Hello everyone just joined this community. Had a Spinal Fusion 7 weeks ago and am still experiencing low back pain when I stand for a while
Post Spinal Surgery: Hello everyone just joined... - Pain Concern
Post Spinal Surgery
7 weeks post op is still early. What does the physio say ? If you are not having physio then you should really question why. In the meantime seeing a good physio or chiropractor privately is a good idea.
I had SI joint fusion but no therapy except privately. I think I would have really struggled without it.
I was 6 weeks non weight bearing on my right leg and 6 more weeks toe touching on crutches. I didn't walk properly for months. Different operation but still back surgery.
Hello DJ Thanks for your reply. I am seeing my physio to check how my exercise is going. There is a lot of stretching three times a day which causes me more pain.just have to be patient. I used to work in Orthopaedic Rehab. I have never heard of Sacroilliac joint fusion. Were you involved in a riding accident?
hi sensation. Difficult to find the balance between staying in th comfort zone pushing too hard. I often get it wrong but I know that being too careful is never going to improve the atrophed muscles.
The SI joint fusion was because I was experiencing a great deal of pain when walking, sitting, standing, indeed pretty much everything except lying down. The cause could have been pregnancy, a cycle accident, referred pain from osteo in my lumber spine or a combination of them all. I have 3 titanium rods holding my SI and pelvis stable.
The physio I saw after the operation had no idea about the surgery either ! It took my wonderful chiropractor to research it and come up with a rehabilitation plan. Unfortunately she is long term unwell and cannot continue with me.
Why did you have your surgery ?
Had a spinal fusion and replacement disc called a Cage. due to degeneration of the spine.
If you can read my question above about my spinal fusion op, I had the cage and 2 rods and 2 osteotomies 1 top and one bottom of my back. Leave a message for me if you would like to chat, hope you see this post!!
This came up in my email today. I am about to have L4 L5 fusion and have many concerns. Any interest in talking?
Hi joaclp, send me your concerns and I will try and help,I'm just worried my answers might put you off having the op.