I have joined Health Unlocked because I feel that I need a place where I can share my probems with back pain and general arthritis in all limbs. I have tried so many painkillers, among them naproxin , codipar and now fentanyl. Reading some of the letters I would like to join a platform where people can perhaps help me when pain becomes unbearable and I cannot always burden family members with my problems. Perhaps I can help others because I had a back operation, had injections and have tried almost every possible mixture of pain relief. I do my exercises for the back and neck and play the piano to use my fingers but sometimes everything becomes too much and too diffiult to cope with. I also am worried that the dependency of fentanyl has changed my character and I would like to find others who would also like to come off morphine.
coping with constant pain: I have joined... - Pain Concern
coping with constant pain

I have only just started to take morphine, in very small amounts. I do wonder if there will be anything else in the future that will help the pain, although I am 78 so I probably won't be around too much longer. Feeling constant agonising pain is horrendous and unless one has experienced you can't know what it is like. I do wish you good luck and less pain
I have taken fentanyl for two years now and I have tried to come off it because I feel that I have become too dependent on it. So far I have not been able to do so, but I will try again. Fentanyl is apparently a strong painkiller but like in hour case my pain is agonising and it is very very hard not to get depressed. If you can try to do some exercises if it is the back or legs that hurt you.l I have recently started doing so, particularly when the pain is almost unbearable and I must admit it helps me. All the other painkillers do not help me. I have tried to explain the pain to others but unless you experience it yourself nobody can understand. So, I know what you might be feeling. You are not alone.
It's difficult to relate having chronic pain to people that don't suffer with it. They just can't understand what we go through.
See an Alexander Teacher for help with muscle control. I have a belief/suspicion that arthritis is a brain problem that does not have fine muscle control. This is running against standard medical advice. The brain controls muscles by nerve electrical impulses. If the electrical impulses are wrong then things take place that are not good for bones and tissue.
At this stage this is only an idea that needs investigating. You can do the research and see if it fits to your experience.
There probably is some truth to that my daughter had meningitis and although she recovered she has been in pain etc. ever since she is only In her 20s it has had a very negative effect on her.
I have been reading some new research on fascia. I have yet to get my head round it. I have been taught how muscles, ligaments and bones work. I have learnt a bit about spinal reflexes. Now there is new stuff which is indicating that the stuff that has been ignored in dissection when doctors did their anatomy is highly important for functioning. This has been gathering pace since a medical conference at Harvard medical school in 2007.
Meningitis is an acute inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, known collectively as the meninges. If my understanding is correct (can't guarentee it) Meninges is fascia material. This means that there is a possibility that fascia across the body has been attacked during the attack of meningitis. A side effect (guessing again) is that fascia sheets which normally slide over each other during movement have got non sliding. It may be worth looking for someone who is a Muscle trains treatment specialist or Rolfer to do the relevant deep tissue massage. This may or may not help it is for you to investigate.
My Alexander Teacher who is also works as a state registered physiotherapist in the private sector has been doing courses on Muscle trains and is impressed with muscle train treatment offers.
Hope I have been helpful.
I agree that the Alexander teachng method may be a suitable option. I have tried it before and it helped. Sadly the teacher moved away and I stopped. Now I do exercises each time when the spasm start. But I may take your idea up and look again for an Alexander teacher nearby. I am sure many people might pick on your idea. Thank you for reminding me. I had forgotten.
I have been on that medication it was very short lived relief.So when I was abruptly taken off I didn't like the way I felt. Kinds like climbing the walls! I'm now on methadone with a way lower dose and it works /feels way better. Normal.
Hey sammy, i was recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and a couple of chronic pain syndromes. I just turned 36 and have been trying to get help for about 8 years. i have just found an amazing pain management Dr. he tried tp injections since I had been on neurontin, voltaren, cymbalta and methotrexate for quite some time . the injections didn't help, so we went to ketamine infusions. those gave me relief for about a day, so my Dr has ordered me ketamine lozenges that i will take every day . ketamine would be a great option for getting off of opioids