Glad to meet you: Hi. Im Silvana, Im 49 years... - Pain Concern

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Sylvia2711 profile image
34 Replies

Hi. Im Silvana, Im 49 years old , I live in Birmingham,UK and I have chronic pain (osteoarthritis) . I would like to know how others cope with their condition and , why not, to try to any advice which can help me out.

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Sylvia2711 profile image
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34 Replies
Foxgal17 profile image

I am assuming when you say Birmingham, you mean Alabama. You may be eligible for medical marijuana. Try some CBC oil, either with or without THC. It helps. I just started using it myself. Good luck and God bless, from Massachusetts!

Foxgal17 profile image
Foxgal17 in reply to Foxgal17

I mean CBD oil.

Sylvia2711 profile image
Sylvia2711 in reply to Foxgal17

Thank you for advice. It`s Birmingham ,UK

in reply to Sylvia2711

You can get cbd oil in the uk its legal now. CBD BROTHERS is a good website. If you are on facebook i can give you some support group names :)

Tishy2010 profile image
Tishy2010 in reply to Foxgal17

I need to come to massachusettes lol get me some cbd oil... England needs to legalize

Foxgal17 profile image
Foxgal17 in reply to Tishy2010


Foxgal17 profile image

Nice to meet you too. I know that the UK has no medical marijuana in place. So my advice was not helpful. I have spinal stenosis. Have you had an MRI of your back? There may be more than arthritis. Such as muscular pain, bone spurs, herniated disks. I have all that, and it gets very painful. I get cortisone shots. They aren't very painful. If I didn't get the shots, I would be in a wheelchair. They don't help everyone. You might discuss with your doctor, who can send you to pain management. Good luck, and God bless!

Sylvia2711 profile image
Sylvia2711 in reply to Foxgal17

Thank you very much and I appreciate all your advices. I had two cortisone injection one in the hip and other in spine. The one in spine develop a massive boil which hurt more than all pain together. Couldn't sleep, sit or lye down. And none of injection was helpful. I had MRI and also CT ( as i had cancer in the past) and I was glad at least is not cancer but there is as you said nerve pain, herniated disk also and bone spurs.Because i use crutch and i let my weight on the other leg spine is hurting and start change the form. About pain management I went to an intensive course for 8 weeks where I learn how to deal with all these pain. The hardest part is acceptance and peacing. :(

Foxgal17 profile image
Foxgal17 in reply to Sylvia2711

So basically you have been on the same pain roller coaster I have been on. It took 8 weeks for them to tell you to just deal with it. That would have really made me mad. I am sorry for your pain. This is one lady that understand s and empathizes with you. Have you gotten muscle relaxers? I take baclofen 10 mg x 3 per day. Sometimes I take a 75 mg Lyrics, but don't tolerate it well. Makes me shaky and confused. Hugs from MA!

deejames profile image
deejames in reply to Sylvia2711

I suggest a chiropractor or physio who can work with you to remediate the problems being caused by you favouring the good leg. Your whole spinal alignment will be altered and the muscles in the bad leg will lose tone.


Sylvia2711 profile image
Sylvia2711 in reply to deejames

You are right Dee. I will try to find a good physiotherapist. Hopefully will . At least ia worth it to try. Thank you x

magialuna profile image

Hi, I am 52, I am post surgical laminectomy in my cervical spine. I have multiple problem discs in my lower back that I've been told are inoperable.

I was put on narcotics, by a pain specialist -which my current MD says actually causes a permanent change in how you perceive pain... ( Hurray!...not.) Once you're on it, the pain is worse so .. there's that. He put me on an NSAID, a topical gel that does actually help sometimes called Voltaren gel. Also I've started walking for fitness. It has helped get my weight down a little, which helps my knee pain a lot, and seems to be a good distraction. Also helps tire me out to sleep.

Hot baths with Epsom salts are very nice. I'll sit in there for hours when my back hurts.

Another odd thing I've done that helps is I bought a girdle. One of those with hooks that has multiple sizes, and steel stays so it doesn't roll down? If it's a bit tight, it seems to really help support my back, a lot.

I know that sounds a bit odd, but it has helped me so much...

Can't think of anything else right now.

frankdobermann profile image

Hi guys I'm 49 I'm post discectomy with nerve damage, spondylitis grade 3 arthritis in shoulders, nerve damagev in my neck list goes on. Did I read right the pain management course is just about pain acceptance ? what on earth is that about? I was asked by my neuro would I like to go on one and I refused and he asked again but said I will think about it. If that's all it is I don't think I will bother! I will stay with my morphine and full strength lyrica!!!

Keep well

Frank D

ITYFIALMCTT profile image
ITYFIALMCTT in reply to frankdobermann

Pain management and Pain Clinics vary tremendously throughout the UK. There are some courses that are about acceptance, learning to pace, getting ahead of the pain etc. etc.

