Several friends lives were turned round by Migril. Suddenly production stopped. Wockhardt have applied for permission to make it, possibly in India, but their application is not at the top of the pile. If sufferers wrote to Wockhardt's Quality Director at their Wrexham Offices, Ash Rd, Wrexham, LL13 9UF, (tel 01978 661261) outlining the problems they are having no longer being able to get Migril anywhere in the world, Wockhardt would send any such letters on to the UK body whose role is to give the go ahead. It might then speed things up. Then 3 batches can be made and tested, a requirement before any further production. Worth writing as there is nothing to lose!
Terrible migraines & no Migril: Several friends... - Pain Concern
Terrible migraines & no Migril
Do you know what the active ingredient is in migril? Sometimes these drugs with brand names have the exactly (or pretty much) the same stuff in them as something else with a different name. For example, the yellow Migraleve tablets contain cocodamol and cost several pounds per box. But you can also buy cocodamol from a pharmacist for under £2.
Might be worth asking a pharmacist for a suitable alternative.
It's a combination of ergotamine, caffeine and an anti emetic. Not easy to make since it's a pill within a pill. I've tried compounding pharmacists to see if they can make up something more like Cafergot, also now withdrawn, and which was just the ergotamine and caffeine. However in the UK at least they say they can non longer get hold of ergotamine. Surprising since it used to be commonly used in maternity wards. There seems suddenly to be no migraine drug available based on ergotamine. Used wisely it was wonderfully effective when all else failed.
Also worth chasing the British regulatory body, the MHRA, at the address below; and the local MP
151 Buckingham Palace Road
My sister went to Turkey recently and asked for Migril. They gave her Avmigran which contains ergotamine. They cost €2for 20 and thank God they work! Very relieved .
Hope you have found out that Wockhardt are making them again. I haven't yet found a pharmacist that can manage to order them but will keep trying. I have phoned Wockhardt and customer services have confirmed that pharmacies should be able to order them. Let me know if you have managed to get your hands on any yet!
I have been struggling for 3 years unsuccessfully with various triptans, anti depressants and even worse. Next stop is Botox injections... or Migril hopefully!
Have now found tablets in Tenerife! They are called Hemicranal and they have ergotamine in them so have been using them for a while now