Recent chronic lower left back pain.chest tight.leg and feet pain.doc.took 25 tubes of blood from me.m.r.i. xray.still no brittle falling out.nails brittle 2.please help
Worn out: Recent chronic lower left back pain... - Pain Concern
Worn out
Hi rainbow. I've no medical training so can't help with a diagnosis. You seem to be getting the right tests and scans though so it just a waiting game to see what your GP discovers from the various tests. It's not pleasant waiting for results but try to distract yourself from the pain. I would definatEly say keep exercising in a gentle manner even if your back is sore. The inclination can be to try to 'protect' it by not moving a lot but that can lead to more stiffness and discomfort.
Let us know how you got on.
Thank you.i have insomnia as well.tests are all negative.i had a dream 2nites ago.i slept for an dream was tuberculosis.trying to get tested as soon as possible.Doc ruled out aids.h.i.v.hep.diabieties.fybromyalga.
And so on.but not Tb
Sinutitis.rhinutitis.all new to me.yes i use saline drops now each day for dryness.mupirocin is the only thing to clear my head.antibiotics did not work.i have been attacked with all new stuff in severeity after another.wore out
THANK YOU dermatologist said my hair fell out from severe chronic ankles are swollen again right now.i went to a clinic .did tb skin test today.will know by tuesday.ive been very ill for over a year now.
Well.i exuasted general doctors.looks like all my problems are obgyn.but he swears its specialist obgyn is new on the case and made me aware of a polyp and sacrum stress pain.looking like a failed ablation from endometerosis last year.on the hunt with specialist now
If all the tests have come out negative has fibromyalgia been mentioned as the symptoms you are describing can all come from a fibro problem, just a thought. Hope you can get some answers soon as I know from experience the not knowing is horrible.x
Thank you rosewine.yes doc gave me fibermyalga test 2 months ago.took 25 tubes of blood from my arm in 2 months.still nothing.the m.r.i on my back showed inflamation.that is all i know for sure so far.

I was only asking as as far as we know on the Fibromyalgia forum there isn't an actual blood test that can prove whether you have fibro or not. They tend to take a series of bloods in order to make sure that you don't have illnesses like lupus, RA, thyroid problems, which have some overlapping symptoms with fibro. Therefore, it seems to be a process of elimination if after all those have been ruled out and pain is not being caused by joint problems as in osteo arthritis often the conclusion is that someone has fibro. Many of us with fibro also have osteo and other problems which can confuse things. Do hope you get some answers soon.x doc ordered a bone density test.i put it on hold cuz i need a break.i went to e.n.t.and otolarynoligist for thyroid and all new to me severe sinutitis.i was on antibiotics for 8mo.for my nose.had pnumonia2.that was the begining of this hell.nose started 2 clear up.then back pain knocked me to the floor from nowhere.crippling pain size 12 everyday.allday now for 3 mo.

I can imagine they wanted to do a bone density because of the back problems. Sometimes an infection that is either severe or very prolonged can really bring the whole of the body down. I too suffer with sinisitus. At the moment I am trying the nasal salt washes where you have a special plastic bottle and put in the solution mixed with warm water and this is squeezed through each nostril to wash them out. Have only been doing this for about 4 days and the difference it has made to me has been amazing.x
Yes.saline nasal now daily.mupirocin 2% is the only thing thay cleared me up.sinus issues new 2 me
Yes .since this started with sinus stuff.the left side of my lower back put me in the hospital.pain ive never felt before.pain mostly stays on the lower left side and shoots down my leg.

Is the pain that shoots down your leg from lower back going down buttock and down back of leg as of it is it could be a sciatic pain which is really nasty?x
Yes.doc said siatic.i have been attacked the last 2 years.1rst 2 boils lanced.omg!!then sinus almost afraid of the public without 99 vacinations now

That is how my poor friend is if she meets a germ she has a chest infection it is as though her immune system is shot. I have started making her use hand sanitiser after we have been around shopping centres and befire eating when we go out once a week and told her to do the same when she is out and about and she seems to be having fewer infections.x
Yes .i like hand sanitizer.and ive been warned of its overuse.just like lysol.cant win.if someone coughs or i think i will run.

I've laughingly told my poor friend she has either got to go into solitary confinement or start wearing a mask.x
I thought about the mask.Micheal Jackson wasnt so crazy wearing a mask.but im good .i will where a
T.B skin test i will ask my doc for bacteria infection illness began with lanced a boil.but no culture test or blood test.i was on 10 different antibiotics for 8 better.found a family doc finally.he gave me mucipiron better for a month.doc moved.have new doc now.lots of tests.i have always believed i have an antibioitics .so im ready for a test now
I feel that Rose wine could be right. Fibromyalgia tends to be diagnosed by a process of elimination but you do seem to have many of the symptoms. Not good if it is as there is no cure but there are many stratagies to help manage it.
Hope you get some more definitive answers soon.
I have been very ill for to came on suddenly with various doc is puzzled.refering me to chronic pain specialist.cancer tests are fine too.i had almost a complete blood work up doctor said.still no answer.i cant stand up longer than an hour on my feet now.quality of life for a mutitasker is gone.i feel as if my spine is invaded by bacteria.its so wierd.
Well if test is negative.i will see if doc will do tb blood test.and also ask again about fibromyalga.doc.said thyroid is fine 2.thank you for caring this illness is madning.ive never been ill like this before.this is in my top 5 of hardest life issues for me.