There are residential, intensive courses that are pretty full on.

Some clinics offer full, individual assessment of people and might conduct extensive testing to recommend further interventions or to assess people for nerve ablation, stim. implants, a change in medication etc. etc.

And then, there are residential courses like those at The Walton that have an excellent reputation. Extensive evaluation of the individual and a solid treatment plan, specialities for particular conditions or groups of people.

It all depends on what your neurologist was offering you, frankdobermann

frankdobermann profile image
frankdobermann in reply to ITYFIALMCTT

Thank you tbh I never got that far as I didn't or should I say don't like the talking bit with these kind of things.

Jan101 profile image

Hi Sylvia2711

I have also had steroid injections in my spine and hips. Also had cement put into my fractures in my spine and I am also a cancer survivor. With all of that I have got ulcerative colitis diverticulitis and fibromyalgia. I was left suffering in pain and I paid to see private doctors to see if they could help and it cost me thousands of pounds.

I told them all that there must be something out there to help me and that I would find it.

Well I did find something to take my pain away. I take Hemp oil and paste. I done lots lots of research on the subject. I was recommended to CBD Brothers and I looked at there site and they are one off the top companies in the uk so I brought my oil and paste from them.

I take 3/4 drops of oil under my tongue in the morning and leave it there for around 3 minutes then swollen it. In the evening I take the paste around 1 hour before bed. I could not believe how the pain had subsided the very next day and by day 3 I had no pain what so ever.

I always say to people to do there own research and see for themselves if it's for them.

You can also buy the oil from Holland and Barrett. They also get their oil from CBD Brothers. The oil has no THC in it so there is no side affects.

Maybe you can do some research for yourself and see if it's for you. I truly wish you all the best and hopefully you can find something to help with your pain. Take good care of yourself. Jan101 xxxx

Sylvia2711 profile image
Sylvia2711 in reply to Jan101

Thank you , I will try . Sometime I wish to have at least a day in 1 month to feel no pain, but i do no dare to hope. I check on the Internet and I find some places where I can order. Just I have to be careful , because I have lots of allergies: Penicilin, Voltaren, Ibuprofen and all NSADIDs. Thank you for your kind response and I will be back here to tell you how I feel after I use it. Kind regards, x

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to Sylvia2711

Hi Sylvia2711

I truly wish you lots of luck and hope that you get your pain at least reduced. I personally looked at CBD Brothers site it is one off the best.

Take good care of yourself. Jan 🤗🤗🌸🌹🌺🌷xxx

Lynnha profile image

Cbd oil is available in the UK but it isn't free of course. I am trying it at the moment. If you search on this site there are threads about it.

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to Lynnha

Hi Lynnha

Sorry to intrude on your day. Would it be possible to tell me how you are getting on with the CBD oils?

I also take them and have had fantastic results with them.

I truly wish you well. Take good care of yourself. Jan101 xxx

Lynnha profile image
Lynnha in reply to Jan101

Hi Jan well it is my first week in. I am on a fb site CBD Users Uk and I have picked up lots of useful advice to start low and slow. I haven't noticed any difference yet but I know it's early days. How long have you been using it? I am encouraged to hear you have had a good result.

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to Lynnha

Hi Lynnha

Firstly I never knew there was a site where people use CBD oils. Could you please tell me where I can go to have a look.

Sorry to hear that you have not had any relief yet from the oils. I am now just just over 5 weeks into taking the oil and paste. I get my oil and paste from CBD Brothers as they are one off the best company's in the UK and they also supply Holland and Barrett. They are a very reliable company and there oils are pure to the strength that they state.

I got relief the very next day and by 3 days the pain is gone. I have some mussels tightness but that will go in time.

I started with 3 to 4 drops of oil under my tongue and left there for around 3 minutes then I swallowed it. The paste I take in the evening around 1 hour before bed.

There is another lady on here that took the oil as soon as she brought it from Holland and Barrett and felt the pain diminish straight away and like me she could not believe how quickly it worked.

You could have a look on line at CBD Brothers site and all the people on there and what they have to say.

How much are you taking and where did you get your oil from if you don't mind me asking.

Sorry about long post but I feel it's not something you can answer in a few words. I truly wish you all the best wishes with the oils. If I can be off anymore help don't hesitate to ask and if I know I will be happy to let you know. I always say to people it's good to do lots of research. Take good care of yourself. Jan101 xxx

Lynnha profile image
Lynnha in reply to Jan101

CBD Users UK is the group. However you do need to be on Facebook to be on it. I am taking the blue oil from CBD Brothers. I have just today moved on to two drops three times a day. I have also ordered some Entourage oil which I will try next. According to that site it is trial and error so you are lucky to have found something that suits you so quickly. Which oil do you take? Also why do you take a paste as well. Thanks x

Jan101 profile image
Jan101 in reply to Lynnha

Hi Lynnha

I also take the blue top oil from CBD Brothers. I was told to start at 3 to 4 drops at a time under my tongue and leave for 3 minutes then swallow it. I take the oil twice a day and the paste about one hour before bed. I feel the paste works really well during the night and keeps the pain at bay.

