Just thought to post an observation here about gaba and weight. Started on it over 4 years ago and , if not a miracle, it certainly helped a great deal with various nerve pains from spinal problems. However, I had been losing weight until then and despite being very diet conscious, it took a lot of effort just to maintain level. There must be doctors out there who don't automatically assume that the patient is Wrong when they make certain observations ! I had noticed that when bad and taking max gaba, e.g I would get really ravenous even though i really didn't feel i wanted to eat - just trying not to move and stay out of pain.
January, it became apparent i would need a fairly big operation so gave up as much gaba as possible and maxed out on all other pain relief, and on virtually the same diet, lost 30 Kgs in six months !
Yes, I know Pregabalin is supposed to be a little less contentious, but hey, why not stay with what works. Now, same diet but half levels gaba....and guess what , weight loss slowed to trickle. I dont know why or how this happens for me.
So, take courage, it may be that the odds are stacked against you, but give it a try anyway.
If you find a doctor who doesn't just quote the perceived Norm at you, then stick with them !