hi everyone, i just come across this page to write on, i didnt find it this morning so i hijacked supermans post, i just hope someone reads it and gets back to me, i realy need to talk, well type
help is anyone there: hi everyone, i just come... - Pain Concern
help is anyone there

Hi, ok get typing and tell us about yourself. Are you in pain and if so could you tell us what's causing it and what treatments have you tried so far etc. Hopefully you'll find this site helpful ☺
thanks for getting back to me lowlife and boozybird, well did you read all i wrote on supermans post was quite alot, now im waiting for the pain clinic,im on a lot of cocodamal, ive been haveing steroid injections for about 2 years, they was fab at the time but i expect they contributed to my situation,when i lay down i have to have a pillow under my knees, if im not sitting up when i cough it feels like my hips r splitting apart, i cant lift my legs up ,only from the foot, but when i try to get in the car i cant lift my feet,well i could, but its not worth the pain,i cant lay down, or sit up on my own, luckly i have a hospital bed to do that,you c i also have inpingment on both shoulders and i cant get to the letter fo the spelling, psoriatic arthritis and as well as bilateral sacroiliitis,it says i have defused disc bulging and disc protrusion, and a large renal cyst,all that is not a problem, just being told thers nothing we can do and leaveing me in a wheelchair is.
Hi nanof6,
We are here - please tell us about your situation ? 😜👍🏼🍀
hi i left an answer above, im not very good on the laptop 2 of you got back so i wrote on one, can you share or do i have to type on both?
also how do i no if someone has got back to me , i opened my email to find someone had replied,today, yestarday i wated for ages but no one was there
Oh dear the pain must be awful. And I amagine your frustrated being stuck in a wheelchair with no further help for the future. I just wish that someone would hurry up and make a pill that is a total pain bloke with no side effects. We would all be taking it on this site ☺. Could they operate on your lower spine as im wondering if some of the pain in your hips may be refered pain from S1 joint?
good day lowlife, in my hospital letter si joint and something L joint but no they told me theres nothing they can do.
see lowlife i can well i have to get on with the pain, its the wheelchair, i was a very independent, do painting decorating up and down ladders, now i cant visit my kids because i cant get up there steps to get in, or there stairs to use the loo,and going round the shops i dont no how many people have hit me in the shoulders with wire shopping baskets,so ive stoppted going out, some people think you are deaf and dumb in a wchair, when my partner use to take me out people would talk to him and ignore me, blody unbelievable, i will go out again when my electric wchair comes, maybe if people see me drive well control it, they might think different about me,im booked to c a councerler, shrink, i hope that will help, my glass is always half full, this is the first time its half empty.