have atos medical for lower back pain and sciatica never had medical before always been paper based this is a pip AR1 reiew, what do they ask ask and do in medical.
Atos medical need advice : have atos medical... - Pain Concern
Atos medical need advice

They basically go over what's in your form. They ask how your condition affects your daily life. Always describe your worst day, because that is a realistic representation of what you have to cope with every day. I personally have not had the best experience with such assessments, but I think the assessment is an individual thing.
Best of luck.
There are a lot of support groups for PIP and ESA on Facebook, there is loads of advice on there, You say it's a review? So, you already receive PIP? When did you last have a F2F?? If you are in a lot of pain etc., you can ask for a home assessment. Perhaps, they are checking if you are on the right level of PIP? But, as I'm sure you know there are so many horror stories. Make sure you ask what experience they have of your condition at the beginning. And as has been said, just describe your worst day ever and say it is the same every day, unless you have already said it fluctuates. Did you keep a copy of the last form you completed? Which is a good idea, so we don't forget what you have said before. Good luck