What causes ichy hands: - Pain Concern
What causes ichy hands
Hi Elvis67,
Could it a form of dermatitis - possibly linked to your washing up liquid or hand cream?
You didn't mention if the itching was in your palms or on the back of your hands.
If it's in your palms, you could be coming into some money if it's your right hand so do contact me if you win the lottery. Of course, if it's your left hand, they say you'll be spending money - probably on a bill or something - if that's the case, you're on your own!
Hope it's nothing serious.
Wishing you better health.
If its a form of dermatitis as Reykua mentioned, you will most likely have redness and your skin should feel very dry - of course if you've been scratching then the area will be red anyway! Wrap some frozen peas in a tea towel then apply to the affected area to help soothe the itching and invest in some aqueous cream and cotton gloves then slather your hands in the cream at every possible opportunity and use the gloves on top of the cream. This is particularly useful at night.
Itchiness can also be a common side effect of various medications so check the information on anything you might be taking.
Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be using something new to have a skin reaction, you can build up a sensitivity to something you may have been using for years!
Hope you get to the bottom of it xxx
Hi Elvis67, there are many things that can cause itchy hands, one old wives tale is it is a sign of money, right to receive left to leave. Certain drugs can cause itching, but most likely cause is contact dermatitis, some illnesses that effect the liver cause itching but not just the hands.So I would try the advice given to you already and consider possible allergies like soap,detergents ect.
A dermatologist can save you making any rash decisions
Hi Elvis67 new to forum.What other symptoms do you have?Is this just a new thing or are there other factors???