I am a carer and work nights, I get up everyday at 16.00 and go to bed at 09.00. I've noticed my joint discomfort and pain is getting worse. I obviously take my pain relief but I have started taking vitamin D and cod liver oil. I have just bought a SAD lamp as I thought this might help too, with raising my vitamin D levels. Any views or experiences of using one of these lamps for this.
SAD light : I am a carer and work nights, I get... - Pain Concern
SAD light
How much vitamin D3 are you on Diedee. ?
Only when I relied on the vitamindcouncil.com for my recommended doses of vitamin D3, which highly differs from NHS recomended doses, (which were not high enough for me to get rid of my pains and many symptoms of vitamin D derficiency.)
My SAD went away almost overnight once on optimum dose D3 and I no longer need to use my SAD lamp. In winter I needed even more D3.
Yes I experienced more pain working nights. Getting up at 16.00 like I used to as I could not sleep past that, you are up much more earlier than if you are working a day shift ( Before you start work) . My previous GP...get this..... has CFS!! I have CFS and Fibro. She could only work part time, but she said most sufferers of this and other pain conditions should avoid working nights. My GP now says this, but I am sure it is not the case for many people of course. I tried tis SAD lamp but I did not notice anything different. I do wonder though if the meds can prevent this. ( Pregabalin, Carbamazepine, (weaning off them) and Codeine for double hernia!!