ATOS Assessment next week.: I have been... - Pain Concern

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ATOS Assessment next week.

Meerkat_07 profile image
19 Replies

I have been receiving the lower rate DLA for a few years, I am 66 years old now and have been told that I need to apply fir PIP.

I have nerve damage in my right arm, but particularly my hand and the muscle has wasted. I have spinal disc formentosis which has caused this, and had surgery twice to prevent further nerve deterioration. My neck pain has increased in the last year, and I can hardly turn my head, plus I have permanent head pain affecting my ability to lay it on a pillow at night to get to sleep. I have had one knee replacement and the other one requires it too. My spine is arthritic.

The DLA was because of my right hand, this has not and will never improve, so along with my psoriatic, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, will this be enough for ATOS to recommend I remain on my DLA (pip)? Any tips re the assessment process.

I have lots of pain meds, including biologic meds which reduce my Immune system ability to fight infections, but my main thing is my hand disabity re any allowance, as I know they don't care about any pain you are in.

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Meerkat_07 profile image
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19 Replies
johnsmith profile image

See The local voluntary agency that deals with benefits. Do not apply for PIP until you have seen them. You need to move quickly. You should be on DLA for the rest of your life as you were on DLA when you were 64. I have doubts if you will get PIP. See your local MP. If my understanding of the present law is correct then it is likely the letter is an attempt to trick you to lose benefits. You apply and you are no longer on DLA.

The law keeps on changing so I may or may not be accurate. PIP is a higher rate and very difficult to get. You will need all the legal assistance you can get to understand the requirements and how to word your application to be in line with the requirements. The meaning of words in law are not the same as the meanings in the OXford English Dictionary.

I used my DLA when I had it for medical treatment - not available on the NHS. I transferred to PIP and used that to fund my medical treatment.

There is treatment available for your condition. You have to pay for it unfortunately. So having PIP if you can get it would be very useful. The main treatment is Alexander Technique lessons. You will also need McTimony chiropractic treatment.

Hope things work out successfully.

in reply to johnsmith

Hi it will be PIP you have to apply for now I'm afraid. The DLA rules only apply to anyone who was 65 on 13th April 2013. You have missed the cut off date by a couple of years and anyone after that date has to apply for PIP and put up with assessments every few years. Good luck and get help with your claim from CAB or a local disability centre. x

Meerkat_07 profile image
Meerkat_07 in reply to

Thanks for your response.yeah, I know that it has to be PIP thanks to Ian Duncan Smith. But it's too late to go to CAB.

The thing is, my disability is still there and is even harder to deal with now that I have other problems. I need assistance with most personal care, cooking, food preparation, etc, so I don't know what else I can do but be honest.

They aren't interested in pain you are in I know, but they can't ignore my disability or the fact my husband has to do all the household chores, and cooking and shopping.

What more can I do?

Thanks anyway. Xx

tannie profile image
tannie in reply to Meerkat_07

They have with me. My husband does chores and heavy work, he also told them this at assessment , to no avail. Good luck with these people you need every bit. by way, my friend also lost hers, she has lost her toes, waiting on news of legs, both of which are badly affected can break at any time , she uses crutches and scooter to get about. They told her she could move from waist up freely therefore not entitled to it .

Cb1963 profile image
Cb1963 in reply to Meerkat_07

yes its difficult to point the finger of blame,especially when it comes down to financial issues regarding payments from the DWP,however I meet ids last year in may and I to was annoyed ay him,but he had issues with George Osborne and ultimately resigned from his position due to the cuts in the welfare and brexit,so I'm not a big lover of politicians he did his best probably under extremely circumstances,but I did lose my dla,and I'm on the lowest rate of pip,and to be honest I think trying to get my decision overturned is more or less impossible as the pip form has wording designed to make it more or less impossible to get round,I wish you all the best with any future claims and don't give up.😊

Meerkat_07 profile image
Meerkat_07 in reply to johnsmith

Thanks, but it is PIP. I wasn't born before the cut off date.

I do need assistance with most things, and my right hand is useless for household chores, cooking and handling utensils etc, so I have to just be honest and hope they are the same!

