I had a nerve block injection around 3 weeks ago and my pain has been horrendous since then. It's more intense, seems to have spread, flares are pretty much constant and last longer. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks.
Pain worse after nerve block injection - Pain Concern
Pain worse after nerve block injection

I'm sorry that you're having a flare up. I've had 5 nerve blocks over 2 years for my pudendal nerve pain and have found that sometimes I've felt even worse before I've felt better. I wouldn't say that the 'feeling better' was any better for me than it was before the blocks actually but I continued having them when offered, in the hope they might help. I know some people say they have helped them, I sincerely hope you feel better soon and that you will be one of the people they've helped.
Sadly this has happened to me after the 3 nerve blocks I tried. Pain consultant told me they don't work for everyone & that a flare up of pain after a nerve block is quite normal before it settles down . Here's hoping it calms down & works for you. Meanwhile, be nice to yourself and take it easy.
It is possible that you have additional muscle cramps which are compressing nerves and body tissue. You may need to find someone who can check the muscles by feeling the various muscle tones. A medical consultant gives a diagnosis without much knowledge of how muscle behaviour influences pain.
Hope this helps.
Hi Linda my husband had 2 nerve root blocks in his right and left side of his back he had nerve impingement and his pain is 10/10, these did not help in fact he’s worse now as he now cannot walk and is in a wheelchair and the amount of medication he is getting is not touching his pain
Yes, I am in so much more pain right now. The pain is actually so much worse now.
I'm in the same place, I think. I had a block last week and am in so much pain that I can barley stand up today. It was like a lake of fire instead of numbing. I hurt for several days and seemed to be good for a day or two and am worse now! Meds don't touch it. What do you do? I'm at work, dying with a heatpad.
I may or may not be having the same issue, but I've had back pain for 10 years and finally decided to seek pain management. First treatment was a medial nerve block injection in the middle of my back, post injection 2 weeks I have a huge onset of new symptoms... burning tingling and joint pain. Still seeking a diagnosis, soon to see a rheumatologist. Was your pain worsened in the same area or did it migrate to other regions?