I am just about to start the patch for rls ,at the moment I am on Tramodol,has anyone come of Tramodol did you just stop or did you wean yourself of them,I have been told by the doctor to just stop as they are out of your system by morning any info is welcome
Coming of Tramodol: I am just about to start... - Pain Concern
Coming of Tramodol

Definitely DON'T stop it suddenly - it can give you very nasty withdrawals, physical and mental. You do need to taper down, and if you have been on them a while you will need to do it quite slowly. Even then, you may still feel awful for a while every time you reduce it.
Physical symptoms of withdrawal aren't just the discomfort (headache, nausea, etc), but with some of these meds it can put stress on your heart or other organs if you come off too fast. Mental symptoms of rapid withdrawal can include psychosis in some people.
I think this link gives some advice choosehelp.co.uk/topics/det...
Earth witch thanks for reply ,have you come of them and how long did you take because I don't think my doc will give me anymore tramodol ,I have about 2 weeks supply left thanks
Thanks I have been them 2yrs and I was taking 100 mg
Hi beady3
What 'patch' are you going to be on?
Presumably, you're taking the Tramadol late evening to get you through the night with the rls? As you're only on 100mg, despite this being regular for two years, cutting down to 50mg for a week then 50mg alternate evenings for a week should be fine.
Tramadol is a relatively short acting drug so although you've been taking it regularly, it's not quite as daunting as 'coming off' other drugs.
I totally understand the frustration of rls but as I need other meds for chronic pain, alongside Ropinirole, Zopiclone & Tramadol, I generally get a relatively 'relaxed' night. There have been times when I haven't taken Tramadol after days of taking 100mg four times a day and haven't had any problems. I do accept that I take a myriad of other stuff which may well counteract the possible 'withdrawal' of not having the Tramadol though!
I'm interested in the 'patch' you've said about though; could mean one less oral medication for me?!
Anyways, the above tapering off to eventual zero I've described, should hopefully be good for you; let's face it, we don't know until we try and if it isn't manageable, you can always go back to your GP and tell him that you have tried to stop the Tramadol but need more for a while.
Good luck.......
Thanks ray Jayc you have built my hope up for coming of Tramodol they all scare me ,as my doc said when I get up in the morning Tramodol is out of the system,now I can breath again What I am going to do is start tonight with the patch called Rotigotine and 1 Tramodol then taper off. Take care
the Dr. can still give you a limited supply so you can dose yourself off slowly. I would insist the Dr. give you the meds you need to come off to avoid the detox overnight plus its his job so make him do it.
Thanks but I don't think you could MAKE a doc do anything
Oh NO!!!!
Some research and bring it to doctor. Everything you read says not even to do it on your own, but under medical supervision. Believe me it can cause serious side effects some dangerous to your health. I almost had a stroke, lucky it was only a seizure.
Your doctor is incompetent and dangerous if he does not give you a detox plan. It can take months of detox depending on you and your body addiction and dependence.
Please see someone else if he won't help.
I made the mistake about six years ago to stop taking tramadol and brutan patches ( I think it was called brutan patches) without speaking to doctor about it ,if anyone else is reading this please don't make the mistake I did. I suffered for weeks I'm not talking about the pain but psychological issues including hallucinations. When I finally did go to my GP and tell him what I had done. Well.... I think you can guess. P.s some of things I substituted with at that particular time to cope with the pain was Chinese acupuncture massage and tens machine
I weaned off OxyContin by slowly reducing. I'm sure that dr will listen to any concerns you have.
The withdrawal can be similar to SSRI and SNRI anti depressants. I came off and had a fees days of feeling odd, I still had codeine so this will have helped. I would talk to your dr about tapering so you have the right amount of medication to do so. You can then see how it goes. I'm a bit silly as I tend to do it cold turkey and suffer the withdrawal for a quicker process. This has been fine for everything except gabapentin - I did it but it was horrendous. I'm on tapentadol now, 200mg per day, it's close to tramadol but I've not had any withdrawal. It can be very individual.
Hi Beady3, I take my Tramadol on an as and when needed prescription, they are only a mild opiate and less addictive than most. If you have been taking them for a long time regularly, maybe it would be better to slowly cut them out rather than stop altogether overnight. Have you got another painkiller to take instead ? If you take them four times a day what about cutting that in half for a week or so and see how you go, or has the doctor just refused the prescription? I can't take other painkillers thats why they continue Tramadol for myself, but there are lots of other painkillers that can be used that are possibly cheaper and safer. Good luck with the withdrawal.
No wean yourself off. If you didn't get instructions and a plan from your doctor uGH
Google detox tramadol and it will give you lots of info.
You can have a seizure by going cold turkey.
The medication leaflet will tell you how dangerous it is to stop tramadol outright Even if you are not taking it every day, you will shock your body by stopping
I didn't realise and just stopped taking Tramadol. I was getting terrible itching of the skin. Now I have a bad pain like a knife all around my left chest. Could this be withdrawal symptoms?
I was on tramadol for a couple of months, 3 times a day. Also took nefapan and paracetamol.
The doctor reduced me to taking 2 a day for a week then to one a day then to nothing.
I was told the longer you are on them the harder it is to wean yourself off them.
I certainly wouldn't just stop taking them, it even says on the leaflet you get with them not to do that.
I would go back and see your doctor for a plan.
You can become addicted to Tramadol as I did then it becomes very difficult to stop taking them. The sooner you are off them the easier it will be, Good Luck and I wish you well.
i agree with coming off them slowly say drop a dose or two over a 2 week period. i had terrable problems even coming off steroids, felt like a heart attack, take things slow, good luck, jim
I guess it depends how long you have been on them.I was only on the for a few months but I have read you should wean yourself off.
im concerned about this subject and thanks for posting it. if been on codiene for over 15 yrs and it just isnt working now, so much pain...i even crawled into the bottle for a few months inna "poor me" situation, sadly. new doc has gave me tramadol but after seeing everyones answers im scared of trying it!
i hope you and everyone else feels better soon, jim
Evony123 after all the messages I have had it scares me stiff,but I have now made my mind up,I am taking the patch and 1 Tramodol at 5.00 and that's it until next day 24 hrs later. Don't worry about going on them they have been brilliant it's just I need to change ,when you have to come off them do it slow like everyone says ,let us know
I was on Tramodol 3months ago it stopped my pain for 2 days ...so i just stopped taking them as my pain was still there. i had no come down off them at all.maybe im amune
Hi love I'm about to withdraw tramadol just done morphine I am on 400mg aday of slow realese so I have bin put on normal tramadol 8 50mg a day for five days then deduct one 50mg every five days but I have been on mine years but coming off all strong opioid as not working good luck love xxx
It depends how long you have taken but I found that it made quite ill. I hope you get over it soon.