so good when I can only do it lying on my back.? Turning on my side involves a lot of pillow-moving/bed-rearranging which means getting out of bed, which involves standing up,...... 😕

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

I can only lie on my side lol

in reply toItsallinthehips

I wish I could, but it makes it very difficult to get my legs above my heart! 🥴😂

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply to

Yeah I can imagine lol

Haggishead profile image

Would you believe that I’ve never seen one episode of GOT!!! Maybe it would have helped me to forget pain( caused by extreme grief) for a little while!!!

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toHaggishead

Get watching it hun it’s the best series ever made hands down other than sons of anarchy and the Big Bang theory

Emma2017 profile image

I have never watched GOT either. What channel is/was it on? I really enjoyed watching Bates Motel and really was sorry when it was finished. Others you might enjoy are Wanted, Australian series and Safe, set in Manchester with the guy from Dexter starring (I watched all of Dexter which was brilliant even though I did not want to watch it at first) and Ozark.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toEmma2017

Safe is amazing my cousin actually co-wrote that! Game of thrones is on sky or now tv ( I’m not sure where you are based) ozark I couldn’t get into at all. Dexter was another good series i was sad when it ended

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply toItsallinthehips

I’m in Yorkshire. Where are you based. Yeah Dexter was really good. Oh wow your cousin co wrote Safe, cool. Need some more like that. Ozark gets much better a bit further on. Plus the other 2 I mentioned are really cool. And if you like just a gentle series with cool landscapes McClouds Daughters is really good.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toEmma2017

I’m down south on the sea , I was born in Warrington though.

I’m very funny about what I watch especially when in a lot of pain I prefer things that was awful with lots of drama lol

Emma2017 profile image
Emma2017 in reply toItsallinthehips

Ok, I am similar really. Like thriller series etc, hence Bates Motel which draws you in like Dexter. McClouds Daughters has plenty of drama but nothing nasty. You are a long way from where I am. Nice living near the sea, my husband does not want that but I would love that.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toEmma2017

I’ve always lived by the sea from when I was 3 so it would be horrible not to , even though I can’t get there anymore lol. Oh bones is another amazing one

Itsallinthehips profile image

What on Earth is that??

Itsallinthehips profile image

Wow your brave having something like that done. I can’t bare to watch people crack other peoples back and neck and stuff it makes me feel awful inside lol

That’s good it worked but surely you don’t need it all the time?

Itsallinthehips profile image

Guys any of you tried a lavender pillow to help you sleep at night?

katieoxo60 profile image

Hi again I have a massage bed, would that maybe help you . The NHS can supply them to bed bound patients. Mine is one I bought myself. I also have a massage & heat chair again bought from my own money, do not have a car so its my luxury. Just trying to think of possible options to make life easier for you. There are some massagers that can be bought that could go under your hips only like the heat pads. I'll keep thinking incase anything else comes to mind. I,m sure there will have been some varied answers in the list of replies will try and read some tommorrow. Who knows might find an idea that helps me too.

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply tokatieoxo60

I didn’t make this post to find things to help me get better I made it just people could share their comforts in times of chronic pain.

Thank you but I can’t have anything touching my hip let alone massaging it I would end up screaming in pain.

My mattress is amazing and I’m pretty sure the NHS wouldn’t give me a king size massage bed but thank you x

katieoxo60 profile image

Sorry, not a good idea it seems . But you did ask what we all use so what do you use for pain relief then ,? besides distraction of watching TV ect. Difficult if you can't sleep due to pain isn't it makes the night seem like a lifetime. .

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply tokatieoxo60

My really good bed and surround myself with memory foam pillows and v pillows my blanket my iPad with all my rubbish tv on( I’m currently having a Disney day lol )

Yeah I hardly ever sleep but I close my eyes and listen to the tv and the settles me somethings x

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply tokatieoxo60

And yeah I asked so we could all have a conversation and see if we use similar things to each other to make our lives slightly comfy. Oh and also videos of my son as a baby because he’s just so cute ooo

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply toItsallinthehips

Hi again, we were all cute as babies and the next generation of our families too, nice to have videos to look back on. Did you enjoy your disney days yesterday? hope so. On the subject of pillows I use three not always good for the neck I am told. But guess the V pillow helps that. How do you and others come to that,manage when you have to go into hospital? I find hospital very much geared to able bodied rather than the sick/disabled. They are way out of most peoples comfort zone, but they have to be geared to the majority need.. What films are you watching today? I like the nature ones , other factual and any music thats not too hi brow. I notice how some subjects do bring back more response than others. Pain releif being one.Have a good day

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply tokatieoxo60

Yeah I did thank you , it takes my mind of things and is easy watching. I’ve always love Disney films even as an adult before I had my son lol.

