Hi everyone I joined this site 8 days ago. But no one has said hi or commented on what I wrote. Feeling really isolated and in chronic pain.
Sad 😩😭: Hi everyone I joined this site 8 days... - Pain Concern
Sad 😩😭

I can't find your post either, maybe a glitch and your message didn't appear on the forum page. Try again 🙂
Welcome and maybe repost?
Hi Fibrobutterfly I am ssdw1958 sorry 😐 know one said Hi but I sometimes just talk to the people on the MS site are you on the pain site which on are you on?
I have had MS since 2004 that’s what they say but I know I have had it for a number of years earlier. I sometimes get into a down mood and I am in one now trying not to be but to much is on my plate one is with my Uncles passing I am in charge of his financial things and let me tell you I don’t know if I will ever do that again. I hope your having a better day.
Oh one more thing there is a rain storm coming up the coast and it is messing with my MS my knees have been hurting me really bad.
If I don’t answer you right away don’t take that the wrong way be cause it is 4:30 a.m. here and I need to get some sleep will take another day. 😃😊💤
Hi I can't find your previous post either? Unless you have deleted it since it looks like it never posted at all. x
Hi Fibrobutterfly, I am new here too. I spend a lot of time on my own and I am dealing with some horrible pain. It's tough, isn't it. You are not alone. Welcome to the site. x
Hi fibrobutterfly I have been on this site for a few years , if you posted a question here you would have got an answer from someone, as we all like to help with pain or many other things due to your illness, it maybe if it was posted there was not anyone able to welcome you at that time , better late than never , welcome there are many people on here who are suffering terrible pain on a daily bases , but I am sure if some are well enough they will get back to you , best wishes
Sorry can’t find ur original post either. Try again posting 🤗👍
Hi there, sorry about that. Xx
Hey sorry not very active on this site x
I'm sorry, that None has replied to you Fibrobutterfly. We don't automatically know, when New Members join.
Anyway, Hello, Welcome and please know that you DO have friends here.
Welcome as above can't see your post. Now your up and running let's talk
Hello xx I am sorry but also. Didn’t see your first post.
I just joined a couple of weeks ago and find this very helpful. Lots of people are here to support you through your pain.
I ended up in hospital by ambulance two days ago because I just couldn’t cope. The relief of the morphine and gas and air was welcomed - but sadly I can’t have that at home!
I have been given voltarol suppositories on top of my other pain meds and I have to say they are giving me more relief that I have had. I have chronic back pain and haven’t sat/stood for 8 weeks now. I am booked in for 4 facet joint injections on Monday so hoping they give some relief.
Please message us and let us know you are okay. We are all here for you and feel your pain.
Hiya! Didn’t see your initial post so thought I’d say hi 👋
I’ve had chronic pain for three years following a spinal fracture so, like everyone here, am in the same boat as you.
Take care and keep posting, we’re a friendly bunch so again, welcome!
Lynley xx
hiya, don't wait to be spoken to - just join in :)
Hi, hope you're doing bit better.
Hi butterfly, I rarely write on this site - unless it's something I think I can help with. (that's due to my depression) I've been a member for quite a few years now, but I've learned such a lot from posts and comments, all of which have helped me with my physical pain. Be assured that you are listened to on here X
Hi purpletwo
Never been on a site like this and wasn't sure if to continue. I am worried what others will think of me. I am in a really dark place in my life atm. And I don't know if there are others on here that have fibromyalgia and depression. Thanks x
Hi xxx lots of people on here are in the same boat. There is light at the end of the tunnel. A close friend has had fybromyalgia all her life and went through depression. She is now the most positive person I know. She joined yoga and meditation groups and began to speak openly to people about her depression. She changed to healthy eating and took vitamin b6 supplements which she thinks helped.
She still has the very odd down day but much more up days than down. Talk to people and ask for help. There are a lot of kind people in this world and they will want to help you. Try and do one positive thing for yourself today - and another tomorrow.
We are all here for you too xx
Hi hun don’t feel left out there’s always an issue with this site we’re all here to help 1 another x
Hi - I just realised there is a helpline through this site that you may want to call?
I received the following message when I signed up that I have only just seen:
We hope you'll find this forum a useful resource - do get involved in the blogs, questions and polls. For in-depth information and articles visit painconcern.org.uk
Our Helpline provides information, support and a listening ear, Call 0300 123 0789
Sorry about that. I also have chronic pain for many years. I just was diagnosed two years ago. I am working on pain cbd and or medical marijuana combined. Not much help in Florida. I wish to be near ms centers to have new therapy. I get down as you do. Keep learning and I hope u find something soon. Thanks