Hi went to my gp today well not my gp but a gp who prescribed 300 mg of gabapentin working my way up 600 mg within 3 weeks I don't know how I feel about it positive hopefully I just hope I don't gain tonnes of weight or have bad side effects any positive experience of these guys can't cope with the pain from my condition best of luck to everyone
Been prescribed gabapentin : Hi went to my gp... - Pain Concern
Been prescribed gabapentin

Hi Ktchard,
I'v been taking Gabapentin for a while now and have not gained any extra weight. You will feel lightheaded and sick the first couple of times until it gets into your system. Are you taking it with another pain killer? xxxx

My gp prescribed 30mg of dihydrocodine but another dr has changed them to 30 mg of codine phosphate scince the incorporation of gabapentin but its not touching the pain I wanted a stronger tablet not weaker one her excuse was not wanting me to get tolerante but I don't care about that anymore. There was a time when I did but the pain is now too much to handle. Yes the gaba does make me feel sick and spaced a little how long does this last I took 300 mg at 1pm and already feel the effect. Thanks for replying how do they help you?
The worst side effects lasted roughly 3 days, I take mine along with Naproxen, It doses'nt take all the pain away but certainly helps me manage the cervical arthritis and fibromyalgia pain. x
Yes I did try naproxen but it really irritated my stomach so I take ibuprofen 400mg × 3 daily along with the codine phosphate but to be honest I get hardly any relief I just hope that these gabapentin work. I work weekends as a sales assistant at a busy shopping centre & think i will have to quit my job as it makes the pain worse do you think I would be able to claim any benefits for this condition bearing in mind that many benefits are means tested so would take my partners earnings into consideration veven if I was entitled to a bus pass that would help I think I will contact my local citizens advice.
Didn't your GP give you Opramazole capules to take with the Gabapentin, It covers the stomach. That's a great idea,pls go along to your lcal CAB office and they will give you all the advice you require re benefits etc. I wish you the very best of luck. Pls let us know how you get on xxx

No I didn't get omeprazole I usually take those with my ibuprofen but iv run out il have to get more. Yes il definitely get some advice regarding some help with benefits or even a blue badge for my partners car or maybe a bus pass standing bending and lifting causes lots of pain thanks for your input Ryanbone, is that a picture of your dog on your profile? Is it a German Shepherd? I have a 3 yr old German Shepherd x
Yes, that's my Ryan, he's a 10 and a half German shepherd/ lad. He's a grand old boy now, sometimes he still thinks he's a puppy and will run around with the other dogs in the park. I do love dogs, what's your dog's name?
Elizabeth xxx

He's lovely. Keffi is my dogs name she is highly protective of us barking at everyone I suppose she's just doing her job, but she's great with the children
Kind regards
Katie xx
Yeh your right Katie, Keffi's just doing her job, looking after her pack/family. Most dogs seem to love children, joining in the fun. Ryan still loves to be centre of attention and will bring his toys to play with most people that come into our house xxx
i've been on gabapentin for 4 years now. no real side effects unless i forget to take them on time (which i s regularly) combined with the Zomorph i also take. i get really bad with draw very quickly if i let it lapse 2 or 3 hours after i forget to take them... hot sweats, diarrhea, feeling crappy...... the sweats are the first sign i forgot to take my meds.. but if i take them on time i feel nothing..
Yes I understand I used to take my meds just when the pain was bad I mean the dihydrocodine and the oramorph but when I tried not taking it boy I knew about it sweats, irritability, muscle aches, eyes watering. Im trying the gabapentin in the hope of a reduction in the nerve pain coming from compression to cervical nerve roots. Iam waiting for facet joint injections. But I believe with the nerve pain that goes into back , shoulder and arm I need a nerve block.so il see about that once I get these joint injections, Im right handed so typing this feels like a mission my arm feels painful and weak , I just don't know what to do for the best best of luck x
Snap today I'm starting taking gabapentin start at 300 mg increase every 3 days in 300mg along with tramadol 50 mg plus prochlorperazine 5 mg x3 plus NSAID 15 mg
I can feel myself rattle if dropped lol
Hi Electricladyland, what troubles you? The Gaba is giving me indigestion so il have to get some omeprazole from gp. My head , back and neck feels as though its being squeezed tightly today. In agony xx
Lower back pain DDD SI joint pain L5 plus periphery neuropathy in feet, toes. Fingers. Wrists,
Yes hand awful indigestion last night woke me up
Every time I move or turn my neck or torso I crunch and grind especially in my sternum can you get Arthritis there does anyone know?
Just be careful about taking it with Tramadol, can be a recipe for disaster! Good luck xx
Yes the GP said that I've been on tramadol for a while now was taking 8 a day made me flying and nuts down now too 2-4 a day
Hay have been on gabapentin myself, but am sure i have gained a bit of weight with it and did have an adverse affect from it when i reached the higher dose, my ankles were swollen looked like fluid retension arounf my ankles, so quicly got in contact with my gp and he said to slowley decrease the medication.
Hi I take gabapentin 1200mg 3 times a day also tramadol 100mg 4 times a day and amatripelin 75mg st night !! But still in pain although I have syringomyelia . I get no side affects apart from cold sweats although the day and nite , hope u get things sorted soon Linda x
I just came off gabapenton after being on it for four years from a dose as high as 1400 , I feel a lot better from not taking it. My weight gain was terrible to and so was my memory, there are other things to use which I think have less side effects and I'm hope I g to find one soon.
Good luck
Don't want weight gain again had enough of that with amitriptyline