I have tested positive for the once then it sort of whent on its own now I'm having problems again started in my ankle then into my knee now my feet feels like something is eating the bones and my lower back feels stiff can't walk to far I also have little nodules on my hands where does your start and traveled to
Lower left back.travels to front left knee.ankles swell.balls of feet hurt.sometimes pain shoots up my back to my neck.both sides shoulder blades.tb skin test on my arm looks red and raised so far.

If it's red and raised this could be the answer tB you can have in your body what is called latent tB doesn't mean u can get tB but sometimes it can be triggered then it starts where where your first symptoms to appear this can be bone related as sometimes it doesn't even touch the lungs. Do you have any heavy sweating at night ?
I did a blood test for mrsa and staff months was negative.but i was on 8months of antibiotics for bacteria and viral infection.why wouldnt T.B show up in that test
T.B. TEST my right back to where it all started.Mrsa.and endometerosis.i was never tested for Mrsa.yet hospital lanced my boil and called it that.still sick.
Yes.yes last week i woke up sweaty.i sleep 4 hours a night .arm red bump.i need a diagnoises.this one would suck though.i feel like i have an infection.hard to breath for 2years .chest hurts.elephant on chest .xray fine though i stopped oregeno.basil.biotine.curamed.
Honey.fluid intake alot.not much alcohol in 2years .oh and vinegar and rosemary
Tonight on the news.i read .well i think said Hansens disease is at a school in name for Leporsey.nodules on for thought.
well part 2 is i have edometerosis.diagnoised 15 years ago.had ablation in 2009.all went fine.2014 pain back.2nd ablation worse pain and now bladder neighbor just said all my issues could be the 2nd ablation.i go 2 urinologist 2mor.
Hi there you are certainly going through a terrible time, s others have said it does sound a lot like fibromyalgia/sciatica fm has so many strands, my fm has been diagnosed over 20 yrs agoI hope that you will receive the appropriate support including pain management,pace yourself its a bit late in the evening now but I hope to talk to you again. God blesss
Hi Rainbow. Sorry to hear all that you are having to cope with. This seems like a growing problem for so many people. I have in the past had serious back issues. The last few years have been pretty bad for me, this time with so many seemingly unrelated symptoms. I do have a definite diagnosis for heart problems , Fibromyalgia and hypo thyroid (now for over 30 years). I have been in and out of A & E and hospital many, many times over the last few years. They tried testing me for Pheochromocytoma, Conns Syndrome however
Hospital Labs somehow never managed to get a proper test result, due to inefficient testing. So I have given up on this. Whilst going through this Pheochromocytoma testing stage I joined a Pheochromocytoma Facebook page and did a lot of reading up myself. One of the things which I found out was if you are found not to have Pheo it could be Mast Cell Syndrome, which apparently is affecting a great deal of people throughout the world. A word of warning - a lot of the medical profession are not aware of it, so if you mention it to your GP expect him to look surprised, hopefully he/she will be aware. You might like to look up Mast Cell and see if any of it fits for you. Best wishes, look after yourself and do not give up, it's just finding someone with the answer to your problem. Everything comes to him who waits as they say!
Thank problems suck.all of my illness began when my boyfriend was bite by a brown recluse spider .then at the V.F.W.a woman came in with severe t.b.well hell.Thank Yah for helps.
If you are on pregablin or similar drugs ask your gp to give you a different pain killer read up pregablin drug family side effects I had similar side effects and more to you with this drug.
Methocarbamol 500mg.ib800.thats back was a little better.not much.pain went to legs worse.harder to breath.blisters.
Hi Rainbow41, I have the exact same symptoms as you and have been back to the doctor's countless times but he cannot tell me what is the matter with me. I have an under active thyroid for which I take Levothyroxine and he recently prescribed Amitriptyline which apart from improving my sleep has not done anything to relieve the pain. He also mentioned Fibromyalgia. This has been going on for the best part of a year now.
Would be interested to hear how you got on.
My illness began with a lanced it.never took culture or blood test.said it was Mrsa.gave me lanced it boil.urgent care lanced.more boil doc office gave me cream and antibiotics.never severe sinutitis more in my clueless.just started and stopped methocarbamol for back.insomnia 2 hrs sleep.leg and chest pain severe.doc finally gave me bac.inf.test 2mo.ago.but i was on antibiotics.false neg.perhaps.antibiotic free.nose still gooie.try doc and test this week.will post
I sympathise. You have been through a lot. Hopefully they will find out what is the matter with these latest tests.
Just left hospital 4back pain.he wont test me for mrsa.cuz my new boils went away last week .my doc told me to put mupirocin on them.ok that treats the is the infection in my back?dotors dont care
Just a thought. As you have been prescribed antibiotics so many times are you taking anything? Ie probiotics etc.. Antibiotics not only gets rid of bad bacteria it also gets rid of the good ones that your body needs and therefore lowers your immune system, which in turn makes you more susceptible to illnesses.
Ok.went to urinologist today.started at gave me steroid.went to fill script.lips.face tounge fill.pharmasist.freaked.said i need benadryl.ok doc app at3.he said sacrum.severe pain after polyop .refereed to his specialist.
I go to regular doc tomor for mrsa talk.i was at specialist today.obgyn said polyp dosent effect me.specialist says it did
Today xray on pelvis.specialist says severe sacrum pain.and finally a MRSA test.
Update.bacterial infection test negative.first Mrsa test ever negative.specialist says sacrum pain is back inflamation.i had 2nd ablation done last year for endometerosis.i came out worse pain and bladder leakage now.specialist obgyn on the case now.
yes i feel antibiotics were killing me.different docs.10 different antibiotics for 8 immune system was weakend.this all started with the boil.and a guess that it is hospital will test doc test me once while on antibiotics.negative.