angry/pissed off.....: i just watched the ch... - Pain Concern

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angry/pissed off.....

evony123 profile image
36 Replies

i just watched the ch5 doc about benefit cheats with fake sicknotes etc, if you missed it get it on catch up.

my doc is quite happy saying im unfit for work, i even have a letter saying so, but after getting knocked down so many times i didnt have the heart to contest the decision! pain has led to deppresion as well im afraid.

i can hardly sit still for 2 mins but there was someone on the program on the sick for over a yr with a broken finger!?!


sorry for ranting folks.

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evony123 profile image
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36 Replies
Pidgenpie profile image

Yep I watched fuming why was there no one to arrest them for fraud ????? Yet the honest ones can't get any help that they really need

Yep broken finger !!!!!!!! Prob get a family member who cares allowance to look after him

Fuming wTching it

Ydontujustdie profile image

The cheats will be able to work the system to their advantage while the genuine claimants will likely fail because they will give honest replies to questions instead of the required replies needed to qualify for benefits. People who are too unwell to study the rules will likely fail People with learning difficulties will be hit the hardest as they will not know how to complain in the correct way. It seems as if IDS admires and rewards cheats and actively discriminates against the disabled and sick who cannot always get to a food bank or need a specific diet to manage their condition. The staff at the Jobcentre are getting used to ignoring misery and despair and will soon be capable of any dirty trick to satisfy the desire to kill off useless people. Staff at Southwark council housing departments are already committing acts of violence which have grown more severe as the culture has been encouraged. This is how the Nazis gradually made the population accept their behaviour as being normal and there has been no public outcry against any of the extreme abuse of the severely disabled, we had a tax on extra bedrooms that were often needed which was no different in its effect to kristallnacht.

I would rather be shot than starved and frozen to death and at least the Nazis were honest when they smashed windows or made their T4 evaluations of who deserved to have a life or not.

NFDK profile image
NFDK in reply to Ydontujustdie

People with learning disabilities will definitely not miss out on anything, as they have assigned workers who know how to apply for all the benefits. Of all people, the learning disabled are the best off in this case.

Ydontujustdie profile image
Ydontujustdie in reply to NFDK

You think so ? When was the last time you saw an adult with D own's syndrome? Their supported houses were all closed and nothing was opened to rehouse them. They were evicted into the streets and most of them died within days after shutting down in subways.

PFKAAde profile image
PFKAAde in reply to NFDK

Pfft. 🙄

Ydontujustdie profile image
Ydontujustdie in reply to PFKAAde

Not really a reply is it. Neither based on evidence or observation. It's because of this unwillingness to believe that this sort of thing could happen in this country that the government get away with it. Germany was the most advanced. Cultured and tolerant country in the world in the 40's and the population went Pfft when people tried to alert them to what was going on until it was too late. We have been demoted by the UN and sit facing the wall next to China, there is no more freedom of the press and as soon as your human rights are taken away it will be too late to complain without having Boris's (illegal but not for long) water cannons blasting your eyes out.


PFKAAde profile image
PFKAAde in reply to Ydontujustdie

Wasn't aimed at you and wasn't a reply to your post.

Never mind.

gaj6512 profile image

I have a superb Gp who fully understands the issues with my spine and that at times the only thing for it is to give me a sick note. i would only ever ask for one if there was no possible way I couldn't do my job in a safe way for me and the guys I work with.

katieoxo60 profile image

Rant away Evony123, I feel the same, I had to work with arthritis, hernia, hypertension and what we now know was early stage COPD too. While it seems from that programme that people can get long term sick for a pain in the finger (real or not) Now that's what I call madness but maybe that's the diagnosis given to the benefits agency not finger pain. :) The only time my late husband got anything was when he was terminal with cancer for the last seven months and he worked from aged 14. It is a crazy system, that's why I have no qualms about taking all I can get now I am retired. Won't use the same words as you but feel the same.

sianr profile image

It's enfuriating watching all these cheats but hopefully with the programme it'll catch them out won't be the first , I've watched don't get done get Dom and the other programme about the council and it's amazing what people do to one another just for money and it makes it even harder for honest people to claim for what they are entitled to , please don't give up don't let the cheats and robbers of society bring you down 😉 x

Bananas5 profile image

Programmes like these are doing exactly what the makers intended and so far people are all falling into the trap.

