Being having bad migraines stress don’t think drs knows what it is had it 6wks still give me migraine tabs
Pain: Being having bad migraines stress don’t... - Pain Concern

sorry to hear your in such pain Dotpot. I just hope that it will ease of. Do you try to manage your stress in any way like relaxation or breathing exercises? suffer from stress myself and its horrible. Im on tablets for high blood pressure due to stress. wishing you well. love grace xoxo
Hi Dotpot
Has it even been discussed that you may have cervicogenic headaches? It might be worth a chat with your doctor or headache specialist to rule this out. If you do get them then if I may suggest diazepam and a deep tissue massage of the head, neck and shoulders? I see a myotherapist for mine but I do understand that there aren't many in the country and quite expensive but I think you would do anything to help stop that pain. I suffered for 3 years with them before I started getting migraines due to fibro and a car accident. It's worth a chat with your doctor.
Good luck
Sarah x
Sorry to hear that you Your in so much pain and it sounds like you dont have a lot of support at home. I understand that sometimes the pain when its constant is all you can think about. Ive been there and its awful! Maybe you could get a second opinion. First, the pain meds will make your pain worse beleive me I had chronic migraines and was taking so many pain meds when morphine stopped working they put me on fentanyl and that sent me over the edge. I had to tapper off my pain meds which was very hard and it took awhile, but i have a clear head now and manage my body pain and migraines in other ways. Accupuncture helped me a lot with pain and stress. Dont worry if people dont beleive that youre in pain it doesnt matter just take care of yourself and be very careful with the pain meds they can and do cause rebound headaches/migraines. Look into a pain management clinic they should have resources for you...good luck and be kind to yourself