Hi my name is Jimmy . I'm new 2 pain concern. Have lived with cronic pain 4 the last 4 year's . Due 2 a bleed I had on my spine nothing has helped . Wish 2 talk 2 other people living with cronic pain .
Cronic pain: Hi my name is Jimmy . I'm new... - Pain Concern
Cronic pain

Hello Jimmy 1561 and welcome.
You have come to the right place for help, support, advice or just a rant.
Not always someone around but never very far away.
When you say nothing has helped have you been to a pain clinic? And what sort of treatment havee you tried?
Yes have been 2 the pain clinic . Had stimulator put in as a last resort. Didn't wk . Dr wrote me of have not had any support since . Can not sleep at night with the pain no tables help
You had the spinal cord stimulator implanted? Wow. They always trial it first to see if it works.
So what advice did the pain clinic give you? Meds? Alternative therapy? There is a whole cocktail of different combinations to try.
Just a basic TENS machine or heat pad can help.
because I had a bleed on my spinal cord which is very fair . They say I have 2 live with the pain . I have tried everything tens machine different meds . Nothing has helped
Hi l also suffer with osteoarthritis in every joint back neck and jaw l am on morphine 15 mgs now but does nothing l hav been told about CBD brother's online l am trying what they have to offer will let u know how l get on as l am in agony every day
Hi there, I've had similar treatment from my local pain clinic in the past.
They try all their methods and if you don't respond accordingly they just send you back to your doctot... who probably sent you to the pain clinic... I had a trial spinal stimulator fitted a few years ago now- just wasn't suitable for me. Perhaps if I'm a lot older and more immobile.
So whats your plan now? Just pain killers and daytime tv?
Steve I was very active up till my late fifties . I still do a bit of running I'm now 63 eat well and look aft myself . My stimulator came through my skin what a mess. Pain killers do not work . Night time I can't get comfortable so I don't get a good night's sleep . Don't know about u but I have no support from Dr . All they say is nothing can be done 4 nerve Pain .
Can really be awful living with chronic pain. I too have spinal injuries and for the past six years now I've been on Fentanyl patches, 30/500 Kapake for break through pain and also Lyrica. I'm lucky enough that I have an office job but spend every waking moment living in pain from spinal injuries and the nerve damage. It is good to find support groups like that.
Matt I'm also on lyrica . Find them no good. Have u ever came of them . Was on patches made me very sick .
ALso struggling with nerve damage and pain. Lyrics has helped but it seems that the pain eventually burns through. Dr.s recently have benn talking about adding cymbalta. Research apparently shows bigger bang if combined.
Is the pain in a specific location?
I've been taking a variety of medications to improve mobility. Swimming in a warm pool helped. Flexiril had a strong side effect and caused drowsiness, It also relaxed my spasms and pain. I was able to sleep taking it nightly, for years. It suddenly stopped working last year. The last 10 months I couldn't sleep because of severe pain. I frequently only slept an hour a day.
A couple of months ago I started using Lidocaine pain patches. They are helpful, but really only help the area where placed. Last week I started putting them on before bed. I am amazed. I can suddenly sleep. One night I actually slept through the alarm and got 9 1/2 hours!
I don't know if swimming or medication would be helpful for you. My suggestion is to continue to gather information for approaches to calm the pain. Try not to get discouraged. There are many options and many more combinations. You may find something that really helps.
Hi Jimmy1561.
Like you and many of us on here suffer too with chronic, ive been suffering for some 20 plus years, it drives you up the wall doesn't it. Apart from lyria tablets what other meds do you take. You say you had patches, but they made you sick, what patches were they if you don't mind me asking? I agree with one of the other replies lidocaine patches seem to work for me anyway. I put it on before I goto bed and it does help with the pain which in turn gives me sleep, as before them my night sleeping was nonexistant. So worth a try. Have you tried fentanyl patches.
Hope this may help. Debbs☺
Hi Jimmy sorry to hear about your problems and as a chronic pain sufferer for many years I've found that good pain meds (pregabalin and Tapentadol) I use them to allow me to move as much as possible and as long as you listen to your body and you exercise sensibly you can gradually find just what does work for you , it's your body and only you know what's best for you but you must keep your muscles working as I find that helps to shift pressures at least to another area to give you a break.
There is no magic bullet and I wish I could say that there is an end to it, but hey you could be worse best Alex