Hi everyone its been a while since I posted. I've got some great news an some bad news.
Good News first! I rejoined weight watchers 11 days ago as of today I've lost 18 pounds! yayayayayayayS!!!! My swollen legs an feet look normal now lol. I know I'm losing water retention but that is still great Cause that was killing my body... I've got 110 more pounds to lose. I know I can do it i joined WW 5 yrs ago an lost 100 pounds.. Got in a bit of depressed mode an quit, joined a few pounds back but I was weighing over 300 pounds back then, I don't now I'm in my mid 200's hehe.
Bad News!
I went to my Pain Dr. today to get steroid shot in my back to help with my lower back an right leg where pain is shooting down it. I've had these done before several times without being put asleep, so I figured Same here! Lets say like HELL NO! My ex husband went with me cause they wanted someone to drive me home. (Never had to do that either)
But my ex could hear me screaming all the way out in the Car Lot parking. He hurt me so bad, I will never have him do another even if it was to help me. I don't think it will help. I've got some pain going on, an my sugar is 300, blood pressure is normal.