Tramodol: Hi Blokie ,how are you doing are you... - Pain Concern

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beady3 profile image
22 Replies

Hi Blokie ,how are you doing are you still on Tramodol if so what dose do you take I am still on them but things aren't very good now ,I am still on 2tabs 50mg but every night I am up 2or3times, I am thinking of going back to the docs but should I change or up the tabs Thanks x

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beady3 profile image
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22 Replies

The best person to answer that is your GP, not on here I'm afraid. Tramadol is an opioid and doctors don't mess around with it now. If it isn't working for you alone, maybe you need something else with it, rather than just up the dose. But like I said, your GP is the only person who can say.

Curlygirl54 profile image
Curlygirl54 in reply to

I agree, GP advise essential in this.

Just for info tho, my sleep was dreadful,( even worse than usual!!) when I was on tramadol - I felt as if I was hovering just above sleep the whole time.

Hoping you get some medication that really makes a difference to you.

Very best wishes,


kinneo profile image

HI Beady3, The best Tramadol are the ones from the Bristol Laboratries in the small Blue & white box with an Orange circle with the dosage on, the ones in the long boxes are a so much smaller tab and they do not have the same effect, I know because I have had them, I phone the chemist eventually after two lots of them and told them I am not using them anymore I wanted the others back and I did'nt get an argument about it he just did it, and now it is on my notes to only give me those,the others are a cheaper alternative, and its a disgrace what little price these company's have on people's health and those who are in pain constantly, I have Chronic Lymphoedema and Peripheral Nueropathy under both feet, I am in pain 24hrs because of the combination of the nerve damage and the water together, Because it is Nerve pain its very hard to control and sometimes even when I take them it does not ease it altogether, I have tried the numerous tabs that they usually dish out, Amytripteleyne, Gabapentin, the Patches, Pregablin, and Pallexia, ect, none of them work for me they just made me feel poorly angry and very irritable, so I just take Tramadol Twice a day and when its really bad I take two Paracetomal about two hrs after it does not shift it but it takes the edge off so I can fall asleep which only is about 4hrs a night,, Oh I have had all the tests and shocks ect, with no answers, and because I would'nt load myself up with drugs I was more or less put on the shelf and been there since, I cope with it the best I can, because the Medical Proffession are baffled with Nerve Pain and try all these other tabs for spasm ect, but they do NOT know what other effects they have on the body, so I do not have any trust anymore, Hope you find something to help you,

beady3 profile image
beady3 in reply to kinneo

Thanks Kinneo

beady3 profile image
beady3 in reply to kinneo

Thanks Kinneo,my daughter has what you have so I have seen the pain she is in. The Tramodol I have are always different at the min they are all white,it's a shame I am having probs because I was getting on so well so maybe it is the tabs I thought 50mg was what it said what ever the tab ,I have only been on them since Sep ,I keep thinking I will give it another night the thought of going back to the docs yet again gets me down ,I will see how I get on over Easter xx

kinneo profile image
kinneo in reply to beady3

Hi Beady3, the Tramadol I have are red &white 50mg if they are another colour they are a cheaper version and you should refuse them and ask for the correct ones,ask for the ones from the Bristol Labs, I take two together, my husband can only take one and that makes him tired, but they do not have that effect on me, as I said Nerve Pain is very hard to control,but most times they just take the edge off, thats all but enough for me to sleep for a short while, when the nerve shifts and I feel as though I am walking on glass and stones, and someone is stabbing the life out of my feet, I then take two Paracetomol about an hour and half after the Trams to top it up, I am not Diabetic so they cannot say why I have this problem, I did have Breast Cancer though, it is 15yrs now, apparently when I had the shock reatment I was the topic of a big meeting, because the doctor was amazed that my toes move on their own,so they came up with a condition for me, Its called Swollen Feet moving toe syndrome, How about that then as JIm Bowen would say,Have a lovely Easter and don't let them fob you off with just any old tabs, xx

in reply to kinneo

How about a water pill like Lasix or another? What about

Venafaxline for neuropathy? I have neuropathy, many

Caused my legs to swell but not that drug. I used lidocaine

3% cream rather than patches. The patches didn't help at all.