Divide and conquer.

What does a disabled person look like?

Wheelchair? Guide Dog? Stereotype prtrayed by the media.

No one gets any benefit for a poorly finger. No one. Underlying mental health perhaps? Highly likely but that doesn't make good viewing.

As for cheats, scroungers, workshy etc these are all words put out to drip feed the public into believe thats wht we are.

Barely 0.6% of fraud is committed.

The 'tests' for getting any disability benefits are hard. Damned hard and the reason the DWP want less people on them is purely a cost cutting exercise. Nothing to do with catching fraud.

Of course there is always the off button on the TV!!


Nny777 profile image
Nny777 in reply to Bananas5

You're spot on of course - when they air programmes like this it just puts that thought into peoples' heads..."they might be faking it". And that makes it soo much more difficult for all of the people who aren't, which is the majority.

That's why we have people assuming that because you can stand out of your wheelchair you can't be properly disabled, or if you can get into a volunteering position you must be capable of working full time.

sbotwright profile image

It's people like that that give us a bad name and prompts the government to make changes. I am terrified they will decrease my benefit when I am forced to change from DLA to PIP. It's my only income and my saving are running out quickly. Has anyone changed and come out the other end enscathed. I have pernicious anemia, asthma, high BP, am 16 stone, 5'10", not worked for years. Can only clean myself, nothing else.

Polly4acre profile image

I saw that documentary last night as well. I was turned down for applying for a small amount for mobility and I would have to be desperate now before I ask for a review. The question begs, how can a television team winkle these fraudulent claimants out, but not DHSS or any other Government department? Do they only rely on informants who " grass " on them? Polly

Brumchick profile image

Whatever makes good tv.and achieves the hidden underlying aim! real figures for disability fraud are minimal, but play them up ,drip feed to a gullible audience,create jealousy,hey presto! No public outcry when genuinely ill people get walked all over and are callously denied the benefits that they deserve, and paid for by paying into the system for

Years when they were able to work. When will people realise?. Do you really think they pay for all these benefit scrounger programmes out of the goodness of their hearts.WAKE UP ,recognise when you are being manipulated! sickness doesnt discriminate,what happens in future if those that were well suddenly join our ranks? they will realise too late that they dismantled their own safety net,which they PAID in advance for by letting this govt. Behave in this appaling manner! A certain Govt.Minister got just under 50.000 pounds this year in subsidies, ask yourself and wonder who is really Defrauding whom?

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Brumchick

Glad someone else says thhe same!

Its called divide and conquer. Deserving and undeserving. All nasty clever sloans from the Tory camp.

I posted earlier and wanted to say a lot more but bit my tongue. Hard.


Brumchick profile image

I bite my tongue as well,but remember " were all in this together,!"

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Brumchick

Not all in it together. There's them and everyonne else.

Save energy to fight them


Brumchick profile image
Brumchick in reply to Bananas5

It was a tongue in cheek Quote from David CAMERON LOL.

evony123 profile image
evony123 in reply to Brumchick

im all for tongue in cheek stuff but you really have to love the person! i said i was sore, didnt say i was dead. i got those lil blue pills lol

Brumchick profile image
Brumchick in reply to evony123

??????? I fail to see what the reference to sexual activity is about!

in reply to Brumchick

Sexual activity what's that ??

in reply to Brumchick

That man has a lot to answer for along with IDS evil people my local MP Justin Tomlinson he came to my house before the election never got a word out his mouth I slammed the door just google what he's has to say about cancer and children

evony123 profile image
evony123 in reply to

dude sounds like the preverbial prick. dont know if your anti scottish but billy connelly said it best "the fact that someone wants to be a politition should bar him from the job"! there all out to line their own pockets.

in reply to evony123

No I love Scotland it's a beautiful place being many times up there loved to retire in bonnie Scotland or lreland I hate England with passion now

evony123 profile image
evony123 in reply to

hold that thought woman! we havent had any sun since last year, if it changes i will give you a "heads up" and we can meet in rothsay , lol.

hope your well, jim

evony123 profile image
evony123 in reply to

ps i dunno if you get the "old folks tour busses" down there same as ud but if you get a chance for rothsay staing at the "glenburn hotel" its amazing, you and hubby would love it, and theres so many quaint pubs n inns too.

