My partner has been diagnosed with, "Crumbling Spine".
I've looked this up for curiosity - people have mentioned, "Pain Clinics"..
Would anyone know of any in South Wales, please?
Thanks, mrplatypus
My partner has been diagnosed with, "Crumbling Spine".
I've looked this up for curiosity - people have mentioned, "Pain Clinics"..
Would anyone know of any in South Wales, please?
Thanks, mrplatypus
Is it degenerative spine disease?
Whereabouts in South Wales are you? I've been suffering with chronic pain since the sacral bone in my pelvis fractured nearly 3 yrs ago causing nerve damage and I also have osteoporosis. (Is this what the 'crumbling spine' you refer to is?) I attend a pain clinic in Merthyr Tydfil every 4/6 months and I have found all the doctors, nurses etc who work there very helpful. You need to be referred by your gp but be prepared for a long wait, the waiting list is enormous unfortunately. They are incredibly supportive and have set about "juggling" my meds to try and find a combination of drugs to suit me. I am still in a lot of pain but so far they have managed to give me a baseline pain relief which has helped minimise the "peaks & troughs" and has stabilised the pain to a degree. We still have options of different drugs, support groups etc but the emphasis is always on management of my pain not a cure as unfortunately it cannot be cured. The mental aspect of this is as difficult as the physical pain but they deal with me in an holistic way and I would definitely recommend them. I also have reflexology every 3 weeks as I find this helps greatly with relaxation and my emotional acceptance of my pain.