kinneo profile image
kinneo in reply to

HI Yikes2, Thanks for your reply, Venafaxline is an Antidepression tab, I don't need them, I want someone to bring out tab that is for the sole purpose of correcting the nerve damage, or for softening or releasing the taught nerves that cluster together and cause the pain under the feet, sometimes it feels like I am walking on lumps of glass that hurt, and a lot of the time it feels like I have planks of wood under my feet, and of course that coupled with the Lymohoedema makes it harder, because my feet being swollen means that the nerve is irritated and I cannot bend my toes down at all, which also means that my toes and across the ball part of the feet are in constant cramp, thats why they move on their own through the nerve,I do take a water tab (Frumil) every other day, All the tabs I have tried are for something else like Epilepsy ect, the annoying thing is that because they found that in some people it worked on something else as well as their condition, it does not do the same for any one else, but the bandwagon was jumped on and all the regular tabs are being dished out like sweets, because they have not got a clue at all how to treat Nerve Pain, The tabs I tried like, Amitriptilene, Gabapentin, Pregablin, Pallexia, and the Patches, only made me poorly, very irritable,angry, so they were upsetting my system and not doing an iota for the condition,

in reply to kinneo

I understand fully what you are hoping for. You are tired of putting a band aid on the problem. You want it fixed. I do tool They "could" do a surgery on you to fix the problem manually??. maybe...but they probably wont so they are going to give you a pill to make your brain ignore the problem or to change the way that you perceive pain. That is why they give antid's.. It stinks to have lymphedema PLUS your feet are killing you when you walk to the bathroom or even around the house. It's depressing, really? So the antid' doubles up to solve both of those problems.. it's jsut easier to give a pill then to fix it and it's a lot cheaper too...

I suffered from taking gaba and lyrica - different times.. but Gaba made me gain 14 pounds or more overnight. most of that weight was in the legs - ankles- feet especially. I suffered for a l-o-n-g time.. one day I threatened skin breakdown from taking the pills. I was taken off of them and we started Lasix.. of course I went in for a CT Scan of my heart to make sure that heart problems didn't exist..and they looked at my kidneys as well... I bet in the end I gained 25-30lbs as big as my ankles and feet were. I laid on my bed 24/7 with my legs up on the wall or headboard.. I used

pillows, couch cushions to snuggle my legs into so I could sleep that way...and I did it for about a month..each time.

The biggest help was from a call to Mayo from my Lymphodema specialist... they recommended CirAid compression - oh my Gosh - world of difference for comfort.

Easy on and easy off made my life so awesome at that time.

They have a varelco on and off with a mid calf took me 30 seconds to get them on. I wore a sock over them. I hardly had to put my feet up but 3 hours a day. I had my life back. Within 2 months or so I stopped wearing the layers of compression in that CirAid compression and my legs didn't swell... I was done after 3 months. I restricted my diet further to not swell my feet again. Anyway that's my story.. I do not work for Ciraid and have no interest in the company... just passing along what Mayo clinic recommended for me.

Anyway, I am back on Lyrica in a very light dose now.. and it works but I need a pain killer and 3% lidocaine CREAM...the gel falls off before soaking in..the cream stays on until I shower it off.

I had a nerve surgery on my ankles - biopsy then later a trial of some nerve repairing deal that I won't even notice a difference for 5 years. So far's been 4 months..

Mayo will test me in about 4-6 months to see if any improvements happened.. But as far as I know, nothing is really working to actually Fix those problems.. we can only treat the pain that goes with it.. I understand your frustration.. they should be able to re-pad your feet to make them hurt less J wish for you... Fingers and toes crossed that things will shape up and improve. XX Karen

Offcut profile image

I can take Tramodol every 4 hours. I try not to but some days I cannot as I am in to much pain. I do have a problem that I do not react well to opiates. I was in hospital some years back and they gave me a large amount of morphine which should of knocked me sideways but I was still talking to the doctors as if I had had none?

They are not tablets that should be taken for the sake of it and a GP or specialist should look deeper in what will suite you!

Be Well

coolpolitealex profile image

Have you tried Tapentadol, it worked for me at first 50ml but I have to take 100ml and if I move I have to increase or take them an hour or so after, so it might work for you best Alex

Sheryl4659 profile image

Hi I take the modified release Tramadol which gives you cover over a 12 hour period which is great for night time, the only problem I now have is that my body is now so used to them they don't work as well now. Some Drs don't like prescribing the modified (slow) release as they are more expensive, don't let them try to tell you that they are the same as the 50mg because they are not. If you take 50mg 4 times a day it would maybe work out for example 8. 12. 4. 8 so you are not covered between 12midnight and 8 in the morning, 100mg slow release twice daily gives you 24 hr cover, it sounding like a bit of a waffle but hope it helps

