So I have been getting sharp pains in my head above my right temple and then it can go to my right eye and all around there. I get them throughout the day and it is a sharp pulsing pain. I never get headaches and I never have before. Should I be worried????
head pain : So I have been getting sharp pains... - Pain Concern
head pain

Go to the doctor!Don't worry and make the situation worse.I have been having terrible head pains for more than a year.I have had a CT and an MRI and they show nothing alarming.Headaches can have many causes go to the doctor for tests and reassurance
I would say to your doctor, to see if you can get too see a Neurologist. It sounds like Neuralgia pain
Hi there,
I was like you in getting very bad head pains which travelled to my eyes and after going to the doctor and ending up having a MRI scan.
It turned out to be caused by damage to my neck bones which were causing strain on my neck muscles so whilst it did not remove the pain it gave me peace of mind that I did not have any form of tumour in my head which whilst I had not said I may have but I had been thinking about at the time, the consultant in the hospital told me that around 99% of the time pain in the head is not anything to be that worried about but is always better to get checked out.
Regards Poppy Ann.
Hi Erin
I have been suffering from a similar sounding symptoms since 2008 and finally three years later the NHS diagnosed it after tests & scans as Occipital Neuralgia.
Following further tests and MRI's of my neck & spine they again much later found several problems with my cervical neck and spine.
Discuss with your GP and if needed have your eyes tested, this time of the year natural sunlight is in short supply,
this could be trigeminal neuralgia, i have had it for three years but only just getting proper medication for it, i know how you feel with the pain, you just cant describe it suggest to yr gp you try tegratol wishing yo well
I have Trigeminal neuralgia both typical and atypical and occipital bone neuralgia, I get sharp electric shock type pain in my L / eye, ear, nose, teeth, front to back L / sided head pain all down to typical Trigeminal neuralgia and chronic bad pain in all the same places that can last hours, days or weeks due to atypical T/N .
It can also be due to jaw problems or migraine and probably a host of other things.