id just like to add this post from someone who is has been through Fentanyl and it effects. i had started on zomorph for 3 years then went on to Fentanyl building up to 150mcg/hr. i have been on Fentanyl for 3 years. i started to come off 12 months ago and it has taken me over 12 months to come off completely. while on it i was doped up and had no life at all. ok it took away the pain. but whats the use if you can remember anything, you have no sex drive, your constipated. and moody. if i could go back and tell my self something. it would be run away from this drug.... coming off this drug is even worse. withdraw is bad and sometimes painful. flu symptoms stomach pain. and really bad mood where no one wants to be near you.. I'm glad to say i have taken off my last patch today. and feel really good. my pain killer now is pregabalin / nortriplaline / I'm getting a bit more pain as before but its with the exchange for my life back.. my bowels rare regular, my sex drive is back, and I'm happy and cheerful. if i can advise anyone thinking about Fentanyl.. all i can say is try to find an alliterative please.
update after removing my last 12mcgrm patch i felt as above great. but 72 hours after removal. i feel crappy. all my joints are sore. can't focus. back pain shooting up 10 fold.
took a 10mg zomorph at 2am last night and an extra noratrpitaline to help me sleep. i know the zomporph will only last 12 hours. but its now 9am on 16/1/14 and i can bearly move due to the pain in every part of my body i only slept a few hour.
will update in 24 hour how i feel then ..
image of me in my recliner chair. hi guys