Gabapentin and amitriptyline together is it OK - Pain Concern

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Gabapentin and amitriptyline together is it OK

Pollyannna profile image
23 Replies

Hi, went to different doctor and was told by them that I should not be taking gabapentin and amitriptyline, so should come off the Amitriptyline, I find that they work quite well but has anyone else been told the same or dose anyone know why?

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Pollyannna profile image
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23 Replies
Bananas5 profile image

Yes they are OK. What strength of Amitriptyline are you taking?


Pollyannna profile image
Pollyannna in reply to Bananas5

Hi thanks for your reply, I am only on 30mg amitryptaline

trixiesmam profile image
trixiesmam in reply to Pollyannna

i was on amitryptaline 75 mg for nearly 7 yrs and had pacemaker fitted in march 2016 hospital took them off me all at once when i went to gp asking for them to be replaced he told me no because they are bad for my heart and it was the consultant's decision .he shrugged his shoulders!!! when i asked for a substitute and was so,,, well, ignorant is the only word to describe him ,eventually got him to admit i should have been weaned off slowly not all at once so now on 25mg a night so if you do have to come off any of your meds be careful and ask how it may effect you also taking carbocistene ,amlodipine,folic acid , fesoterodinr, lansoprasole, ferrous sulfate, pregabalin, oxinorm and paracetamol as and when needed

Pollyannna profile image
Pollyannna in reply to Bananas5

Have you any suggestions as to what may work to reduce pain in my back when I first lie down (well for about 1-3 hours ) I have tried taking them earlier but no joy, I just wake up earlier in pain as well . X

Sherish profile image
Sherish in reply to Pollyannna

Hi. I was wondering. Do you happen to ever get heartburn? And yes you can take gabapenatin with amytriptylyline together. Can I suggest maybe to try to prop your self up in bed.just a little . Not so that your right on your butt. Just up a bit and place a pillow or blanket under your knees . Then take 2 hot packs and place them on your back where it's hurting. If you can get some voltaren gel and rub lots on first that would be even better to help as well. I hope that helps you sweetie!

Pollyannna profile image
Pollyannna in reply to Sherish

Thank you, I do have to have my legs bent, so pillows under my knees could be good, I have tried almost every rub to no avail but I am always open to any suggestion, I'm not sure dredding going to bed helps either ... Stress n pain and so on ... So I am told from pain clinic .. probably true, but even with no stress the pain didn't go ... Anyway I am going to try the pillow tonight. My feet and especially my toes freeze and disappear when I lie down, and bed socks seem to help .. I think it's in my head I seem to be happy with it and therefore forget about it, until I wake several hours later with boiling feet lol. Thank you and I hope your well too x


trixiesmam profile image
trixiesmam in reply to Pollyannna

sherish has said everything thar i try myself for lower back pain mine is caused by torlov cyst couple of degenrative discs oasteo in 1 hip and rheamatoid in the other hope tips work pollyanna best wishes

Pollyannna profile image
Pollyannna in reply to trixiesmam

Thank you for your reply, I am going to have to Google what you have discribed, before I go back to the docs... Maybe it will help thank you x

Ashtonsnan profile image
Ashtonsnan in reply to Bananas5

I take 2 10m Amitriptyline at night

Offcut profile image

I am taking tramodol every 4 hours and Amitriptyline twice a day with paracetomol it has taken the edge of the pain

Alibobs profile image

Hiya it's fine to take together. I take 1200mg gabapentin throughout the day and 40mg amitriptiline at night. I am also on 100mg of baclofen daily and tizanidine at night. They all work on the gaba receptors in the brain and are safe to take. I am on oxynorm and paracetamol too xx

Pollyannna profile image
Pollyannna in reply to Alibobs

Thank you for replying, I appreciate your input, did your doctor put you on those mess or the pain clinic? X also what dose tizanadine do?

