How many of you would like to start a group or groups,we had groups on freetobreath the grouped
Groups: How many of you would like to start a... - Pain Concern

Do you want to start one SusieJo?

Pain groups more than several types trying to get relieve from it all fighting each one,I Don,t know how to fight this type of pain trying to get relief . I focus on one and trying to get relief from it all it's almost impossible. Can we get relief I Don,t know?
What would be the aims , agenda and outcome expected for this new group?
As Madlegs1 asks what would your aim be?
To find people with similar conditions? You can always message anyone if you feel you have common interests. Many already do this which can create great friendships and good not just to talk about pain.
If you are diagnosed with a rare condition, life can get a bit lonely. I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and it has completely overturned my life
There are 2 good sites I know about. One is called My Chronic Pain, and the other is called Patient. They should come up on google. x
Yes, specifically a 'Post herpatic neuralgia', group. I searched for one here but in the end had to use a general pain group which has been helpful but really far too general - don't want to be selfish but a specific group would be better.