Yesterday there was a very disturbing report on Belgium, regards mercy killing that is, it seems going to be passed into law, that will deal with children.
Now their Government is wanting to pass a Law that will allow above to parents who cannot cope in their lives with a disabled child, for example Alzhiemers, autism and other associated problems, this will it seems be an extension to mercy killings in adults.
This also seems that a young person can request the same for themselves. Many reports seem to be taking this a little further allowing disabled citizens with chronic disability to be given the jab of no return, Thus those with chronic disability will be put too sleep.
My reason for bringing this up is in the UK, this is now undertaken under the Liverpool initiative, think that is right. Here water and food are withdrawn. when death is near.at hand
this can cause great distress when it is applied, or they see patients over with overdoses of opiates with the patient is in pain. This happens now and is mercy killing in all but name.
This I seem to understand the father of the queen was helped over, I think
Many it seems are associating it with the final solution in WW2.regards Hitler etc
Personally I am not saying that this is the case, although it makes you think.
Now I wonder, what will happen here, will they say, well you have had x number of years on pensions, sickness or whatever. the government thinks fit and your time is up .
Well you are now becoming infirm, we cannot keep paying for the medications BY BY. or that child is a drain on society it has problems with Autism, get the kit out.. All of this seems to go against all that the NHS stands for, also an uncaring society.showing no understanding and pity, all is seems to point to society, that looks on mercy killing as an easy way out
Sorry I feel a little perturbed regarding this. Could we be those who receive these injections, because society only wants those who are fit
I am sorry to bring this up, we could in the future be looking at the bottom line, death is easy society wills it
Sorry to bring this up as I am interested, in what society will be in the future