Why would anyone watch crap TV like that rubbish it's a insult to my intelligence it's made to stir up rants with people and it works

Mockingbird profile image

These programmes are made to stir the masses. The amount of benefit fraud for all benefits is minimal. They are made to help stir up pubic indignation on sick disabled and of unemployed (benefit street). They are too scared to make a programme on the rich people and companies who scam their taxes. The Nazi party used the word programs to lock up all the "undesirables" the government. This government use the trial by media programmes instead.

onamission profile image

I also watched this and can't make my mind up is the government encouraging these programmes so we all get tarred with the same brush or are these people real.

I can't believe the amount of people who have had problems claiming benefits and people who have died because they have had the benefits taken away from them.

I have COPD and bulging discs in my spine I had to wait 14 months for a decision on my claim for DLA and then I was turned down.

I now think its time HU did a programme on people with COPD and people living with chronic pain who have to fight tooth and nail to get benefits.

Atos was set up by the labour party to stop this think I will leave this thought hanging

evony123 profile image
evony123 in reply to onamission

cant believe it took all that time with no happy result! i was 7 weeks without any money, that was bad enough. the directions stated after my medical that i couldnt claim sickness again unless it was a diff illness or worsened.

i was on pavement choking for air when the ambulance came, ended up in hospital ob. my doc put "exasterbated copd" it got kick out because they didnt know that meant "worsend"! they walk amongst us!

Rosepetal60 profile image

I've got a feeling, pretty sure I'm right that channel 5 is a Government channel.

Bananas5 profile image
Bananas5 in reply to Rosepetal60

Used to be Richard Desmond who sold yo Viacom. Largest multi media coorporation in the world. No doubt some rich friends in the gov though.


Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60 in reply to Bananas5

Oh right thanx. I Got that wrong. rarely watch anything on that channel. So missed the programme

FunkyMumma profile image

My sister is a Commissioner for the BBC. If only people DID NOT watch these 'poverty porn' programmes, they would not be aired. They only continue to make series if they have high viewing stats. Just switch off and do our society a favour. They are all heavily edited; the participants are lied to and conned by the Producers. The Government want to stop the 'something for nothing' culture. There are families who have never worked in their lives, who then have children who have never worked in their lives - it is only that 'culture' of living on benefits that they want to rectify. Unfortunately, the disabled and the deserving get hit in the fall-out, which is completely wrong.

Ydontujustdie profile image

The staff at the DWP have a FIFO culture (fit in or fuck off) and kudos is gained by finding ways of setting traps for people to fall in that will allow them to stop any Payments, they make simple problems into complex ones that slow down the appeals system. They ignore doctors, they even ignore the results of tribunal judgements. This was never government policy and even parliament is having trouble reigning them in. They have been told to stop this behaviour (which has killed thousands and has cost 3 times more than just paying the benefits) by the committee of public accounts for the 4th time a few weeks ago . This has been ignored again making the DWP the most dangerous terrorist organisation ever to have existed. Now it's down to the police to investigate the entire organisation (No chance)

This is inevitable when small minded uneducated people are given the title "decision maker" and then let loose, unsupervised, on a vulnerable group of people to do as they please. It's a recipe for a b ullying culture and encourages the nastiest type of people to commit hate crimes against people who they will never have to meet Soon this country will come to its senses and the trials for abuse of office will begin. IDS realised this and was the first rat to jump ship and pretend to be some sort of Schindler saving people from the evil staff. Worse than a Nazi, a coward too, the people charged with causing death and harm by abuse of power will no doubt plead they were following orders. This won't work so to any "Decision maker" reading this, I hope you rot in prison before you rot in hell for the misery you have created just so you can sit feeling smug.

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