i've been having i guess chest pain, i am 19 years old/ female & no heart issues in my family but sometimes it's like a sharp pain then it goes away, i can't afford medical of course so i can't go get it checked up but i mean i've had this for the past few months, sometimes it goes away when drinking water or advils but this is so scary especially that i am young, i feel like i am going to drop dead soon
chest pain : i've been having i guess chest... - Pain Concern
chest pain

Hi sorry to hear about your chest pain.Why cant you get it checked out, are you in the uk? Or elsewhere?
.Yes by the sounds of it ,it needs checking out ,just in case it serious.good luckxx🌼🌻🌴xx
chest pain isn't always to do with the heart. There is a joint between each rib and the breastbone, as well as around the back too, and these joints move. It is how we are able to breath. Sometimes those joints become inflamed, or they get sprained and strained like any other joint in the body. There are also loads of little muscles that run between each rib and they can go into spasm like any other muscle in the body.
It is more likely that it is something like this than a serious heart condition. but if you are worried then try to see your GP.
My chest muscles are always going into spasms they never seemed to have healed due vomiting caused by hiatus hernia. Just turning sometimes I End up doubled over. Very painful.
could be indigestion, could be gallbladder or ulcer in the stomach check what your eating and keep a record of the foods that might be causing it. but if that doesn't work see a doctor. at your age could be simple.
this usually happens when i'm eating like acidy foods and i'm assuming could be GERD but my family are scaring me saying it's for sure heart disease i mean i'm getting it checked out today and i'm so nervous
Hi there is a chest pain that can feel very similar to a mild heart attack. It's in the same location but in the muscles above the hear in the chest so nothing to do with heart. It's condriitis which you can look up and see if your relate to it. It's a common sub symptom of my Fibromygelia but can be very scary. The first time I had nad dose I was in local hospital crash room wired up with six or eight staff convinced I was having heart attack. Having numbness and tingling down left arm but this opis peripheral neuropathy and damaged ulna nerve in elbow. So panic over condritis identified. I still get pains and twitches there but just stay calm relax and rub chest and it goes.
That's just me though so check out other issues but have a look at condritis.
Patrick x
i looked at fibromyalgia and those are definitely the symptoms i have, but also condritis sounds about right, i'm so unsure but today i find out what is going on and i'm so stressed out, hopefully everything goes good
Hi Boyer, it may be worth trying to get some relation techniques in your 'virtual tool box' that you can pull out in times of stress. For me and many others stress is the number one cause of a flare up. I'm sure it can't be good for any other health issue. On a Pain Management Course I was introduced to the concept of ' Mindfulness ' keeping things in the here and now, not brooding on past or fearing the future. Just dealing with what's in front of you at that time. It takes practice to get the hang of it but is worth perservering, Google it.
Good luck and please let us know how you get on
Regards Patrick
I am not a doctor but that sounds more like a possible trapped nerve that a heart problem.
You do need professional advice though to ease your mind.
Stress is the biggest killer so, for now just regard it as a muscular/nerve issue till it's confirmed. Do NOT worry about it though.
Sometimes you can get chest pains, like I did some years ago but, after tests it was discovered to be a digestive disorder for which pills were prescribed and problem solved.
I take it you are in US?
i'm getting it checked out today and see what is going on, i'm super nervous but i'll get back to you guys once i find out, wish me luck !! & yes i live in the US
Did you found out what was causing the pain? I'm 19 year old female aswell been struggling with horrible sharp pains in the centre of chest which goes into my back and around my ribs been told it's more than likely costochondritis but I've taken ibruprofen and other anti inflammatory and have not really seen a different yet.
got an email notification on this, sorry for not giving an update but yes, doctor told me that they are not heart related issues and most likely costochondritis but he issued me a ibruprofen that was a little stronger than the ordinary ones and fixed my pain, usually i sleep wrong most of the time but that's the exact pain i had so don't worry, i know sometimes our minds get the best of us!