Alibobs profile image
Alibobs in reply to Pollyannna

Sorry for the late reply, I've felt really bad these past few days!! I was put on the tizanadine by my M.E specialist. They are skeletal muscle relaxants. I only take between 4 and 8 mg at night. They stop me from getting muscle spasms through the night and they help me sleep for afew hours at a time which is awesome!! Think they are normally prescribed for MS. I have got a referral to the pain clinic this month as I want to be taken off the oxys. Dunno if I will be able to do it though as I really do need them for my pain :-)) it's worth a try though. Hope your feeling okay and good we all get some relief from our pain in 2017 xx

Pollyannna profile image
Pollyannna in reply to Alibobs

I hope your keeping well to. The last time I went to pain clinic(a week ago) she mentioned whether I would prefer not to take my meds but I became very possessive, as I haven't had them long and I think the relief they give is wonderful, they give me respite when I rest .. which is wonderful. X

Baileydog profile image

Yeah I agree they are fine to take together. I took both at one point but now on lyrica and mirtazipine. Found the amitryptyline were good but couldn't get over the grogginess and dry mouth. When pain settled down a little my gp took me off them . Am now contemplating asking him for baclofen. Any input on that would be appreciated. It is for vaginal muscle spasms due to puedendal nerve. Hope you find a successful combo that works

Sherish profile image
Sherish in reply to Baileydog

Hi ya I don't think you mean baclofen? I think what you mean sweetie is Buscupan ? It is used for people with bladder spasms and bladder pain? I have PBS that's painfull bladder syndrome and I have been in the hospital for 8 days now with it! Going crazy! Lol not a good feeling! I know but don't wait . That's what I did and now here I am! Get a specialist to look at your bladder right away! Not just a doctor!! Best of luck.

Pollyannna profile image
Pollyannna in reply to Sherish

Hi sherish, sorry to hear that you are in hospital. I no that now is not the time to brag, but I don't have any feeling mine my bladder, due to damaged nerves.. I know it's not what you want to hear right now. But it does come with its some negatives you will be pleased to hear.

Anyway, it is gabapentin for nerve pain and amitriptyline is for my muscles spasms in my back, that the doc has put me on. I just need some for my other pains and fategue and yes whilst they are at it iwill have something for my fat too ... Then imwill be right as rain lol xxx keep smiling it's the best thing to keep you going xxx

Aidensmom profile image
Aidensmom in reply to Baileydog

Baclofen is a joke. If your going to ask for a muscle relaxer ask for flexaril

WAGS56 profile image

Been on both for yrars after suffering with back problems take 3600mg of gabapentin to between 150mg to 250mg of amitriptyline depending on pain,amitriptyline was used as an anti depressant years ago in very high volumes,As you have had it prescribed to you talk to your doctor about how much to take,It helps if you dont get anxious before bed thinking about it,The amitriptyline is not a cure its just to ease the pain but their is a very wide range of strengths to take to help you,i started on 50mg over 18 months ago and as i said take between 150mg to 250mg per night,The only differenct side effect from taking 50mg was a dry mouth through the day but you get that anyway with amitriptyline,i now have a restful sleep so Keep at it and as i say i got a huge benefit from increasing it,The pair of meds together work very well for me anyway,

Look After You .. Lou

Pollyannna profile image
Pollyannna in reply to WAGS56

Thank you lou, I seem to feel guilty for taking up the docs/GPS time and talking about meds to him I think he fires me off because I am going to pain clinic and it's there job, but I get so desperate... No wonder I get white coat syndrome ... I feel like a am being scolded

Pollyannna profile image
Pollyannna in reply to WAGS56

Hi Wayne, I was just wondering, do you take your gabapentin 3 times a day ( every 8 hours) as my pharmacy has just advised me. I have been taking mine, every 4 hours because it where's off after 4 hours. I have sent a note to my doc and asked for double the amount, and he has given them me on a repeat prescription (it is only 1200g in total)

Thanks again for your reply

Hope your keeping well x

sadiegirl63 profile image

I have a friend who is taking them and she is taking the Amitriptyline 50mg x3 per day and one time is with the gabapentin . They added the Amitriptyline for anxiety I take it 50mg at night for sleeping. I have never heard of it for anxiety but I am not a doctor. It just seems to me that might be what is causing her dizzyness, she is falling, talking weird. Just saying.

Fedupoffpain profile image

Hi I've just been put on Gabapentin along side amitriptyline how was you when first started the Gabapentin I'm feeling a bit nervous about taking them

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