I have a stabbing pain in the middle of the left side of my stomach which occasionally spreads around that area. I have had it for three days now and it started after having constipation, i no longer have constipation and the pain in very extreme at times, could this be a hernia ??
stomach pain in middle left, not cramps - Pain Concern
stomach pain in middle left, not cramps

It could be a number of things and if you've been to the toilet and it's not disappeared I would honestly feel better if you went to a doctor to find out what's going on. Any stabbing pain must be checked and if the pains severe...please go and be seen. I hope you are alright ..my thoughts are with you.
Agreed. Stabbing pain = bad!
Gall bladder and appendix are the usual sources of stabbing pain in the abdomen, but they're on your right side (unless you're one of those rare people who have their organs swapped over). Other causes include a hernia, pancreatitis, heart attack, and other scary things. The chances that you have a serious thing are quite low, unless you're older and have other contributing conditions, but a diagnosis for a hernia would rule out anything else and give you peace of mind. Go to the doctor, or call 111.
Did you figure out what it was? I’ve been having the same pain now for two months! I’ve been going to the doctors but so far none are really sure what’s the cause, my pain tends to be usually on the left side of belly button and sometimes all over my abdomen. I wish I knew what I have!