I tried to work off my depression by gardening, it worked, but as usual my pain levels rocketed. I took 20mg morphine and two Solpadol. I t did not work too well but once moving I was able to carry on. when I was about half an hour from finishing I repeated the 20mg morphine and two solpadol this worked quite well and allowed quite good movement without any really severe pain. Taking that much in quite a short period of time affected me by revving me up, so I did not feel sleepy and was quite grumpy to Jan. Some hours later the pain is returning and I feel a little sleepy so I am hoping I get to sleep before the pain makes it impossible. I really do not think that I should any more morphine so if I cannot sleep I will have to resort to a couple of Solpadol. In the past I used to take them but increased the dose with another 60mg of codeine on top, ok for a while but can constipate you ! Feels like I am with Zebedee on the magic roundabout !
Pain and depression control, also posted in F... - Pain Concern
Pain and depression control, also posted in Fibromyalgia group.

You don’t give a timescale for taking these medications . Without times it’s hard to understand your problems
Good morning wheezybronch
Have you tried marijuana? God bless you and enjoy your day!✌️💚😊🌬💨💨
I have not tried anything not on prescription however I would certainly consider medical marijuana, but would never smoke it as I have bronchiectasis and tracheonronchomalacia, thanks you for the suggestion and good thoughts, bless you too.
My sister insisted on natural remedies and it did not work for her, I am glad for everyone who gets relief from them. I simply do not have the time, patience or indeed the understanding of natural remedies, I have severe memory problems. I am overmedicated but know that my life has been saved by them also I have had a four year period of no hospitalisations or severe infection. If I had One or twp problems I would consider investigating but I am too complicated by far. Thanks for you thoughts.
As simple as it sounds anytime I need to boost the effectivness of morphene or even codiene I always take a small dose of paracetamol on top. I consulted my GP to check it’s safe and aslong as you make sure to don’t take any other paracetamol unknowingly (eg lemsip) then it’s fine. I didn’t think paracetamol could help that much when codiene and morphene are a lot stronger but I was amazed!
Hope you get your pain levels on track 😊
I agree with you totally. People take Paracetamol as a one or two dose treatment for a simple headache or some such problem but if taken everyday , eight a day in four doses of two it really can help in chronic pain. In fact they did work for me but it made me itch ! Even now I agree that "topping up" with paracetamol over your normal medication helps a lot. Thanks for the post.