I use one for my head a v between my legs one behind my back and the rest between my legs lol i want to try a lavender one for my head I love the smell and I hope it could help sleep lol. My sons father is amazing so he’s looking after him while I’m in here.

I’m on a gastrointestinal ward as that’s what I came in A+E for and I’ve got a side room , the staff are amazing (except a few but you get that anywhere) my mum works in the hospital as well so they don’t wanna deal with the wrath of my mum if I get bad care lol. They help me out when I need it but I’m always very polite and love having a chat with them and let them vent about their day etc as they know I won’t say anything and understand the demands on them from the NHS. I’ve been coming to this hospital as a patient and visitor for 25 years as my mum has worked here that long.

Pain relief is a big topic especially atm because they are trying to take us chronic sufferers main pain meds away without replacing it with other things (such as medical cannabis) the US might be very backwards atm in their laws but when it comes to pain they are great andnsee the benefits it has both in pain sufferers and them as it’s another huge money maker for them.

I cut a lot of my painkillers down last year as I got pregnant but unfortunately lost the baby and I said I didn’t want to go back on them again. So now it’s just 2 main ones and the morphine when I reeally need it.

How are you doing today x

Busybeelady profile image

Oh that would have to be my lavender heat cushion, it has little beads in it, and you just heat it up in microwave for a minute, sheer bliss on my lower back, and sit with a cuppa reading a good book 😊

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBusybeelady

I miss reading books I don’t have the concentration for them anymore 😔 I used to read like 2/3 a week.

Can I ask where you got your lavender heat pack from?

Busybeelady profile image
Busybeelady in reply toItsallinthehips

Oh it was just from Wilkinson, it's shaped a bit like a door stop, you know sausage shaped, but it eases the pain so much, so comforting.

The books I am reading at the minute are James Rollins ones, very good, keep you gripped from the first page,

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBusybeelady

My pain and concentration don’t allow me to read more than 3 pages and you couldn’t tear me away from books before lol x

Busybeelady profile image
Busybeelady in reply toItsallinthehips

Ah thats such a shame, there's nothing like getting lost in the pages of a good book!

That would make a good question actually, which people prefer? Kindles? Or a proper book?


Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBusybeelady

Nothing beats the smell or the feel of a good book!! But I loved reading about in my iPad as well then you can have 100 on you at once not just one lol

Busybeelady profile image
Busybeelady in reply toItsallinthehips

Lol yes, this is true! Yes I have both, kindle for convenience to take away on hol etc, but I do love a proper book!!

Itsallinthehips profile image
Itsallinthehips in reply toBusybeelady

Sounds heavenly babe x

Itsallinthehips profile image

I’ve tried all of that and none has worked , I’m allergic to anti inflammatory drugs so they are a big no no for me and CBD didn’t do anything. I did the whole ice heat thing it didn’t help and just made things worse and injections put me in hospital as the steroids made me extremely ill

Itsallinthehips profile image


Itsallinthehips profile image

Is rather not waste more money on something that isn’t going to help and I don’t wanna run the risk of it setting off my spasms as it takes forever to calm them down again, and I’m already in hospital I don’t wanna have to come back again lol

Itsallinthehips profile image

My pain consultant doesn’t want to do anymore after everything that’s happened and I’ve had dramatic weight loss but thank you for your suggestions.

This was just meant to be a light hearted game where people said the things they love that give them comfort etc I wasn’t looking for other ways to manage my pain x

Itsallinthehips profile image

What did they say was a placebo ?

Lulububs profile image

Netflix! Tempur mattress(soft like a cloud), my osteopath( couldnt live without him , id rather give up me husband😂😂).

Frys chooclate cream!

Also my dogs , they keep me sane and get me up to walk and then yoga!! In the park

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