I received cervical facet joint injections today, they were terribly painful!! I had no sedation but I did take my normal pain medication a few hours before my appointment. I was expecting some pain but not to this degree. I only received a spray freeze numbing at the exact time the needle was placed into the side of my neck . I felt all pressure and pain associated With the injection. My arm did go numb . I love my doctor and he has been my doctor for quite some time and has 5 star reviews. I cried the entire time and apologized repeatedly to my doctor. I will never do this again without some type of heavy sedation and pain medication as it was far worse than I could have imagined. I can receive novacaine shots at the dentist like a champ and expected the first numbing shot to feel the same but it was nothing like that . I would advise anyone who is getting these to ask for sedation!!! I asked the day before but was told they did not do that ? Anyway just sharing my experience and everyone is different.
Cervical facet injections : I received cervical... - Pain Concern
Cervical facet injections

Welcome to the world of pain management. Your needs are not considered nor cared about. I'm sorry, but it is true. It is a money making scheme for the docs to get rich on your chronic pain. If you have Xanax, take 10 mg before shots. Get a ride home. If not, beg doc for a 10 mg Xanax pill. Good luck and God bless from MA, USA!
I've been offered these injections so will follow to see if the pain is worth it. They work for some but not others. Hope you have some relief xx
Sorry to hear you had so much pain when you had the injection Wallysmom1 . I had them for the first time in April and had sedation and local anaesthetic and I didn't feel much at all. I'm not sure entirely that it helped me but have made a gradual improvement with stretching exercises, moderating the things I do and basically learning to cope. Wishing you less pain, hope it helps give you some relief after initial problems wear off.
Thank you Sailsalot , I expected some pain but seriously this intolerable pain . I had 5 done , the first was less painful than the last . I guess a IV sedative seems to be the way to go I will never do these again with out it . I feel ok today not too sore from the injection sites but just waiting for the steroid to do its thing . I had 3 epidurals several months ago under anesthesia but they didn't work unfortunately. I post in a few days with a update. Crossing my fingers.
That's strange. Maybe it's because it was cervical but I fi d the facet joint lumber spine injections I get painful but not unduly so. I am getting some next week and am so looking forward to the relief I hope to get.
I always ice the area immediately after and for the next 24 - 48 hours to reduce swelling.
Such a shame you felt this pain. Tension can increase it so even taking something like a low dose diazapam can help relax you.
The reason they do not offer sedation as routine is that it is so much more expensive, requiring an anesthetist in some cases. That's what I was told.
Hope your discomfort eases soon.