Hi everyone hope you’re are all well as can be? I’m wondering if anyone has had any experience with MST long acting Morphine? How long does it take to kick in and start to do anything I’ve just had them 3 days and they are not helping whatsoever. Thank you
MST Morphine : Hi everyone hope you’re are all... - Pain Concern
MST Morphine
Good morning Sea_sider
See you are new to this forum...welcome.
MST morphine comes in different strengths with the starting dose low..
Have you been on any other pain med prior to starting this one?
Hi Bananas5 Thank you. I’ve been on all sorts from co-coadmol to dihydrocodine which I’m on now alongside Oramorph and Lyrica and Naproxen I’ve been given 10mg and I’m in horrible pain.

Doctors start on the lowest dosage for a new medication then build up. You will need to go back and ask for a higher dose maybe.
My experience with MST was not great as the nausea caused me to lose quite a lot of weight. It never really settled and I moved onto another medication.
Others may have a different experience though.
Hi Dee Thank you for your input I’ll have to see how I get on over the next week or so.

Hello Sea-sider I was hoping for an answer to my question? Always easier to advise when we know what conditions, illness or disability dealing with
Sorry I haven’t been able to till today. I have been left with Neuropathic Pain after a spinal fusion.

oh dear. Is that a recent operation? Why did you need it?
My advice, with the cocktail of other meds, is speak with your GP, consultant or surgeon..If something isn't giving any relief from pain then you have a number of choices. Increase which I never condone, change meds or come off completely and try other therapy
It’s been since 2010 my back went “pop” a disc came out and I had to have it removed.

Oh wow so almost 8 yrs ago? And just started on MST. Well as I said..you can ask for increase, another med or stop altogether.
There are many alternatives to increasing strong meds which...the higher you go the less effective they are
I’ve been on nearly every medicine going so far.

Of course. You did say Diazepam did help but you know that can only be prescribed short term?.
Perhaps then you should go on a pain management course. If meds aren't working then you can learn so much. How to pace yourself. Reduce hours at work, look and listen to what alternative therapies can help.
I have been on MST 100mg twice a day for approximately 3 years, with Oramorph for breakthrough pain. I think it took a couple of weeks to get properly into my system. I have now managed to reduce my MST to 60 mg twice a day. It doesn't keep me totally pain free, but it does allow me to not sleep all the time. I still have Oramorph for breakthrough pain.
Thanks for your message I’ll have to see how they help me at the moment they are useless.
What dose are you on? If you were on co-codamol /tramadol at max dose, hopefully your doctor started you on 30mg or so a day or above.
I’m on Dihydrocodine and 10Mg MST
I’m on 400mg tramadol 240mg cocodamol and 60mg of slow release morphine a day and still find it doesn’t do all that much.
If it’s not working for you then speak to your doctor again, or ask for something else in top of the doctor doesn’t want you taking more of the morphine etc. I guess it all depends on how much pain your in as a opposed to your normal daily life and pain threshold etc.

That is the answer why, 10mg morphine is very little.
but why would someone take 400mg tramadol, 240mg co-codamol and 60mg morphine if it doesn't do much ?
These medicines aren't without their risks and harms so for little or no benefit Is it worth taking them ?