Pain and feelings : I was surprised today when... - Pain Concern

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Pain and feelings

12 Replies

I was surprised today when I broke down on the phone while I was trying to take care of an important but unrelated pain issue - I have been asking the council about for weeks. I felt so drained and frustrated, tears came into my eyes and then I just broke down. This never happens to me in public. The other person showed no empathy and it made it all very awkward. I hung up but what I noticed is my pain was significantly worse after that kind of event. Does this happen to you guys? Does intense frustration or disappointment make your pain worse?

A year on and I feel worse.

Wishing you guys only well!

12 Replies
ssdw1958 profile image

I know you said not to reply but then I went back to post and it said reply. So I am replying I do have to say I have broke down but I have hung up before I started to cry. I’ve come to realize that people you have to talk with in any situation medical or even work don’t care. That might sound like that I am a negative person. I never was like this before my medical issuers. I know I have to be strong and not let people see me fall apart but sometimes it just happens. No one knows what you or i are feeling or going thru. So I want to say try to take it easy I know that’s easier said than done. I also have to remember that.

I don’t know if this helped you.

in reply to ssdw1958

I didn't ask you not to do anything. Lots of mixed messages going on. I don't know you who you Welcome and feel free to share. ✌️

in reply to ssdw1958

I never planned to break down lol. I haven't cried in public ever. I have bipolar too, it all just became too much while I was forced to ask for something I had asked for so many times. It just took me over. Have a nice day!

Sickofit1111 profile image

Hi, am a little confused. You ask a perfectly normal question then say don't answer?

But here goes

Pain causes frustration, especially when over a long period of time and your doctor won't listen.

Add to normal everyday stressful situation, Council has hundreds of calls so are usually immune so YES young man , am going off of your photo. It is normal and more importantly OK to let it out 😂. Now just make the call again and don't give up. OK.?

I think you were asking about the effects on your pain from situations like this. I find that the slightest tension makes my pain worse. If my husband and I disagree about something, my pain is worse. It can be the most trivial of things but I have to concentrate on relaxing to improve the pain. I know what you mean about breaking down though. I don't know if you are like me but outwardly I look fit and healthy. No-one knows that this pain is overwhelming and I fear the future and sometimes it just all gets too much. Thanks for listening to my rambling ( can't blame it on the pills, only just taken them! ) Good luck and love to everyone.

in reply to

Yes. I agree. I also try to hide bipolar and a personality issue at the same time. It all gets too much. Mostly when people rush me, or simply don't care that I'm struggling. They don't have time. Wishing you well!

cyberbarn profile image

Pain researchers have known from a way back in the 1970s and before that pain has a very strong psychological and cultural aspect. So your reaction is 'normal'. Physical pain is processed by the same part of the brain that processes psychological pain, so one can affect the other, in either direction. There is no shame in this, the shame should be on the person speaking to you that had no empathy.

in reply to cyberbarn

I agree. To be fair, I was also depressed with my bipolar at the same time. I was asking for help and the person I was speaking with didn't give me time to speak and sounded annoyed that I sounded vulnerable on the phone rather than looking to help me. That's really why I broke down.

Curlygirl54 profile image

Totally agree with you Jake - my pain leaves me easily overwhelmed in the times when I am barely holding on by fingertips. Faceless unempathic people like you mention just make it so much worse

I’ve learned to breathe my way back to calm after these events as the longer I’m ‘jangled’ the greater my pain gets

Wishing you well Jake


in reply to Curlygirl54

Thanks. I'll try and use my mindfulness training but when I'm forced to speak faster by the other person, I forget it all and just forget to say.... Hold on, I need time to think. I'll write it on my PC! Wishing you well.

Curlygirl54 profile image
Curlygirl54 in reply to

Thanks for your good wishes Jake. I agree it’s really hard to access those great strategies in the moment sometimes isn’t it 🙃

Hope you’re having an easier time


in reply to Curlygirl54

It's been tuff but now my GP has requested I go to the pain clinic. I shall wait for my op to come around. I'm a little sad about how I it has taken year to get better at my bipolar things and then I have to deal with this. Life is not fair I know but I thought I would have an chance.

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