Been fighting a migraine all day at work and literally have been taking medicine every few hours just to keep it at bay but it’s just making my day drag on and is making me super impatient and irritable and I work in retail but it isn’t good and it’s only my Monday but I can’t get this to go away and I’ve been fighting this for 36 hours now and I don’t know what to do
Migraine: Been fighting a migraine all day at... - Pain Concern

Ok I have tried to write this two times for some reason my phone keeps on not earasing it. I have had migraines three times and the reason was I did not lay down in a dark room and have a cold cloth on your forehead and the only medicine I used was Advil. You might want to talk with your PC. I hope you feel better soon.
It’s just so hard to be able to do that cuz I feel so guilty for calling out of work so I just think if I’m gonna suffer no matter might as well get paid
I never had to lay down and rest after I took the RX I suggested.
Its horrible when you have a bad bout of migraines. I used to suffer terribly with vomiting etc. and couldn't get out of bed. I now take regular medication every day from my Doctor. I still get them regularly but they are under control.
When I feel one coming on, I take a Sumatriptan tablet.
You can get these from a chemist after filling out a form about your medical history and how often you have migraines etc.
Then I also suggest you take along side it two :
MIGRALEVE Pink tablets :
contains paracetamol and codeine, to treat your head pain, together with buclizine, to relieve nausea.
(My doctor told me normal medication does not work because it sits at the bottom of your stomach when you are nauseous.)
They are perfectly fine together, I have checked with my doctor.
(If you are not feeling sick, take two paracetamol with the sumatriptan)
I now get Sumatriptan on prescription too. It may be worth you asking your doctor for this.
One last thing...
I also use cool and sooth forehead/migraine strips. Keep them in your fridge.
If you feel a migraine coming on, put one on the side of your forehead that has it. The freezing cold shock sometimes stops it going any further.
Good luck...This info should help.
I had migraines for years most of my adult life, they usually lasted 3 days (2or3amonth)and there wasnt much in the way of treatment then, codeine would at least tone them down a little , enough to let me sleep but sometimes I was so desperate I thought maybe if I banged my head hard against a brick wall maybe it would stop it... Until.... in 2012, because of a bout of what I thought was IBS I decided to try a gluten free diet...
A few days into the diet my IBS was much better and after a couple of weeks I realised that I hadn't had a migraine lately and I still haven't!! Kept to the diet since then and apart from no migraine I am so much healthier.
Probably doesnt work for everyone but a trial does no harm. Hope you feel better soon.
Thank you so much I’ll have to try those, anything to stop the pain really
Wow, that is a lot if drugs adding up. Just 1 Fiorinal per day RX stops all...migraine, light and sound sensitivity, and nausea, all stopped within 15 min. I only take 1 if I have a migraine already. Works perfectly.
And that’s a prescription?
Yes, I replied somewhere here. It is Fiorinal, a controlled prescription as it has Butalbital in it. It is: Butalbital 50 mg., Aspirin 325 mg, and Caffeine 40 mg. I take it with food. It us an older drug, over 2p yrs. so some Drs. Prefer triptans, etc. But they never helped me. Not ergotomines either.
Hi Malumaf I used to suffer badly with migraine it used to make me very ill until my GP prescribed Naratriptan and it was like a miracle cure for me I've never had a bad migraine since, it virtually stops mine completely.
Wishing you good luck infinding a lasting cure for you 🤗🤗
Have you tried sumatriptans
Yes, that is a prescription. Fiorinal is a controlled substance as it has Butalbital. The RX has Butalbital 50 mg, Aspirin 325 mg, and Caffeine 40 mg. I take 1 once the migraine starts. Someimes I go a few hrs before I take it. Best us take it within the first 20 min. it starts. I drive on it, crunch great sales deals, have social outings rowing, or biking, or hiking, or swimming, go to loud concerts, and more. Good luck.
Hi Malumaf, I suffer from vertiginous migraines and have tried many prescription meds which tend to make it worse. The way I cope is by taking two pink migraleve tablets at the very fist sign that a migraine may be developing and often am able to abate it. However, if the migraine does take hold the only option is to sleep it off
Make an appointment to a McTimony chiropractor. You could have muscle knotsin the neck which need dealing with. See an Alexander Teacher who can help you relax the muscles holding up the head.