Thanks again.

katieoxo60 profile image
katieoxo60 in reply to Meerkat_07

Hi Meerkat, I beleive you can get pip as I checked for myself on the same grounds as you and found I would get more on pip for the care section even though I live alone due to physical hand difficulties on daily personal tasks. However it would reduce my mobility rate. I still get DLA as I was over 65 on the said date. But it is worth a try for you, I have more than one problem with my hand ability. Say no to anything that you can't do yourself or that you use adatations for, would be my advice. I have to use two hands to carry a cup for example and still spill some, but can carry a stemmed glass no problem. Make a list of the no can does. Good Luck

Meerkat_07 profile image
Meerkat_07 in reply to katieoxo60

Thanks Katie. You have given me a little more confidence. I don't need to lie, just be honest and refuse to do anything I'm not comfortable doing.

vodkalover2 profile image
vodkalover2 in reply to johnsmith

I was on low rate flat and I had a nasty fall at 68 re applied my self for higher rate and got it at our age it is still dla but as long as you have been to doctors you should be ok worth a try

SandyS22 profile image

Your PIP assessment starts the minute you enter the building. The assessor looks closely at how you present yourself both physically and mentally. If you turn up well dressed and well presented it goes against you. If you engage in normal conversation and make good eye contact it goes against you. The assessors tend to be pleasant and engaging but remember, they are not your friend.

If you are still filling in the form read the descriptors closely. You need 8 points for daily living and/or 10 points for moving around. You mention you need help with personal care and most chores. Include everything that you need help with, even if it's only sometimes. They are interested only in the way your issues affect your ability to perform tasks, not the issues themselves.

If you don't get any award you have the right to ask for a mandatory reconsideration where a different decision maker will look over your case to see if anything has been missed. If it comes to this, send a letter with the form with any new/additional evidence you have, based on the original decision maker's response. If this is still unsuccessful you can take it to tribunal where a judge and doctor will decide if they are being unduly harsh towards you.

It can take a long time from application to decision so please don't let it cause you stress and anxiety. That only makes things worse. Try to relax about it and believe that if you deserve an award you will get it.

tannie profile image
tannie in reply to SandyS22

Can I say Sandy, the assessment begins the moment you get out of your car. They watch you every step of way from car-park to assessment room, Also time how long it takes you to get from A to B .

Meerkat_07 profile image
Meerkat_07 in reply to SandyS22

Thanks for the tips Sandy.

The doctors only get paid if they refuse your claim so if if you get turned down first time do keep trying to get it.

biffbrain profile image

I'm sorry u have to go through this .I've just recently been assessed again so I understand the worry of it all. The best thing to take with u is as much medical evidence as u can get . Letters of diagnosis from the consultants u r under are very helpful . They can't deny doctors diagnosis. Also I agree totally that they do not give u any points for pain whatsoever. I'm diagnosed with 3 types of lung disease (all incurable) and fibro too. I'm constantly in chronic pain and the fatigue is crushing . I passed the assessment till 2019 thanks to the consultant letters . Wish u all the best.

biffbrain profile image

Forgot to say - it's important to keep saying that ur conditions have not changed. If anything they r worse .

Like I said all the best with it .

Meerkat_07 profile image
Meerkat_07 in reply to biffbrain

Thanks for that. So sorry to read you are so very unwell biffbrain.

The thing is, I've sent them MRI results of upper spine, details of surgery, but TBH, none of that really goes into my hand disability. I have had that fir a few years, and no longer keep pestering the doctor. There is no point, because the surgeon told me that the nerves are dead, and will never regenerate. So really, there isn't much else I can do. Just point out all the things that have to be done for me, because I have no use of my fingers in that hand.

I gave to have my personal grooming done, ie chiropodist, hair, eyebrows etc. Can't hold anything without dropping it, can't cut up my food, can't pick up coins, can't prepare veg or cook.

My neck and head pain won't be deemed relevant to the hand disability, but generally having Arthritis makes dealing with it more difficult.

Thanks again, que sera sera.

biffbrain profile image
biffbrain in reply to Meerkat_07

Bless you ! I really feel for your situation . It might be worth getting something in writing about your hand to take with you . I know you said it's been like that for a while but they need reminding that your hand condition will not change.

Let us know how you get on

Matt8394Alien profile image

At 66 you're too old for PIP. It is Attendance Allowance for 65+

Meerkat_07 profile image
Meerkat_07 in reply to Matt8394Alien

Not if you have been on DLA. In that case it is a switch to PIP if you pass the assessment criteria. I went today for the appointment with ATOS.

I now have to wait and see.

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