Does anyone else have issues with smelling bad and sweating lots when on meds, like gabapenton , hydromorph , lidocain etc.
Bad Body odor when on meds: Does anyone else... - Pain Concern
Bad Body odor when on meds

Phew I thought it was just me, did you find anything helped !
David gets very bad sweats - mostly at night but can happen during day. Haven't found any cure but do wash his clothes at 40c which kills any bacteria and prevents odours!
Pat x
Sweat more now going through menopause been on Gabapentine for year's and never sweat in early days.
Yes! I carry acool spray mist you can buy, it just takes down heat for short while no perfume so men won't worry about using this and helps when out and really sweating. Hope this may help!

Can you please tell me what the name is of the product you are using?
I'm on a cocktail of meds as well & have increased sweating as well but didn't think it may have been due to it!
Many thanks, B
Magicool! Body and face cooler! hope it helps!
I find most meds aggravate bad breath ( as well as trying to minimise eating re gaba weight gain) but have increased mouth care and carry breath spray whenever out. Husband says okay but quick to avoid a kiss if not
Please don't think I'm crazy but... it is possible to increase whiffs if not moving around at all. Doesn't allow airflow to naturally balance skin moisture. Try to keep a ticklist for drugs, exercise, movement, diet for a week and see if there is any correlation.
ah thought it was just me - usualy wake up sweating and it does pong sometimes - but nothing soap and water wont cure - wondered if it was the meds ( painkillers and anti D's mainly ) - so obviously ANOTHER side effect they dont mention - and probably the result of med combination rather than individual meds - so anyway seems neither you ( nor i ) am alone with this problem - smell ya later .lol