Hey guys,
Im looking for advice in regarfs to dealing with side effects.
I take MST, gabapentin, amitryptiline, ompeprazole, metformin, senna, docusate and bisacodyl.
I get a 2 particularly annoying side effects from these meds which are twitchy eyelids (seriously, sometimes it's so severe my whole eyeball shakes!!!) And worst itchy skin!!!!
Normally my arms and legs get a little bit itchy and occasionally my back but for the last few days my entire body has been getting itchier and itchier!
I'm not using anything new, same laundry detergent, same body wash, lotion, deodorants etc but I just can't stop scratching and it's starting to leave marks!!!!
I've tried googling contraindications between piriton and my normal prescription (as listed above) but I'm not finding anything, so I wondered if anyone else gets this and if so, how do you handle it?
Does anyone else get the twitchy eyelids? Or have suggestions as to how to ease/reduce the twitch?
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated as they're driving me mad!!!!