I found this article that some of you might enjoy. Usually the subject of pain just loses me completely or a fall asleep reading it, thankfully, this one is both informative and entertaining enough to survive my narcoleptic scrutiny. Enjoy!
Pain is Weird: I found this article that some... - Pain Concern
Pain is Weird

I really enjoyed that, and I'm still experiencing pain, but thankyou
Good article. Supports my alternative pain management strategy, filling your day with happy events and spoiling yourself with aromatherapy and massage and treats.
Love the reminder that perception of severity of injury creates intensity of pain. Years ago my daughter, then about 3, cut her knee, it was a tiny nick and she was unaware that blood was gushing out. We managed a 20 min walk back to the car with me putting my finger over my mouth to indicate sssshhh to people coming the other way. It was only when I got the wipes out to clean her leg and she saw the blood that she started screaming and saying it was sore, despite being able to walk and skip moments earlier with no pain. She knew blood means injury and injury means pain, so seeing the blood created pain.
And just as the Australian chappy said, if we are shown models with discs totally removed, talk about slipping, bulging etc, our imagination creates a senario around this. We worry, and the pain increases. Instead, if you told your disc has moved a little out of line and this has caused some muscle strain on the tiny muscles between the vertebrae, your whole perception changes because we know muscle strain is fixable.
Discs cannot cause pain, they have no nerves. It's the muscles that cause pain sensation because they are having to over stretch to accommodate the bulge. And the way to fix muscle strain is with exercise. No need for opiates. Most disc problems can be successfully manipulated back into place. No need for surgery either.

Yes, I have witnessed the perception of severity of injury at work as well when my son broke his arm. The first time, he didn't cry until the hospital staff started poking it...until it really was painful, second time (different arm, similar break) he nearly screamed the place down as soon as he'd done it.
Thanks for that. Know most of it already but it's good to reinforce and refresh and I absorb more from reading than being talked at by psycho-therapists! Understand the way feeling safe/happy/distracted turns down the 'pain volume' knob but, after 23 years and numerous surgeries, I know I am in danger of not attempting anything as its 'safer' and less painful to stay on my sofa? My brain sensitivity has reached a point where any activity increases pain, despite me resisting and pushing for years. Now to find a way to safely keep moving while experiencing acute pain so I can reduce the sensitivity. Fascinating stuff and I'm not beat yet 😊
That is brilliant but very true x
For example, a large amount of literature concerns the effect of attention on pain, and of pain on attention.[10–22] Despite the wealth of data, consensus is lacking: some data suggest that attending to pain amplifies it and attending away from pain nullifies it, but others suggest the opposite.
Confused . Com
I am so glad that I have my tens machine and my vitamins and minerals.
The body need to tell the Brain if we are in a dangerous situation for e.g. heat or cold.
However we dont need chronic pain and that where the tens tell the brain to close the pain gates.
It lovely to be pain free, I have had enoug of that
Do you find that is beneficial to you?I have borrowed one but since having an MRI on my head last week my head feels as though its exploding!