I just started having severe chest pain. It feels like a lot of pressure, tightness, and stabbing pain. When I drive a go to turn it triggers the pain. It also hurts when I take a deep breathe
Started today: I just started having severe... - Pain Concern
Started today

Please go to A and E straight away and do not delay.
You MUST go to the emergency department straight away. You are not wasting anyone's time, this could potentially be life threatening. Please go now.
As others have said, you must see a doctor straight away. If your heart is clear then it could be musculoskeletal and a physio should be able to check you out for rib or thoracic joint referred pain.
Hi You shouldn't even be here with servere chest pain,you should be in AE, it could be a multitude of problems. Get yourself off there now.
Your first port of call here is to your A and E and explain your problems.
W are always here to help
I have a VSD. I'm down to one tiny hole
It's not hurting anymore
Now it's when I eat
Do not drive when you have a pain like that and do go to A & E.
I'm going to the doctor