How long can Tramadol be taken for ? Been giv... - Pain Concern

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How long can Tramadol be taken for ? Been given 30 tablets to take one or two 4times a day if required.

17 Replies

IIf I took 2 tabs 4times a day they would only last me a week.My GP keeps giving me prescriptions for 28 tablets,but there are 31 days in some months so there is a shortfall in medication.Also difficult to have repeats when med are changed in between prescriptions.Does anyone else have this problem.

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17 Replies


I have taken Tramadol now for twenty years, I have just changed surgery and the GP restricts his script as when I am in flare up I take the full dose of 50mgx2 four times daily a total, sometimes I will take a further two tablets, I suppose He feel that he is keeping an eye on me, as my dose rate can change from day to day.

Remember this pain killer is strong and we need to respect its use

All the best


in reply to

Hi there thanks for your repeat pescriptions are all over the place as Doc keeps changing meds.Also take temgesic sublingual which is a strong pain killer along with co-codamol,diazepam,pregabalin.steroid injections every 3/4 months.Feel like I am falling apart.

remy profile image
remy in reply to

You definitely need a pain team to sort you out ! They are specialists x

in reply to remy

Will ask my pain consultant if there is a pain team I could see.Thank you for advice.

in reply to

Bob, with respect it isn't safe to take 10 Tramadol tabs a day. Wish you well.

in reply to

Hello Bowbells

You are right,

Sadly over the last decade or so I have become hardened to them, and also Tramadol comes into increased dose 100mg caps.

All I am doing is taking an extra couple to attack the flare, my old GP knew I did this and trusted me not to go over the top, With taking Tramadol for so long I am used to them.

You are right I should have not mentioned this on page I stand fully chastised, My goodness did I take tablets 9-10 on that day, I am getting absent minded in my old age

All the best


Poppy_Ann profile image

Hi there,

i took Tramadol for several years but in the end i had to stop as for me it stopped working and was moved onto Dihydrocodein which i have been taking for around 10 years a couple of years ago my doctor tried changing me off it and on to morphine patches as the Dihydrocodein was not working good enough but after a few months the glue on the patches started having a reaction and they were causing huge blisters on my skin so i had to stop them even though they were working so now i am on :- Dihydrocodein 120mg twice a day, Nefopam 30mg 2 X 3 times a day, Pregabalin 50mg twice a day, Paracetamol 500mg 2 x 4 times a day, Amitriptyline 50mg 2 once a day at night, Morphine sulfate as and when required.and even with all these some times i end up on the floor when my back goes into spasm but as they say there is not much else they can give me.

don't worry that your doctor only gives you 7 days worth of what ever you are taking there is a new rule out for doctors that they cannot prescribe more than what is required for the short term as so many drugs were prescribed for a month at a time when people were only taking them for one or two weeks then putting the rest in the rubbish. if your doctor decides you are going to be on them full time then he will start giving you a month at a time, just think yourself lucky that your doctor thinks you may not need them for so long.

regards Poppy Ann.

in reply to Poppy_Ann

Hi Poppy,Thanks for your reply.I to used to have the patches but had to stop them due to rash from adhesive.I am also on pregabalin 75mg at night,25mg morning,also Diazepam,Temgesic sublingual,co-codamol.Took morphine for several years but body gets used to dosage so had to keep upping dose,then found it was affecting my bowels and stomach.Amitriptaline was unsuitable for me I am inhalers for asthma and copd.Feel like I am falling apart.Keep smilling though.

Your GP will sort out repeats when he is satisfied you need them. My meds end at different times too, I just order when I need, it's never a problem, must happen all the time for Drs. Some people get side effects but I am lucky, I have taken 8 tabs a day for 5 years now with no ill effects. You must keep to your Drs prescription and not play about with the dose or you will not get best pain relief. Remember the best way to deal with pain is to take the meds before the pain sets in. Pain that has set in is much harder for pain meds to work on. Your Drs prescription looks like it is for breakthrough pain ie. take only when needed ie. when you get pain despite taking your other meds regularly on time. If you aren't sure about this you should ask your Dr. I see a lot of people on this site who appear to alter their scripts as and when they feel like it. This is not an effective way of managing pain, this is taught on pain management courses. Chronic pain signals need stopping with regular meds as prescribed. The idea is to shut down pain signals enough to improve ADLs and if possible exercise.

in reply to

Makes sense to me, I will take your points on board,thank you

Bob Here

Many of our medications are taken on a flexible dose regime, my dose on average is take at 4 x50mg daily, sometimes when I am in a good way I will take 2x50mg daily, we all need to be able to reduce and decrease when the need arises.

Some times I make take pain control as 1x50mg four times daily, it depends on what sort of pain I am in and if I can stand the contraindications from that medication, our medications do not control us, we control them. Sometime I will take medications that are not related to Opiates as agreed by pain control. I only do this if I really need to, also I have TENS and use that, What suits me may not suit you,chronic pain is a personal condition we all treat in our own way.

A dram of Whisky comes to mind, bad boy LOL.


loose-screw profile image

I have no problems with tramadol, nor most other meds. My issue is in the prescribing practices of codeine. I have managed to get it upped to 56tabs!! In this area, they have really misinterpreted the guidelines. I moved spring last year, from a leafy small town, home counties address where I was known to work in the centre of town, to an urban district where I have not been able to return to work yet. I believe it is this that influences prescribing. I was prescribed 200 of all meds at my old address, but since moving I have had to put up with this ridiculous rationing. I am just glad I have a prepaid prescription card! But seriously when I was at my worst (pre-op) I would still have to walk extremely painfully to collect prescription- I even had to use extra just to retrieve my prescription!! After the plif, I guess it gave me extra exercise though. I do resent being treated like a desperate junkie just a little bit!!

earthwitch profile image

If they are chopping and changing with your meds and you still aren't getting good relief, then maybe its time to ask to be referred to a pain clinic so they can look at everything you take and try and find a simpler and more effective regime. The difficulty with taking so many meds, and not taking things regularly, is that you could easily accidentally take a combination that had really bad or even dangerous effects.

in reply to earthwitch

I have steroid injections at the pain clinic every 3/4 months,so who else can I see ?

juliansmom profile image

I only take tramadol when I feel a flare coming on. I take one 50 mg with two ibuprofen. Its my pain crushing combo but it works better if I nip the pain in the bud. My condition is fairly well controlled by nortriptyline most days. I'm very sensitive to meds so if I take tramadol for more than three or four days straight I start to feel strange.

remy profile image

If you are taking 8 tablets a day, every day, then you need to tell your doctor. I was taking the same but found I got used to them, they were not working so then I would alternate between tramadol and 30/500 co codamol. I also have gabapentine. I now sees pain team, they are brilliant, I felt like a druggy! They sort the best for you. I am now on Bu Trans patches and I top up tramadol but not as many,I am a million times better I can ring the team any time. Good luck.

in reply to remy

thank you for your reply

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