Regards. Sheryl

beady3 profile image
beady3 in reply to Sheryl4659

Hi Sheryl nice to see your remark I am on 2tabs a day slow release 50mg but my nights are awfull went to bed last night 10.30 went to sleep and at 11.15leg started it was on and of all night,I usually have a bath in the night it allways helps, sometimes I have 2 paracetamol ,have you got the answer for me if so thanks x

Sheryl4659 profile image

Hi beady I wasn't aware that they did 50mg in a slow release format but I am not 100% sure, I take a number of drugs that help, my Tramadol is 200mg slow release which I take twice a day, on top of that I take an antidepressent fluxotine 150mg at night and 75mg in the morning, a low mood causes more severe pain, I was taking Diclofenac until it was withdrawn in the UK with Omeprazole to prevent stomach problems, I was put on Naproxen in place of the Diclofenac but this has given me stomach problems despite the Omeprazole. I have now had more pain especially in my knees since stopping the antiiflamatory, hope you are keeping on top of your pain try to keep strong

Regards. Sheryl

beady3, I'm sorry that I hijacked your post to talk about nerve pain...

the opportunity was there, I couldn't pass it up. I'm always reading

about your tramodol experiences. I'm sorry that it's not working

well for you right now. Getting up 2 or 3 times a night because

of pain is very bad and if it's a habit to get up 2 or 3 times a night,

that too needs to be solved. No one truly wants to be knocked right

out to get to sleep. We are all jealous of those who fall asleep in a

chair sitting up...oh how I wish for all of us that we could do that drug

free... Has the doctor mentioned taking Ibuprofen about 2 hours

after your initial dose of tramadol? You might be able to do that

at night time anyway.. like when you wake up with pain. I would

ask the doctor once.. Maybe they wouldn't like you to take both

but I have done so when I took tramadol for a broken humerus a

few years ago,,,asking never hurt, all that they can say is yes or no.

XX Karen

beady3 profile image
beady3 in reply to

Thanks for replying. Don't you think it's a shame our forum for rls has gone,I know we can still write in but it's not the same ,and quite honestly no one writes in now about there probs for rls. X

in reply to beady3

Maybe they went onto the new forum? I haven't been there yet. I would miss this one a lot. Some do not have a facebook. I think that I read that you must have a facebook over there? I have one. I just didn't make the change.

beady3 profile image
beady3 in reply to

Can you think of anything worse than facing folks you don't know talking about your prob,and how do you remember all the information folks have given you,maybe I have got it wrong. Having a bad night been up since 11.45 am phoning doc today. X

in reply to beady3

It's no longer anonymous if you are logging in facebook or if people can click on your photo and be brought to your facebook page. Will be bad for some if co- workers or bosses see it??

Beady3, whenever you have as long of stretch as you do of pain, sleepless nights, It's time to call. Maybe they can add something to your medicine schedule to help you get through these bumps in the road to survival.

I think that we are all very much alike deep down so I am pretty fearless these days to talk about things like pain, history of illness and the ways that it affects my life. What I don't want my co workers to know is that I am messing around with pills and I am in a bad way with attempting to keep my job or am tring to not let it affect my work. I want to keep that a secret. maybe I don't want my insurance company to know stuff too. They might cancel me if they find out too much. Then I could have no insurance.. so facebook is good for some things, terrible idea for others. XX Karen

beady3 profile image
beady3 in reply to

hi Karen,just thought I would tell you rang doc this a m and she gave me 2tabs for night and 1 at lunch time so we will see how that goes,we go on holls in a weeks time so I hope my sleep pattern will have sorted out by then,my tabs are the slow release ones. June x

in reply to beady3

Did you ask if you can add ibuprofen to the nighttime between doses of tramadol? Some doctors okay this for people to do when pain is the issue keeping you awake.

Getting out of the habit of being up at night is a hard thing to break. I go through it too. It is upsetting to look at the clock and figure out how much time until you must wake up. I don't know how people do it being at jobs at 4 am or 5am. That is my best sleep time until about 7am. =) Keep in touch how you are getting on with your tramadol experience. I wish that they would have stepped you up a little to something stronger. XX Karen

beady3 profile image
beady3 in reply to

Well Karen let's hope this works,I did have a tab called Tramacet wich is half Tramodol and half Paracietamol but that didn't work ',after having augmentation from upping my tabs I want to keep it low that was the worst pain I have ever had and that was all day not just at night Hope you are getting on ok xx

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