Hi there,
I have Fibromyalgia and as soon as the weather turns to winter I have flare after flare with IBS symptoms and it's just such a rough time over winter. I have the pain and symptoms all year but I find it very hard to manage in winter and it gets me very low. I don't have any ongoing support or reviews from any medical team. My mum has rheumatoid arthritis (since she was 17) and occasionally she'll be offered a Depo Medrone intramuscular injection. She has had one over the winter and it has really helped her and she was asking whether it might be something that will help me. I will ask a Dr but I thought with all of you on here someone may have experience of having a depo medrone injection or may have been offered something else to help with Fibro. I am currently prescribed co codamol 30/500 and amitryptaline but I took myself off the ami and wanted to try manage the symptoms as best as I could for as long as I could before going back on something like amitryptaline long term.
The co codamol sort of takes the edge off occasionally. It's not great but it took a long time for them to prescribe me anything so I'll take what I can get, I could barely walk when they finally prescribed it to me.
Anyway, Depo Medrone anyone?!
Many thanks