Hello everyone I had a bone scan today what does it pick up? Would it pick up if there was anything wrong?
Need advice because worried: Hello everyone I... - Pain Concern
Need advice because worried

I'm guessing the reason they did the scan was to detect any anomalies, if it didn't do that, then there'd be no point in performing the scan in the first place.
So to answer your question, yes the scan will pick up whatever they were looking for, if it's present that is. I don't know if there are differing types of bone scan, to pick up varying issues. So, for that enquiry you'd be best placed asking your appropriate physician/specialist.
Like the c word or anything😭 I just worry about everything
If it was a Dexa scan, it would show whether you had Osteoporosis or Osteopenia. There's a great Osteoporosis uk website with a forum with lots of info.
So it won't pick up anything like your lungs/liver
I'm not understanding Shannon97?
What did you go to see your Doctor about for in the first place? To my knowledge, Bone density scans are quite normal as we age. These images can tell your Doctor alot about how dense (strong, weak) your bones are and if you are at risk for fractures etc. There are also whole body bone scans that your Doctor may want to do in order to see how significant any arthritis may be and where it is. Ruling out mm. If a dye was used when the test was done any areas of concern will "light up". I was told by my Doctor they were called "hot spots". Before you scare yourself with unnecessary worries did your Doctor not tell you what kind of bone scan you were having and why? Given you had this bone scan four days ago any results should be in by now. If you haven't heard anything back usually "No News" is "Gold News". The very best to you. Try not to let stress of the "unknown" play in your mind to much. Try (as hard as it is to do, when we are worried) to distract yourself by keeping busy. Bad Stress can do alot of funny things that aren't benificial in any way, shape or form, while Good Stress can be healthy. It's when to know the difference. Keep us in the loop? 😀 Anything undesirable, I'm sure you will find the support from someone on this pain forum.
Chin up?! , for now ☺
I'm scared I've got the c word and I've had the results