Newby on here but,just wondered if Any1 else has suffered severe burning in face,it's not just came on,I've had this for good few months ,doctor does not seem 2 take me serious but, I'm at my wits end , my face is like a mask of redness and is getting worse every single day, please help.
Severe burning face.: Newby on here but,just... - Pain Concern
Severe burning face.

Have you researched Trigeminal neuralgia??
Sounds a bit like rosacea to me, but really hard to tell, as I'm not a doctor. If your GP isn't taking you seriously and it is really causing you distress, can you see another doctor or ask to see a skin specialist? Before you go back to the doctor, make some notes about whether the redness is there all the time, or whether things trigger it (food, alcohol, sun, stress). What makes it better, or what makes it worse. If it is rosacea, then medical treatments really aren't that useful and it is more about trying to avoid triggers than trying to treat it once it has got bad.
I have TN - do you mind me asking how old you are??
I've got Trigeminal Neuralgia. I have an increased tendency to redden across the cheeks but it only extends that far. I never thought it was connected. Mmmm
Hey Meb,
I get this too! Two things have helped me. Well three really. My Methlypred, antihistamine and following a antihistamine diet. Some days it is my butterfly rash from my BD and and I know I need to take it easy and grab and ice pack. Others it is after I eat and asses my diet.
I hope this helps!