You are on a very small dose so maybe that is why you still have pain. I totally agree that everyone is different and may respond better to different types and strength of oils.

When I done my research I saw that a lot of people started on 3 to 4 drops at once and I was recommended to start at that dose and I decided to take the paste in the evening. So that had a very good response to me as the next day most of my pain was gone. I could not believe it and I was so happy.😀

I would never tell anyone what to do it is entirely up to the individual. I truly wish you well my friend and hope that your pain goes very soon. Take good care of yourself and have a lovely weekend. 🤗🤗🌹🌺🌷🌸xxx Jan

ITYFIALMCTT profile image

Sylvia2711 - has your GP recommended a referral to a pain management course or clinic? (I mentioned them above to Frank D.)

There are some places with an excellent reputation like The Walton:

Sylvia2711 profile image
Sylvia2711 in reply to ITYFIALMCTT

I was in Pain Management Clinic as regular patient and their propose me to attend to this course. This programme include doctors from Pain management, nurses, specialists, physiotherapists etc. As patients was different kind of illness (nerves pain, osteo and fibromyalgia) in one word 12-13 people with chronic pain. They explain us how pain works and how we can use different approach which suit us better. we also try kind of tester session of mindfulness, gym, hydrotherapy (which is my favorite one) , Tai Chi , meditation etc. Also teach us to identify the triggers and try to avoid them. In same course was an important point that to not over do the things and by the other hand to not stop completely move your body as will become more stiff. Personally I learn a lot from that course and I try to apply what I learn. Still in struggle with pacing and prioritize the things - Im tempt to over do things when i have bit better day. But since then I start work with a personal trainer , working for 4 months , lose weight 15 kg and I plan to go for Tai Chi too.

Try to find online or ask your GP or better your physio about this kind of course.

Sylvia x

Bennett1943 profile image

There are a couple o things, sall things really, but I've found them helpful. The first is just to take each day as it comes. Give each day a structure and work within that. Its so easy to let pain dominate. The second is more down to earth but I find that a nice hot bath with Epsom Salts can do the trick. I wish you well. Having this website can help so much.

Tishy2010 profile image

Hi silvana I too have osteoarthritis, i smoke weed and take codiene based meds. Tbh you need to eat 100% organic and fresh NO PROCESSED then eat alkalis foods... brightly coloured veg.... eat loads of oily fish and make sure your bed is reaaalllly comfy. Keep smiling no matter what and keep active but hydrated. You will see difference... NO ALCHOHOL BTW only glass of red wine with dinner every day. Replace all oils and butter with Olive oil in diet.

Im 29 and feel like 75 but with the tips above and yoga and pilates Im started to feel ok again.

Sylvia2711 profile image
Sylvia2711 in reply to Tishy2010

Thank you Tishy. I do no smoke, no drink #9apart 2-3 main holiday in the year) but i want to try CBD , the gel capsules. I use organic as much I can and I also use Tiens natural products which i find very useful but im still in struggle with sleep. Night time pain is so bad and i sleep like 1 night yes , 1 night not at all. :(

johnsmith profile image

Osteoarthritis is a condition that affects your joints, causing pain and stiffness. This is how it is defined on

Conventional medicine tends to equate the pain and discomfort with bone problems rather than consider that it is a brain muscle control problem. There is no cure for aches and pains. Pain killers sound nice and may be effective initially. However pain killers do not tackle the lack of muscle control ability which is part of the problem. The pain and discomfort makes you aware there is a problem. Pain killers make you unaware that there is a problem and you damage areas because of the lose of sensitivity caused by the pain killer.

Things that will help develop better muscle control would be things like yoga, slow moving t'ai chi and Alexander Technique lessons. These need to be done in a class under the watchful of an experienced teacher who can help correct faulty muscular movements and help you become more sensitive to yourself.

Hope this has been useful.

Sylvia2711 profile image

I start to use some of these things which indeed is helpful. Pain is there anyway , at least make most of it and dont let joints to rust ! Thank you John :)

Lanadc88 profile image

30 originally from Birmingham too but live in Devon now. I have a whole host of conditions and am at the end of my tether with pain. Soon as u think your getti g ontop of it a flare comes out of nowhere and refuses to shift it's backside even with a mountain of pain killers lol. Hope we can stay connected on each others pain journey lol

Sylvia2711 profile image

Hi there. Indeed you are right. Sometimes pain hit like a storm and nothing works. I try to identify what make it better or worse and I find out actually there s no pattern. So ,try to carry on my life as it is. Wish you all the beat and pain free days! :)

Lanadc88 profile image

Same to u. Thank you

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